Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -May 8, 2016 ~ 16 posts.

Saul via John Smallman, 2016/05/08 ~ It is time to wake up and discard all the old ideas...



It is time to wake up and discard all the old ideas and beliefs that have led you consistently into conflict.

Message from Saul (Paul).

Through John Smallman.



It is humanity's collective intent to awaken and, as all are One with Source Whose intent it also is, awakening is inevitable. You are on the path to awakening, you always have been, and you will continue on it until awakening occurs. There is nothing to fear, you cannot miss your moment of awakening because you have...

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Who Are You Really? ~ P'taah; Jani King. P'taah



Who Are You Really?

Message from P'taah.

Through Jani King.

 May 2016

You know, in your world you are bombarded with information. So when you desire to know more about your greater reality, more about your possibilities and probabilities to expand your consciousness, there is quite a lot of conflicting information. And so you ask, "How do I know what is true?" 

Well, you know, it is all true, somehow. Our desire is that you will take who you really are as a Perfect, Eternal Expression of Source as the framework for discernment. That is the most...

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Forgiven. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



The Creator Writings.

transcribed by Jennifer Farley. 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

May 8, 2016


My beloved child, it is time to begin changing. 
You create, you create, you create all that you see, all you experience and all that you have become. 
If you do not like what you see then it is time to change. 
Taking ownership of your existence is paramount in this lifetime. 
You have always been given a choice. 
Free will always has and always will be yours. 
The lessons need to be learned or they...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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Dear Mother and nurturer. ~ Emmanuel Dagher.



Dear Mother and nurturer,
You are the main reason why the world is shifting into greater realities of compassion and love.
Thank you for radiating your Love in every direction across the ethers and beyond. What you have signed up for during this time in our existence is not for the faint of heart, and for making the decision to be here right now, thank you!

Tags: emmanuel daghermothers day

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Continuing to Shift. ~by Eliza Ayres.



Blue Dragon Journal.


Continuing to Shift.

by Eliza Ayres

May 8, 2016. 



Eliza: Continuing to Shift

It’s Mother’s Day and I’m sitting here in a motel room writing an article, a Dragon in the cave. I’m neither a mother nor is my mother here. She passed in 1999 at the age of 84. It’s been awhile, but sometimes I wish I could share some of my adventures with her. And then I’m thankful that she doesn’t have to see what has become of our world, in its present chaotic state.


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Happy Mother's Day Dear Mother Earth, and All of You Beautiful Mothers Around the World!



Happy Mother's Day 

Dear Mother Earth, 

and All of You Beautiful Mothers Around the World!

By Nancy Tate.

May 8, 2016.

Last night I was led to find a Wake up Call from my collection of them; I was led to go to the one from April 28, 2006. As I read it, I realized how appropriate it would be for this Mother's Day of 2016, for it is a celebration of our dear Mother Earth, an example of the perfection of the feminine energy that is transcending upon and from within her body, and life....

Tags: avendamother earthmothersmothers daynancy tatewake up cal

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Being in the Moment. ~ Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn.


The Moment. 

Being in the Moment.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

May 8, 2016.

Release any need for control and just be in the moment. Feel the heat and the heart of that moment and allow it gently bathe every cell of your being and be in that moment of healing, of love, of bliss, of being. From this point of stillness and inner peace, find your bliss and discover your brilliance. Be the heart of that moment and know that at any time you can recall the cellular memory of this moment and use it to revitalize yourself. ...

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

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Follow Your Heart – Reasonably. ~By Wes Annac.



Follow Your Heart – Reasonably.

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

MAY 8, 2016. 


I wrote the following for the 197th issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month.

Income from the newsletter helps me get by and ensures I can continue to offer free content, and every subscription is appreciated. The option to subscribe via PayPal is given at the bottom of this post.

To begin for this week: I’m learning the importance of maintaining a balanced, rational perspective – which I hope to be reflected in...

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Cedella Marley: Empower Your Own Thoughts.


Empower Your Own Thoughts

Positive Vibrations, 

by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time

MAY 8, 2016." alt="" />

Don’t allow others or conditions in life to control your attitude. When we choose to control our own attitude, we give ourselves the power to see the positive.

Consciously choose to empower your own thoughts and you will begin to appreciate and achieve things that are the most important to you.

One love…Cedella

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political...

Tags: a nice timecedella marleypositive vibrations

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Dwelling in Past Patterns. ~ Archangel Gabriel; Shanta Gabriel.



Dwelling in Past Patterns.

Message from Archangel Gabriel.

Through Shanta Gabriel.

May 8, 2016.

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week, the message from Archangel Gabriel talks about accepting the choices we made in the past with neutrality and moving on.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

Do not allow yourself to dwell in past patterns.
Simply accept those choices and move ahead.

Does it seem like all your old patterns are...

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80 Countries Just Slammed the US Over Habit of Bombing Hospitals. ~By Claire Bernish.



80 Countries Just Slammed the US Over Habit of Bombing Hospitals.

By Claire Bernish, Anti Media

MAY 8, 2016.

(ANTIMEDIA) Saudi Arabia, the United States, and their allies have developed a nasty habit of “epidemic” proportions in various military theaters, particularly around the Middle East — bombing hospitals, healthcare facilities, and, in at least one instance, an ambulance. But despite countless pleas from humanitarian organization Médicins Sans Frontières (MSF, Doctors Without Borders), that bombing continues, so the United Nations was finally forced to issue its own resolution on the matter.

Resolution 2286, co-sponsored by...

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Change Your Reality With A Walk Of Gratitude. ~ By Gregg Prescott.




Change Your Reality With A Walk Of Gratitude.

By Gregg Prescott, M.S.,

 MAY 8, 2016.

The Law of Attraction will bring you whatever is predominantly on your mind. What if you were able to change future events right now by simply thinking positive thoughtsand affirmations? Even the simplest things make a difference, such as letting a car into heavy traffic or opening the door for someone.

Every day, I try to make it to the beach for a 3 mile walk. When I’m at the beach, I also take a “Walk of...

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Work Less and Play More! ~By Andrea Schulman.



Work Less and Play More!

By Andrea Schulman, 

Thanks to Conscious Life News

MAY 8, 2016.

“Work Less and Play More!” was originally published by Raise Your Vibration Today.
Do you believe you can work less and play more?
I grew up in a hard working household, and as a result I was taught at a young age that you should work hard. Work first, play later!
I don’t think I’m alone on this one. Most people I know have a philosophy that hard work is what yields positive...

Tags: andrea schulmanconscious life news

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9 Quotes To Remember When You Can’t Stop Overthinking.



9 Quotes To Remember When You Can’t Stop Overthinking.

From Higher Perspective

MAY 8, 2016.  

I hear it all the time, ‘I can’t shut off my brain’, ‘I work myself up frequently’, or ‘I just complicate everything’. Late at night, if I don’t watch myself, I can hype my mind up and fixate on the past or future.

Our minds are tools of memory and reasoning, left unchecked it will just go and go and go with no productive guidance.

We can’t get mad at our minds for doing its job, but we can take precautions to...

Tags: higher perspective

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