Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -May 7, 2016 ~ 13 posts.

Receiving More. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.


Receiving More.

The Creator Writings.


transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

May 7, 2016.




During this great time of transformation, there may be certain expectations you have for yourself and those around you. 

Please keep in mind that The Universe’s changes may not be what you were thinking they would be… most likely you will receive more. 

Good or challenging, your thoughts will dictate the ‘more’ and what you receive is, and always will be, completely up to you.


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The Warrior’s Way – 50 Ways to Open Up to Personal Power. ~Alex Vandenberg.



The Warrior’s Way – 50 Ways to Open Up to Personal Power. 

By Alex Vandenberg, Waking Times


Wake Up Personal Power
“A life so concluded, that God is not robbed of the soul, which yet can with dignity win the world’s favor: that is a worthy work.”- Wolfram von Eschenbach
When wandering into the wilderness guided by the light of the heart, one embarks on a journey that can be downright taxing, toilsome, and austere.
Climbing out of Plato’s Cave entails all sorts of slippery slopes, twists and turns, dead ends, cul de...

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A Vision for Strength.


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Strength.


We envision ourselves living in a world where people everywhere have evolved out of their gullibility; where we can feel, in our body, when someone is lying to us; and where we know, in our heart, whether someone else has our best interests in mind when they are trying to persuade us to do what they want us to do.

We see a world full of happy people because we have finally and fully seen through all the methods and manners of human suggestibility; where we are no longer susceptible...

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12 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself Right Now. ~By Mark DeNicola



12 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself Right Now.

By Mark DeNicola, Collective Evolution



Life is challenging enough on its own without our intervention, and yet still so many of us regularly adopt moods, mentalities, and schools of thought that make life an even harder path to navigate.
Not sure what I’m referring to? I’ve compiled a list of 12 things that we tend to do or put ourselves through that unnecessarily complicate our lives.
Be mindful of the fact that your ego may not be willing to admit to some of these behaviours,...

Tags: collective evolutionmark denicola

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Worldwide Intent Declaration ~ Nancy Tate.


 Worldwide Intent Declaration.

 The Tree of the Golden Light Inspiration Update.

By Nancy Tate.

"I am IN FAVOR OF peace and harmony in the world; IN FAVOR OF a clean, healthy environment; IN FAVOR OF protecting and caring for earth's animals; IN FAVOR OF financial abundance and health for all the world's people." "I am very Thankful for my ability to create anything I choose in my life. I choose Peace, Joy, and Love!' 

I received this statement from Jamie, one of our list members, and saw the brilliance and simplicity of truth come forward. In the petitions that...

Tags: light inspirationnancy tate

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The Witness Effect. ~ Jean Rockefeller.



The Witness Effect.

By Jean Rockefeller, 

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia

Heart Consciousness.


img_5791jack's corner new pic 

April was a powerful and transitional month for Gaia and many of you were also affected. Emotions and physical symptoms may have surfaced that were foreign and remained until the end of the month.
Some of you may have experienced major changes in your external life and I encourage you to be fluid as you move into a more blessed time as you have been severed from aspects of your old and heavier...

Tags: golden age of gaiaheart consciousnessjean rockefeller

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Gaining a greater understanding of your life. ~Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn.



Gaining a greater understanding of your life.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

 May 7, 2016.

There is new beginning, a next stage, a new phase, or rebirth in progress and perhaps even in several areas of your life and that signals the perfect time to review your past and present motives so that you can plan for the days ahead. It is important to review and release what no longer serves you, such as judgments, about yourself as well as others, feelings of missed opportunities, and disappointments, and expectations that have no...

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

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Cedella Marley: Be At Peace.



Be At Peace.

 Positive Vibrations, 

by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time" alt="Screen Shot 2015-06-20 at 10.50.42 AM" width="229" height="238" /> 

Peace is not a circumstance, it is a feeling. Peace does not depend on any particular set of conditions. It is what remains when you’ve surrendered your ego and your fears.
Peace is always there, patiently waiting for you to turn your awareness toward it. The same part of you that longs for peace is the part of you that experiences peace. Think lovingly of how peace feels to you. And truly be at peace.
One love…


Tags: a nice timecedella marleypositive vibrations

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Why Do We Fear Death? ~ By Caroline Nettle.



Why Do We Fear Death?

 By Caroline Nettle, Thanks to

May 7, 2016.

Why Do We Fear Death?

It is said that the only two things in life that are certain are death and taxes and that seems to be the case. Everything in the world around us is constantly changing. We have to let go of traditions, adapt to social, political and financial changes in the world in order to continue to function and fit into the world around us.
All these changes, which seem to be happening both more rapidly and more dramatically today, have led to the possibility...

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The Disastrous 2016 Election Has Triggered a Third Party Revolution. ~ By Claire Bernish



The Disastrous 2016 Election Has Triggered a Third Party Revolution. 

By Claire Bernish, Anti Media

May 7, 2016.  



(ANTIMEDIA) United States — While tumultuous, chaotic, contentious, outrageous, erratic, fraudulent, random, disheartening, and certainly unpredictable, could simultaneously describe this presidential election cycle, perhaps the most unanticipated development surrounds the categorical shunning of the soured, traditional duopoly — despite its previously adamantine grip on American politics. 

This year, constant evidence substantiates the people’s collective scream: Enough! 

In particular, once Ted Cruz and John Kasich abruptly halted their bids for the nomination this week — sending...

Tags: anti mediaclaire bernish

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Victory! Zambia Bans Child Marriage!



Victory! Zambia Bans Child Marriage!

From Earth We Are One


May 7, 2016

Child marriage ban, finally in Zambia, to hit the overwhelming use of women or girls as tools of income right in the kisser.

“People [in rural areas] perceive a girl child as a source of wealth, and would rather give the girl into marriage to raise funds for educating the boy child.” 
Nearly one-third of girls under 18 used to get married, 4 percent of that are married under 15. Let’s give some life to these numbers. If there are 7,323,771...

Tags: child marriageearth we are onezambia

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Powerful Images Demonstrate That by Destroying Nature, We Are Destroying Life Itself.



Powerful Images Demonstrate That by Destroying Nature, We Are Destroying Life Itself.

By Anna LeMind, The Mind Unleashed

May 7, 2016.


Art is often used as a means to raise awareness of the acute problems humanity faces today. Environmental issues, being one of the most significant of them, inspire illustrators and graphic designers all over the world to address these matters in their artwork.
From drawings that show the damage the human race has done to each sphere of Earth to the illustrations that reveal a true face of war, all these stunning...

Tags: anna lemindthe mind unleashed

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