Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -May 2, 2016 ~ 20 posts.

Silent Coup in Brazil With All Eyes on Syria: Clockwork of Corruption With No Good Guys.



Silent Coup in Brazil With All Eyes on Syria: 

Clockwork of Corruption With No Good Guys.

By Claire Bernish, Thanks to Era of Wisdom

May 2, 2016

(This article originally appeared at the Free Thought Project at this link.Image credit: Free Thought Project) 

A nonviolent coup to depose a democratically-elected president and install some of the most corrupt politicians — who, not coincidentally happen to be favored by the U.S. political establishment — is currently underway in Brazil. As the public’s attention zeroes on the readying of troops for deployment to Syria, the U.S. government has been...

Tags: claire bernishera of wisdom

Posted at: 16:03 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Experiential vs. Theoretical Knowledge – Crossing Borders For The Superconscious Mind Conference.




Experiential vs. Theoretical Knowledge. 

Crossing Borders For The Superconscious Mind Conference. 

By Tom Bunzel, Collective Evolution

May 2, 2016 


Last October at the Science and Nonduality Conference in San Jose I was approached after my presentation by a young gentleman from Mexico who asked whether I might speak at the Superconscious Mind Congress in Puebla, Mexico. 

When I saw their mission I agreed: 

Our Congress is inspired by the celebration of this vision, to summon more than 20 gifted minds from around the globe to transmit relevant topics specialized in self – knowledge and welfare, which...

Tags: collective evolutiontom bunzel

Posted at: 16:02 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Be Not Afraid. ~The Creator via Jennifer Farley.


Be Not Afraid.

The Creator Writings

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

May 2, 2016

Your soul has wings and love is the ‘lift’ that gets you off the ground.

Be not afraid to fly, you already know how to land.


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @
Like this! please bookmark. It is...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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Slashing Sugar Makes Kids Healthier in Just 10 Days. - Anna Scanlon



Slashing Sugar Makes Kids Healthier in Just 10 Days.

By Anna Scanlon, Natural Society

May 2, 2016.


Although it may sound like a bad infomercial, a study financed by the National Institutes of Health has shown that cutting added sugar in children’s diets can improve their overall health incredibly quickly.

The study observed 43 obese children and found that eliminating or reducing added sugar, even while keeping the same number of calories and savory junk foods in their diets, led to improving many obesity-related health issues in just ten days. The children who were selected were not only...

Tags: anna scanlonnatural society

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TPP, TTIP: Obama’s Secret Trade Deals vs. Trump and Bernie.



TPP, TTIP: Obama’s Secret Trade Deals vs. Trump and Bernie.

By Jon RappoportActivist Post

May 2, 2016.

The press refuses to state the obvious: two US Presidential candidates who couldn’t be more different are on the same page when it comes to Globalist trade treaties. 

Trump and Bernie—the gunslinger fast-talking cowboy and the programmatic socialist. 

If the press did connect the dots, it would be admitting that millions of Americans from both candidates’ camps recognize the danger of these treaties—and pumping up that revelation would bring a major threat to the Globalist water-boy in the...

Tags: activist postjon rappoport

Posted at: 15:58 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Montague Keen - May 1, 2016 ~ Veronica Keen.


Message from Montague Keen.

Through Veronica Keen.

 May 1, 2016

Humanity is awakening FAST. Evidence of this is calculated each day by the Schuman Resonance as it races to total enlightenment. All negativity is being exposed. Those who thrived and prospered at your expense, now find themselves powerless to hold on to control. The Cabal's only hope of survival is to try to force World War III on you, and this will not be allowed. Their control is at an end. All their control systems are falling apart. They find it difficult to find support for their...

Tags: montague keenveronica keen

Posted at: 15:57 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Buried and Forgotten Research ~ Suzanne Lie.



Buried and Forgotten Research

Presented by Suzanne Lie.


May 5, 2016


Presented by Suzanne Lie
I have talked about this important research before. Therefore, I have now made a “study sheet” for it. It is the NOW in which the higher frequencies of light are entering our Pineal Gland and coursing through our bodies to activate this “junk DNA,” which is actually the key to becoming our Lightbody SELF.
The below research has “disappeared” from mainstream literature. Thus most of us have been denied this important information because the powers of darkness have...

Tags: suzanne lie

Posted at: 15:55 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Trust there is a Reason. ~Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn.




Trust there is a Reason.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

May 2, 2016.

Everything happens for a reason whether you are aware of it or not and sometimes it doesn't matter so much what the reason is, it is important to just be okay with where you at and let it go so that you can move on to something more meaningful to you and your life. Be sure to use shields and filters if there are a lot of high emotional experiences happening around you. You have important information that can help others although sometimes it...

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

Posted at: 15:54 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Benjamin Fulford 2016/05/02 ~ Is it time for Pope Francis to confess to involvement in Argentine dirty war and resign.


Is it time for Pope Francis to confess to involvement in Argentine dirty war and resign.

By Benjamin Fulford.


May 2, 2016

The gnostic illuminati and the US military have both told the White Dragon Society that Pope Francis must resign because of his friendship with former Argentine dictator Jorge Videla and his involvement in Argentina’s dirty war. The resignation will be the trigger for a series of dramatic changes in how this planet is run, the sources agree. “They will be writing about this thousands of years from now,” predicts gnostic illuminati grandmaster “Alexander Romanov.” 

Romanov also...

Tags: benjamin fulfordpope francis

Posted at: 15:51 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |



30th Annual World Congress on Illumination.

Alaskan Cruise August 13-20, 2016


by Patricia Cota-Robles

In December 2012, after we God Victoriously moved through the Shift of the Ages and Birthed the New Earth, the Company of Heaven said that the next three years would provide opportunities for Humanity to transform the Earth and ALL her Life in ways that had never been attempted in any system of Worlds. We are now completing the third year of the New Earth and from the miraculous events that have taken place, I would say...

Tags: ascension processilluminationpatricia cota-roblesquantum leap

Posted at: 15:50 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

About Origins. ~ Adjuster via Oscar.



About Origins.

 Thought Adjuster.

Message received by Oscar.  

 Alabama, USA, May 23, 2012.

Thought Adjuster: “Human beings are always the architects of their own life. Certainly in a world as confused as yours, luck and chance can play a significant role in the life of a person. However, in the majority of cases, human decisions are the deciding factor in the creation of the reality in which a human being lives. 

“Therefore, your origin is never as important as your destiny. Many may be born in the most favorable conditions for a higher spiritual development...

Tags: oscarthought adjuster

Posted at: 15:49 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Freemasonry: The Infiltration, Downfall, and Revival – Part 6 ~Wes Annac.





The Infiltration, Downfall, and Revival – Part 6 

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

May 2, 2016.

A Masonic Hall in Toronto. Credit: 

(Continued from Part 5)

(Parts fourthreetwo & one)


32nd Degree Members Are “Royalty”

The material about the Knights Templar was added to the 32nd degree speech in the 1760s, when German masons claimed to receive special powers and wisdom while occupying the Temple of Solomon. Apparently, 18thcentury Masons were “direct heirs” to these Templar secrets, which set the stage for...

Tags: culture of awarenessdavid wilcockdivine cosmosfreemasonry,wes annac

Posted at: 15:47 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Cedella Marley: Take Action.



Take Action.

Positive Vibrations, 

by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time

May 2, 2016.


There are so many things in life we want to do. You have to put forth effort to get it done. To make the effort, you need energy.
Sometimes it’s hard to get started but when you take action, you build momentum and gain the energy you need. Conditions won’t always be perfect, but that’s no reason to wait. Get started now, take action and get it done!

One Love…

Tanks to  URL:

Please respect all credits.


Tags: a nice timecedella marley

Posted at: 15:46 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Jesus via John Smallman - 2016/05/02 ~You who are reading or listening to this message are not doing so by chance.



You who are reading or listening to this message are not doing so by chance.

Message from Jesus*.

Through John Smallman

Human consciousness is an ongoing spiritual evolutionary process that you collectively chose to undergo, and to which there are no limits. Limits are boundaries that you built around the illusory environment that you inhabit as human beings but which you are free, individually, to dismantle or move beyond. More and more of you are realizing this and choosing to move through them to an...

Tags: emmanuelesuisajeshuajesusjohn smallmansanandaspiritual realmsyeshua

Posted at: 15:45 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

12 Plants Native Americans Used To Cure Everything.



12 Plants Native Americans Used To Cure Everything.

 via Healthy Cures, Thanks to

May 2, 2016.

The Native American tribe Cherokee is indigenous to the Southeastern United States. This tribe believed that they have been given a gift by the Creator which enabled them to understand and use medicinal herbs.
They believed and used the benefits of nature’s pharmacy. Moreover, as plants can become scarce over time, they had a unique gathering method and they picked every third plant they found and thus made sure that they will leave sufficient to continue to...

Tags: healthy

Posted at: 15:44 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Anti-Mafia Prosecutor: Legalizing Cannabis Would Help Defeat Terrorism.



Anti-Mafia Prosecutor: 

Legalizing Cannabis Would Help Defeat Terrorism.

By Carey WedlerAnti Media

May 2, 2016.



(ANTIMEDIA) In recent years, calls to end the global war on drugs, particularly against cannabis, have grown louder — and show no signs of stopping. As evidence continues to mount showing the decriminalization of cannabis can have profound benefits, however, one potential side effect of ending the costly battle against the plant is only beginning to gain attention.
In recent years, governments and media outlets alike have highlighted the role drug trafficking plays...

Tags: anti mediacannabiscarey wedlerterrorism

Posted at: 15:42 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Going Nuclear ~ by Eliza Ayres.




Blue Dragon Journal.  

Going Nuclear.

 May 2, 2016.

Eliza: Going Nuclear*

Life with Maria is interesting, unpredictable and ever changing. Being in the physical presence of a fully activated starseed, who is also fully aware of her rapidly expanding powers and awareness, can also be daunting at times.

The other day we visited a local “health food” store. Just before we got there, a strong energy wave hit me, pushing me deep into 5D. I was barely functioning when we arrived at the store. Maria basically told me not to speak to anyone...

Tags: blue dragoneliza ayres

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The Problem is Drug Law, Not Drugs. ~Phillip J Watt.



The Problem is Drug Law, Not Drugs. 

By Phillip J Watt.

May 2, 2016.


The problem of why drug laws are not working or have opposite effects explained in a clear and simple way.


By Phillip J. Watt,, Thanks to Earth We Are One 

The war-on-drugs has been one of the biggest policy failures of modern society. It amplifies drug-related problems and doesn’t recognize that altered states of consciousness play a perfectly natural role within the human experience. 

It is clear that many governments of the world have failed to truly accept some...

Tags: drug lawdrugsphillip j. watt

Posted at: 15:39 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Panic Attacks Explained and How to Avoid Them.



Panic Attacks Explained and How to Avoid Them.  

From Higher Perspective

May 2, 2016.



Anxiety driven, panic disorder effect one in every seventy five people in the US alone. It isn’t uncommon for a person experiencing a panic attack for the first time to be hospitalized. 

The symptoms are scary to anyone that experiences it, affecting people with higher stress/anxiety even more so. The symptoms can include: a stabbing pain in the chest, shortness of breath (hyperventilation), uncontrollable shaking, sweating, or a racing heart. 

As you start to feel the coming storm of a panic attack...

Tags: higher perspectivepanic attacks

Posted at: 15:37 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

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