Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -ay 3, 2016 ~ 18 posts.

Sheldan Nidle - May, 03 2016


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.

6 Manik, 0 Moan, 12 Manik [May, 03 2016]

Selamat Jalwa! At present, the movement of critical funds has slowed in order to be carefully protected by new security protocols. 

The Chinese ancient families are worried since a number of incidents are occurring that threaten the continued flow of funds. The dark cabal is doing everything possible to interfere with this growing flow. The attack on SWIFT, coupled with a general increase in the number of vital “hacks” into the money supply, is temporarily compromising...

Tags: ascended mastersgalactic federationsheldan nidlesiriusspiritual hierarchy

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Obama Jokes About the “End of the Republic,” Giving Speeches to Goldman Sachs.



Obama Jokes About the “End of the Republic,” Giving Speeches to Goldman Sachs.

By Elizabeth MontagAnti Media

(ANTIMEDIA) If the corporate media wasn’t gushing over Justin Bieber’s new haircut or the nation’s lingering transphobia bathroom drama this weekend, it was lauding President Obama for his speech at the final White House Correspondents’ dinner of his presidency.
The black-tie dinner draws the nation’s top celebrities, journalists, and politicians and includes a stand-up comedy routine from the president. The assemblage of attendees often resembles the elite crowd that populates the lavish...

Tags: anti mediaelizabeth montaggoldman sachsobama

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This is What You Missed While the Media Distracted You With Bathrooms and Justin Bieber’s Hair.




This is What You Missed While the Media Distracted You With Bathrooms and Justin Bieber’s Hair.

via Claire Bernish, The Free Thought Project, 

Thanks to The Mind Unleashed


MAY 3, 2016.


Despite the ongoing uproar over who can use which bathroom (newsflash, North Carolina, we’ve all done fine up to this point without your help) and debate on the finer points of Justin Bieber’s dreadlocks and subsequent shoring of them, plenty of actually-pertinent news items have been divulged recently.
While Bieber’s hairstyle offers not one iota...

Tags: claire bernishfree thought projectmind unleashed

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Love is God’s Trademark. ~Adjuster via Anyas.



Love is God’s Trademark.

Thought Adjuster.

Message received by Anyas.

Oregon, USA, January 4, 2016. 




Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, the thought just came to your mind that there is no such thing as Love if it is not shared, ponder this for a moment. The Father shared of Himself through the creative process. He shared His Love, infusing All that Is with it. Love is God’s trademark. It is always manifested in Truth, Beauty and Goodness. True Love is beautiful and stirs very deep emotions in the receiver as well. There is no such thing...

Tags: anyasthought adjuster

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Nutrient Dense ‘Cannahoney’: Benefit Your Health With Medicinal Bee Products Made From The Cannabis Plant.



Nutrient Dense ‘Cannahoney’.

 Benefit Your Health With Medicinal Bee Products Made From The Cannabis Plant.

 By: C Katt Krespach, Earth.We.Are.One

Thanks to Conscious Life News


MAY 3, 2016.


These are some very happy bees collecting the resin of cannabis and using it to build their hives. Did you know? … There are fascinating health benefits available when you enjoy bee products made from cannabis plants.
This beekeeper has personally experienced the medical benefits of cannabis since his early childhood in France.

Tags: bee c katt krespach cannabis

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Cedella Marley: Self Awareness Is Crucial.




Self Awareness Is Crucial.

Positive Vibrations, 

y Cedella Marley, A Nice Time


MAY 3, 2016." alt="" />

Self awareness is crucial for solving problems, nurturing relationships and personal growth. Remember thought, awareness is achieved through the thoughts you choose to hold on to.

If you feel stuck in a negative perspective, let go of it. Shift your awareness to focus on the power you have to look at life in a positive light. Your mind is very powerful so use it to serve you!

One love…


Tanks to URL:

Please respect all credits.

This author...

Tags: a nice timecedella marleypositive vibrations

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We Are the Bottom Class: Trained to Never Recognize Power, Hegemony, Our Enslavement. ~ By Cassius Kamarampi



We Are the Bottom Class: Trained to Never Recognize Power, Hegemony, Our Enslavement

By Cassius KamarampiEra of Wisdom


MAY 3, 2016.

(Era of Wisdom) The upper class’ acquisition of power is a constant, vociferous, snake-like, infinitely complex and deceptive on going process.
It always has been: they’ve had a long time to perfect their craft and complicate their methods of controlling our perception. The “upper class” is an umbrella term for all the various individuals and groups who dominate the world.
When every single thing...

Tags: cassius kamarampiera of wisdom

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Still Human. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



Still Human.

 The Creator Writings.

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

May 3, 2016.


There will always be people in your life that will attempt to hold the world at large to the old standard, old ways of thinking/being and old means of communication. This does not mean they are inherently bad. It does mean that they may, indeed, fear change. It is safer for them to remain in ‘old mode’ rather than grow…. 

Today, you are being reminded that it is not your place to judge or demean those that choose this path. It...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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The Danger Of Big Pharma’s Silent Hold Over The US Government. ~Laurie Powell.




The Danger Of Big Pharma’s Silent Hold Over The US Government.

By Laurie Powell, Collective Evolution


May 3, 2016.

Lobbying allows special interest groups to control the way laws are shaped and how healthcare policies are both created and enforced.

Pharmaceutical companies are some of the richest, most profitable companies in the world. Besides using profits to advertise products and influence prescription-writing target markets, Pharma spends extraordinary amounts of money on patents to protect their profit margins. Some cancer treatments can cost 600 times more in the U.S. than in other countries — and this form...

Tags: collective evolutionlaurie powell

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It’s True – Your Mind Plays Tricks On You. ~Andrea Schulman.




It’s True. 

Your Mind Plays Tricks On You.

By Andrea

May 3, 2016. 


Like all people, I experience a range of emotions, some high and some low. At this point in my life, I’ve learned how to raise my vibration deliberately, and I am pretty good at hanging around in happiness for longer periods of time, but I’ve noticed my mind plays tricks on me when I’m in the lower vibrations. My guess is that yours does too! 

See, when we are in the lower vibrations, we are a “match” to thoughts...

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The Sacred Star Rises. Energy Forecast. ~ By Emmanuel Dagher.



The Sacred Star Rises.  

By Emmanuel Dagher

Energy Forecast

 May 2016

energyforecastbanner 2015
 A monthly forecast created with the intention of providing you with clarity of what's going on energetically on the planet as a whole. As things continue to shift quickly, may these energy forecasts support and remind you that you are not alone on this journey. These updates serve over 200,000 + unique readers every month.

Beautiful friend,
How good it is to know that we have the opportunity to connect in this way. There's...

Tags: emmanuel dagherenergy forecastmerkabasacred star

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Mother Mentions Chemtrails at School, Court Takes Her Child. ~ Mary Greeley News



Mother Mentions Chemtrails at School, Court Takes Her Child.

 Mary Greeley News 

(Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia)

May 3, 2016.

May 2, 2016 

A Boulder, Colorado judge has removed a child from her mother’s care because the mother believes chemtrails are being sprayed into the atmosphere, court documents reveal. 

Boulder Judge D.D. Mallard told Becca Vandb that ‘99% of people would know those are just contrails,’ and said that she is ‘so immersed in a fringe subculture’ that ‘she is a danger to her daughter.’ 

‘I can now only see my daughter...

Tags: golden age of gaiamary greeley news

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Freemasonry: The Infiltration, Downfall, and Revival – Part 7.(Conclusion) - By Wes Annac,




The Infiltration, Downfall, and Revival – Part 7.  

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

(Conclusion)(Parts sixfivefourthreetwo & one)

May 3, 2016.



The “Society of Men” Uses Masonry as a Cover

David writes that the “society of men” was probably careful not to reveal its actual secrets to any members. He explains that this society, which I’d imagine is mostly unknown to lower level members, is using Freemasonry as a cover for their Luciferian spirituality and the agendas that come with it.

Tags: culture of awarenessdavid wilcockdivine cosmosfreemasonrywes annac

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Was Prince Killed by the Illuminati for His Message of Love and Peace?



Was Prince Killed by the Illuminati for His Message of Love and Peace?

By Christina SarichWaking Times  

May 3, 2016.


The ‘facts’ surrounding Prince Roger Nelson’s death are astonishing. The world loved this soldier in the ‘army of love,’ as Stevie Wonder would say, with an overflowing gusto, but no one was prepared, likely not even Prince, for such a sudden death at the age of 57. The man was a vegetarian who worked out and didn’t even drink alcohol for God’s sake. Literally – for God’s sake, so why has this angel...


Tags: christina sarichprincewaking times

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Sorcha Faal says Northern England Stunned After British Fighter Jets Battle UFO.



Sorcha Faal says Northern England Stunned After British Fighter Jets Battle UFO.

By: Sorcha Faal, 

and as reported to her Western Subscribers.

An extraordinary Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that a squadron of Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft were the cause of the “mass panic event” that occurred in Northern England yesterday after these planes were scrambled to intercept a “mysterious object” (UFO?) that had risen out of the sea—and when met by these fighter aircraft was fired upon by...

Tags: sorcha faalufos

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Dandelion Root Far More Effective in Fighting Cancer Cells Than Chemotherapy.



Dandelion Root Far More Effective in Fighting Cancer Cells Than Chemotherapy.

By J.D. Heyes, Natural News

May 3, 2016.

(NaturalNews) A so-called “weed” growing right in your front and back yards could hold the key to being the most effective cancer-fighting compound in the world.

Previous research, as well as recent research from the University of Windsor in Canada, has found that dandelion root may be especially effective in treating and defeating cancer, and much more so than immune system-destroying chemotherapy.

As noted by the university in a press release, researchers are so sure that...

Tags: chemotherapydandelion rootj.d. heyesnatural news

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Ask The Masters, 3 May 2016 ~ Toni and Peter.


Ask The Masters.

By The Celestial Voices.


Through Toni and Peter.

3 May 2016

A preview of the Masters' Tuesday Teachings for 3 May 2016

Advocates of detoxing the body caution that, once on a "clean" food regimen, one is likely to feel worse before feeling better, due to the rise and release of impurities that had formerly been locked in the system. In considering this week's first question, from Brazil, we realize that a similar phenomenon can occur in one's spiritual journey. The Masters help us understand it. 

In answering a UK woman's questions, the Masters do...

Tags: ask the masterscelestial voicestoni and peter

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