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Seeking truth to be Free! - March 23, 2016 #2~ 10 articles.

The Magic Carpet Ride of Solar-Lunar Year 2016



The Magic Carpet Ride of Solar-Lunar Year 2016.

Credits to Laura Walker, 

Thanks to The Mind Unleashed

March 23, 2016.  



In the Earth-based, natural way to count time by the sky, the “new year” begins each year at the day and time when the Moon meets up with the Sun again in the sign of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. 

This count is reflected in the ancient Medicine Wheel of indigenous tradition,...

Tags: caballaura walkermagic carpetmind,solar-lunar year

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Find that special place of solitude. ~ A. Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.



Seek Solitude.

Find that special place of solitude.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

March 23, 2016


There is a special place where you can be alone and get in touch with the deepest aspects of yourself and commune with all that is. Where brilliant new ideas and inspirations can flow forth and you can be in that moment of silence, and feel the joy of that moment, the contentment of your dreams manifesting and the gratitude of having that moment. There is much light available to you now to help you to create, to embrace, and...

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

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Breakthrough Discovery Shows That Resonant Frequencies Can Kill Cancer Cells.



Breakthrough Discovery Shows That Resonant Frequencies Can Kill Cancer Cells. 640w" alt="cancer-sound" width="672" height="357" />
An important breakthrough may prevent people from suffering from cancer or the aggressive radiation and chemotherapy treatments used to kill cancer cells. Researchers have discovered that, by creating custom digital electronic signals, they can destroy cancer cells and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MSRA). (see the work of Rife for historical reference) 
By Anna Hunt
Anthony Holland, an Associate Professor and Director of Music Technology at Skidmore College in New York, U.S., and his fellow researchers discovered that, by creating custom...

Tags: anna huntcancer cellsdane arrresonant frequencies

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From Mexico To Africa, Israel’s Dark History Of Training War Criminals, Gangs and Oppression.



From Mexico To Africa, Israel’s Dark History Of Training War Criminals, Gangs and Oppression.

 By  @KitOConnell 



In 1989...

Tags: dane arrgangsisrael kit oconnelloppressionwar criminals

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16 Signs You Have A Sense Of Entitlement Complex.



16 Signs You Have A Sense Of Entitlement Complex.


When we were young it was kind of cute when we threw tantrums as toddlers, not getting what we wanted.  People would coo at us, maybe even pick us up and hold us, telling us in ooey-gooey tones that “you’ll get it later” or “you’ve got to wait a little while”.  Then our tears would be mopped up, our snotty little noses would be wiped, and we’d be placed gently to the ground again.

Tags: dane arrentitlement complex

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Documents Show TSA Cover-Up of Body Scanner Cancer Risk.



Documents Show TSA Cover-Up of Body Scanner Cancer Risk.


TSA body scanner
The non-profit public interest research center, Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), obtained documents that reveal the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) intentionally misled the public about the safety of full body scanners (1).
EPIC settled an appeal for their FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) case against DHS and finally obtained body scanner radiation fact sheets.
Prior to this appeal, EPIC states that the DHS’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA)...

Tags: body scannercancerdane arr

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Once there were 88 Media Companies – Today there are only 6 All Owned by Rothschilds.



Once there were 88 Media Companies. 

Today there are only 6 All Owned by Rothschilds.


The following information is in circulation on the net. The originating source is not known, nor have all the statements below been fully verified. However, the general overview provided appears to be accurate.
There used to be 88 media companies. Today there are only 6 and those six are all under the thumb of the Rothschilds.
Lord Jacob Rothschild
All of these six media companies receive their news from Reuters and the...

Tags: dane arrmedia companiesrothschild

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Why the Cabal Regards Most Humans as Domesticated “Animals”.




Why the Cabal Regards Most Humans as Domesticated “Animals”

Posted by Dane Arr

March 22, 2016 

Most adults of today think that they are civilized and educated enough to make informed and responsible decisions. The real truth is that they are far from being responsible. Today, most adults are very irresponsible and so ignorant (lacking in knowledge) that they can barely tell the difference between what is “real” and what is “fantasy”. The proof that most adults are irresponsible can be seen when you look at the current state of the global economy. 

Most people these...

Tags: cabaldane arrdomesticated animals

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This Creepy Android Signals That All Those Scary Sci-Fi Movies Are About to Come True.



“I will destroy humans”.

This Creepy Android Signals That All Those Scary Sci-Fi Movies Are About to Come True.

March 22, 2016 620w" alt="sophiarobottsm" width="640" height="412" />
You’ve just crossed over into… The Twilight Zone.  Just kidding, we are already there. We’ve been there for a while now. The CNBC headline asked, “Could you fall in love with this robot?” and the outlet also called her “hot,” but the real question should be, “Can you see how all of those nightmarish sci-fi movies are about to come true in our lifetimes?”… although I guess the latter would have...

Tags: androiddane arr

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Cosmic Awareness: 


 20th of March, 2016.



Today is the  Will Berlinghof is the Voice of Cosmic Awareness, Callista is energizer and questioner. Welcome Awareness, do you have a public message at all for this time please?


That this Awareness does have a public message for this crucial and critical time. It will start rather than in this moment of time to a time five days ago, to that date of March 15th, that which is also known as the Ides of March. That several weeks ago this Awareness did suggest that an...


Tags: cosmic awarenessfalse flag

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