Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -June 9, 2016 ~ 24 posts.

SHOCK STUDY: Countries with highest vaccination rates have highest infant mortality rates, too.




Countries with highest vaccination rates have highest infant mortality rates, too.


Posted June 9, 2016



Wealthy countries that require the highest number of vaccines for children under the age of 1 also have the highest rates of death in that age group, according to a study conducted by an independent computer scientist and a researcher from the Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute, and published in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology in 2011.

The study stemmed from the recognition that while the U.S. vaccine schedulecalls for more...

Tags: edward morganinfant mortalityvaccinations

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The Melody of Nature. ~Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn.



The Melody of Nature.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

June 9, 2016

Take a moment and listen to the sound of the morning and hear the beautiful melody of nature lulling mother nature and all the elemental's to a new dawn, a new day, and perhaps even a new season. The sounds and vibration that they make together forms a symphony that signals to the world in undreamed of ways.
Listen and allow the sounds around you to invoke sensations that will enlighten, heal, and ignite parts of you, some which may...

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

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Six Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat



Six Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat


Postd June 9, 2016



If you’re like me, and you’ve watched more food documentaries than you can count, and you know about some of the health benefits of switching to a meat-free diet, but for some reason you just aren’t quite ready to make the leap, these facts may just give you that extra push. Cutting meat out of your diet can aid in weight loss, provide a boost in energy, reduce your risk of heart disease, and more. You’ll want to...

Tags: edward morganmeatvegansvegetables

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We Are Being Prepared Right Now for Total Change.



We Are Being Prepared Right Now for Total Change.


Posted June 9, 2016


A Clarion Call Went Out from The Mother.

Some weeks ago on ‘An Hour with An Angel’ – May 17th 2016 – Archangel Michael explained to us why many had experienced feelings of exhaustion earlier in May. In the following excerpt from that radio show I have added the darkening / underlining in an attempt to clarify what this message is saying to us. Every single person on this planet is currently being penetrated by Loving Energy...

Tags: the mothertherese zumitotal change

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Remove Amalgam Fillings Immediately!! You Will Be Healed Of Many Diseases.



Remove Amalgam Fillings Immediately!! 

You Will Be Healed Of Many Diseases.


Posted June 7, 2016 765w" alt="Mercury Amalgams Killers" width="400" height="209" />

Silver (amalgam) fillings were first used in 1800 in France, and they are still used worldwide today. In fact, they are such a darling of dentists- cheap to produce and cost effective- that you’ll not likely find a dentist who will admit that the material placed in your mouth is the cause of many diseases and disorders. Silver (amalgam) filling is dangerous and life-threatening, because it contains mercury- 54 percent mercury.

This conventional way of doing things...

Tags: amalgam fillingsdiseasesedward morganhealed

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Why Does The U.S. Government Treat Military Veterans Like Human Garbage?


Why Does The U.S. Government Treat Military Veterans Like Human Garbage?


Posted June 7, 2016


The way that the U.S. government treats military veterans is absolutely disgraceful.  Men and women that have given everythingfor this nation are literally being treated like human garbage by their own government.  After watching how vets are treated, it is absolutely amazing that anyone is still volunteering to be a part of the military.  We pay those in the military like crap, we keep sending our best soldiers back to Afghanistan and Iraq again and again,...

Tags: edward morganhuman garbagemilitary veteransu.s. government

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9/11 – The False Flag Catalyst Behind the Mass American Awakening.



9/11 – The False Flag Catalyst Behind the Mass American Awakening.

 by Ryan Cristian (Humans Are Free)


Poste June 8, 2016

George Bush - Osama bin Laden - 911 - CIA False Flag

We are told in this modern age of HuxleyanOrwelliancontrol, that if you doubt your government has your best interest in mind, then you are an extremest, and likened to domestic terrorists simply for exercising yourconstitutional rights.

Yet, as more are awakened to the sinister and malevolent nature of those who pose as our protectors, the question arises, are we no longer the minority?


Tags: 911awakeningedward morganfalse flaghumans are freeryan cristian

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Medical Cannabis is Healing Autism & Cancer & Alzheimer’s &... ~ Paul Fassa.




Medical Cannabis is Healing Autism & Cancer & Alzheimer’s &

 by Paul Fassa

Health Impact News

Psted June 8, 2016 

by Edward Morgan

The subject of autism and its causes is getting more attention due to the documentary Vaxxed. It’s like a continual road show going from city to city with its crew of key personnel conducting panel discussions after showings.

That’s great and sorely needed. But there’s little awareness promoted for treating autism among the vaccine damaged. The Cannabis Summit revealed several medical practitioners of different stripes who are willing...

Tags: edward morganhealthimpact newspaul fassa

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Prepare for Change 2016/06/09



Prepare for Change

Why Does The U.S. Government Treat Military Veterans Like Human Gar...
2016-06-07 18:18:44-04

The way that the U.S. government treats military veterans is absolutely disgraceful. Men and women that have given everythingfor this nation are literally being treated like human garbage by their own government. After watching how vets are treated, it is absolutely amazing that anyone is still volunteering to be a part of the military. We ... Read more

Remove Amalgam Fillings Immediately!! You Will Be Healed Of Many Di...
2016-06-08 00:54:53-04

Silver (amalgam) fillings were first used in 1800 in...

Tags: prepare for change

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Know with Your Heart, Not Your Mind. ~ P'taah; Jani King.



Know with Your Heart, Not Your Mind.

Message from P'taah.

Through Jani King.


June 2016


P'taah: Greetings beloved ones! This day we are going to do a little review of that which you truly do know, at least intellectually. But until you know it in your heart, your life will not change.
Who you are is a grand and wondrous, powerful multidimensional Expression of Source. Who you are is awesome indeed. Who you are exists in all realities in this Now moment. You create your own reality absolutely in every Now. ...

Tags: jani kingptaah

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Forcing It? ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



 Forcing It?

The Creator Writings


transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner





Forced happiness does not make happiness.

Forced joy does not make joy.

When you can feel these emotions without question and without ego are they real in your Earth-existence.


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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The Anointed Establishment Candidate. - By Makia Freeman


The Anointed Establishment Candidate.

By Makia Freeman 
The Freedom Articles
(Contributor for the Culture of Awareness),  

With the June 7th primaries now over, anointed establishment candidate Hillary Clinton has emerged, predictably, as the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Unfortunately for Bernie Sanders supporters, it was always going to be like this. Bernie didn’t stand a chance against the ruthless Clinton political machine, which has friends in all the high places.

Hillary has pandered to Israel, Saudi Arabia, the military-industrial complex, big banks, the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)Big Pharma and Big...

Tags: freedom articlesmakia freeman

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Reiki: How It Works & My Experience With Masters.



Reiki: How It Works & My Experience With Masters.

 By Keala Noel, Collective Evolution


Most people have at least heard of Reiki. Some of you may have even taken a course or gone on to become a Reiki Master. But many of you may be wondering, what is Reiki? How hard is Reiki to learn? Could you do Reiki?

I have been attuned to Masters in Usui, Seikim, and Karuna practices. Though my Karuna Master never sent in my paperwork, I have been using those magnificent symbols which are metaphorically etched into my...

Tags: collective evolutionkeala noelreiki

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Video: Why Your Pain is Important



Video: Why Your Pain is Important.

By Andrew Martin, The Lighted Ones



New video for you!

“When pain is present, we create from there first.”

This is the message that’s been coming through for many of my clients this week.

What do we do when we seem to chronically re-create the same unhappy circumstances over and over?

We all encounter this on our spiritual path. Certain areas of life that always seem to be in a loop of dysfunction.
If what we have is what we say we want, then why are...

Tags: andrew martinlighted ones

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5 Simple Steps to Avoid a Burn-Out. ~ Cherie Roe Dirksen.



5 Simple Steps to Avoid a Burn-Out.

By Cherie Roe Dirksen,  

Conscious Life News




“The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long” — Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching)

As I was skimming through the enlightening pages of the Tao Te Ching my eyes fell upon the verse above.

In our modern, face-paced lives, we often fall prey to burning out. Stress and anxiety are growing — compacted by obligations, travel, deadlines, family, school activities, parenting, care-giving and the list goes on.

We try to squeeze in a yoga class...

Tags: cherie roe dirksenconscious life news

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Wondering How to Be More Positive? Here’s 10 Ways! ~ Melanie Beckler.



How to Be More Positive.

By Melanie Beckler

The angels have always been consistent in their guidance: surround yourself with positive energy, both internally and externally, in order to manifest your highest spiritual potential.

This guidance totally makes sense, because life has a way of flowing to you and through you with greater ease when you have a positive outlook in life.

But I totally get that it’s not always easy being positive. And that negativity affects not just you, but everyone in your life.

Being negative is a dangerous thing because it seems innocent enough, but really, itt limits your potential...

Tags: melanie beckler

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11+ Reported Health Benefits of Basil Seeds.


11+ Reported Health Benefits of Basil Seeds.

By Julie Fidler, Natural Society


Basil smells and tastes sweet, and it’s also highly nutritious. For example, 1/4 cup of chopped basil gives you 31% of your daily vitamin K needs – so it’s a great addition if you’re lacking in that vitamin. (Check out these vitamin K deficiency symptoms if you aren’t sure.)
Now, basil seeds are emerging as one of the newest superfoods, and if you’re not into the taste of chia seeds, basil seeds can easily replace them or be used...

Tags: julie fidlernatural society

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A War That No One Can Win. ~ Mathew, Sananda; George Barnard.




A War That No One Can Win.

Midwayer Mathew (33-3-33).

The Damascus Scribe (Sananda).

Message received by George Barnard.

Illawarra District, Australia, May 23, 2016.




Mathew: “We’re all pleased you made a full recovery from a nasty stroke. Many of us Midwayers came to see you, but only one (who is unknown to you) was there when Dr. Mendoza performed his magic. 

“For now I’m bringing you greetings from the clan and to tell you that I will introduce our Friend and Master, the Scribe of Damascus, each time He wants to converse with...

Tags: damascus scribemidwayer mathewsananda

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Cedella Marley: Kindness Gives Comfort, Inspires Confidence.



Kindness Gives Comfort, Inspires Confidence.

Positive Vibrations, 

by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time" alt="Screen Shot 2015-06-20 at 10.50.42 AM" width="203" height="211" /> 

There have been times when the kindness of another person has changed your life for the better.

And it’s easy to see that kindness has the power to reach far beyond itself. In the most difficult of moments, kindness heals and reassures.

Kindness gives comfort, and hope where there was none before.

Kindness can inspire confidence. It changes for the better the perspective of those it touches.

When you seek to make a difference, kindness is a...

Tags: a nice timecedella marleypositive vibrations

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Meet The Igigi – The Ancient Astronauts Who Rebelled Against The Anunnaki.


Meet The Igigi – The Ancient Astronauts Who Rebelled Against The Anunnaki.

 via AncientCode, Thanks to
Meet The Igigi – The Ancient Astronauts Who Rebelled Against The Anunnaki

 The Ancient Anunnaki are said to have created the human race by genetically modifying early humans in order to use them as a labor force. But before humans were created, the Igigi were used by the ancient Anunnaki as their main labor force. 
It is said that the Igigi –they who turn and see—were the Ancient Astronaut Gods of the younger generation, the servants to the mighty Anunnaki who came to Earth...


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There’s One Way Bernie Sanders Can Still Win — but It’s Not How You’re Thinking.



There’s One Way Bernie Sanders Can Still Win — but It’s Not How You’re Thinking.

By Jake Anderson, Anti Media



(ANTIMEDIA) Op-Ed  Let’s travel back in time to January 20th, 2009 — the day of President Barack Obama’s inauguration. It was momentous, epic. People cried. People huddled in groups…and cried. The nation had stood together and fought back against the Empire, and now it was time for the Chosen One to go to work.

Imagine, if you can, later that night, after the festivities died...

Tags: anti mediajake andersontylenol

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A Guide to Deep Synastry in Astrology: Light Rays Fuse or Clash, How Lovers Interact.


A Guide to Deep Synastry in Astrology: 

Light Rays Fuse or Clash, How Lovers Interact.

By Tryptamine Astrology Readings

Thanks to The Mind Unleashed



What is synastry in astrology? It’s infinitely more complex than a simple equation of Sun signs.

Synastry in astrology goes much deeper, into a detailed clockwork of energetic interaction between two souls: the planets in two lovers’ charts making angles to each other, locking into a bond, clashing at certain points, fusing and blending at others.

This article will explain how synastry really works.

It’s All About the...


Tags: astrologymind unleashedtryptamine astrology readings

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Why Legalizing Weed Would Benefit the World.



Why Legalizing Weed Would Benefit the World.

From Earth We Are One


The recent increasing trend of weed legalization throughout the United States is a critical hit to the Mexican drug cartels that took birth along with president Nixon’s futile $1 trillion War on Drugs launched in 1971.

Nixon’s War on Drugs meant for the U.S. economy the biggest waste of taxpayer money, since it caused nothing but an endless spree of violence and great losses on both sides. It is extremely logical to a reasonable mind that prohibition is an instrument for...

Tags: cannabisearth we are oneweed

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lossom Goodchild, 2016/06/09.


Message from The Federation of Light.

Through Blossom Goodchild. 

June 9th, 2016.

Hello Smilers!
Here is the latest channelling. Boy, can theyget confusing sometimes! They are what they are!

Hello! Last week’s chat was rather mind blowing for many. I fully accept what you said. Yet, that doesn’t mean I necessarily understand it! At the end of the day … I FEEL that it doesn’t really matter WHAT we understand.  What matters is that we LOVE and FEEL LOVED. For me, being here upon the planet is not just about lifting its Vibration into...

Tags: blossom goodchildfederation of light

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Views: 61


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