Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -June 7, 2016 ~ 18 posts

Straight Talk on Ascension ~ Episode # 5 ~ Suzanne Lie.




Straight Talk on Ascension. 

 Episode # 5

By Suzanne Lie.

June 6, 2016


What is Time?

Today is Monday……whatever. I can’t really keep track of 3D time or places. I will be with the "time thing" for a while and then suddenly, what I now recognize as a thought form comes into my consciousness.
The concept of thought forms instead of words, sounds, pictures, and other 3D visions of communication is still a bit new for many of us. Therefore, these fifth dimensional “channels of reality" that are increasingly coming online with our expanding...

Tags: ascensionsuzanne lie

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Sheldan Nidle, 2016/06/07.



Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.

9 Akbal, 16 Pax, 12 Manik [Jun, 07 2016]

Selamat Jalwa! What you have long awaited is beginning to take shape. 

Orders have been given to release a major part of the humanitarian and prosperity funds. New schedules to rid this reality of the cabal and its myriad henchman are now in place. The dark realizes that its time is up and that several layers of key arrests are either starting or else in place. Revised agreements are being implemented as a new fund...

Tags: ascended mastersgalactic federationsheldan nidlesiriusspiritual hierarchy

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Weekly Newsletter Special 200th Issue – Readers’ Questions. ~ By Wes Annac



Weekly Newsletter Special 200th Issue – Readers’ Questions.

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness



I wrote the following for the special 200th issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter. 
I spent this special issue looking back on previous issues and sharing thoughts on what’s to come, and as always, income from this newsletter helps me keep the blog going and every subscription is appreciated.

Readers’ Questions

Now, I’d like to share some readers’ questions I’ve received throughout the few short years I’ve written for this segment.
I’ve received...

Tags: culture of awarenesswes annac

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Prepare for Change 2016/06/07.



Prepare for Change


Pope Francis Abandons Proposal to Prosecute Bishops for Covering Up...
2016-06-05 17:44:31-04

The Catholic Church has been struggling to remedy internal proceedings ever since it wasrevealed in 2002 that bishops across the nation shielded pedophile priests from consequences. Last year, Pope Francis looked to hold bishops accountable when he announced the creation of a tribunal with authority to dismiss bishops who played a role in covering up ... Read more

“Kiddie Cocaine” – FDA Approves New ADHD Amphetamine Drug Disguised...
2016-06-05 18:06:10-04

3rd June 2016 By Carolanne Wright Contributing...

Tags: prepare for change

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Are We Living in a Computer Simulation Created by an Advanced Civilization? Elon Musk Says ‘Yes’



Are We Living in a Computer Simulation Created by an Advanced Civilization? 

Elon Musk Says ‘Yes’

By Anna LeMind, The Mind Unleashed

The idea that we may be living in a computer simulation is not new. It seems that it just got more support as Elon Musk, one of the greatest visionaries and inventors of our time, said in a recent interview that we could actually be characters in a highly advanced civilization’s video game.
At Recode’s Code Conference, which took place last week in California,Musk was...

Tags: anna lemindelon muskmind unleashed

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Hypnotherapy: What Is It Really & Could It Work For You?




What Is It Really & Could It Work For You?

By Keala Noel, Collective Evolution

June 7, 2016.


There are a few things we need to straighten out before we find out if hypnotherapy is right for you.

First of all, most people have a huge misconception about what hypnotherapy really is. You are familiar with stage hypnotists who go through an audience selecting future chicken cluckers and other people to do silly things under the influence of hypnosis.

These hypnotists are trained to choose highly suggestable participants who are the ones who, at a...

Tags: collective evolutionhypnotherapykeala noel

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Respect Yourself. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



Respect Yourself.

The Creator Writings.


transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner



Respect is defined on your Earth-plane as a proper acceptance or courtesy extended to another. 
This proper acceptance and extension of courtesy should be a given right rather than an earned one. 
When you treat yourself with respect, you will automatically treat others the same way. 


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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Why Hillary Clinton Could Face Indictments and How This Makes Bernie Sanders Nominee.



Why Hillary Clinton Could Face Indictments and How This Makes Bernie Sanders Nominee.

H. A. Goodman, Huffington Post, 

June 6, 2016

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia


Rahm Emanuel endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in 2014, before she officially decided to run, and two years before Democratic voters went to the polls. For this reason, I refer to the 2016 Democratic Primary as the “Rahm Emanuel Primary.” As early as November of 2015, Clinton had a 45-1 superdelegate lead over Bernie Sanders. The majority of Clinton’s superdelegates endorsed the former Secretary of State...

Tags: h. a. goodmanhuffington post

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Why Hillary Clinton Could Face Indictments and How This Makes Bernie Sanders Nominee.



Why Hillary Clinton Could Face Indictments and How This Makes Bernie Sanders Nominee.

H. A. Goodman, Huffington Post, 

June 6, 2016

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia


Rahm Emanuel endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in 2014, before she officially decided to run, and two years before Democratic voters went to the polls. For this reason, I refer to the 2016 Democratic Primary as the “Rahm Emanuel Primary.” As early as November of 2015, Clinton had a 45-1 superdelegate lead over Bernie Sanders. The majority of Clinton’s superdelegates endorsed the former Secretary of State...

Tags: h. a. goodmanhuffington post

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High School Dropout Designs Refrigerator that Cools Without Electricity.



High School Dropout Designs Refrigerator that Cools Without Electricity.

 By Vic BishopWaking Times


June 7, 2016.


Many of the world’s most inspiring entrepreneurs and inventors never fit the typical mould and have made their marks on the world after abandoning standard education. From India, Mansukhbhai R. Prajapati is one such person, and even though he never finished high school, he has built a very successful and forward-thinking company that provides needed jobs in his community manufacturing products that are changing the world for the better.

Mansukhbhai R. Prajapati grew up more interested in sports...

Tags: vic bishopwaking times

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The US Population Could Cut Cancer Deaths in Half Just By Adopting Healthier Lifestyles.



No Treatment Needed: 

The US Population Could Cut Cancer Deaths in Half Just By Adopting Healthier Lifestyles.

 By Amy Goodrich, Natural News


June 7, 2016.


(NaturalNews) Every year, cancer claims the lives of more than half a million Americans, making it the second leading cause of death in the United States. In 2015, a highly controversial paper was published that suggested that many cases of cancer are the result of random errors that cells make when they divide, or as they called it “bad luck.”

However, many studies have produced strong...

Tags: amy goodrichnatural news

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About True Humility. ~ Thought Adjuster; Oscar.




About True Humility.

Thought Adjuster.

Message received by Oscar.

Alabama, USA, June1, 2012.





Thought Adjuster: “True humility is not to humiliate yourself. It is not false modesty. It is not dismissing your own virtues while secretly expecting others to praise them. True humility arises from giving credit to those who deserve it — from gratitude. 

“Spiritual progress is a direct result of the work of the spiritual influences that constantly inspire a human being to explore the eternal aspects of him or herself. It is always the disposition of a human being to...

Tags: oscarthought adjuster

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8 Meditation Mistakes To Avoid If You Want To Feel Calm And Peaceful.



8 Meditation Mistakes To Avoid If You Want To Feel Calm And Peaceful.

By Blon Lee. tiny buddha

thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit

June 7, 2016


“Three things you cannot recover in life: the word after it’s said, the moment after it’s missed, and the time after it’s gone.” ~Unknown 

Do you meditate? 

I do. I come from a Buddhist family, and meditation is like an heirloom to me. 

I didn’t start meditating until I was an adult. But when I did, I meditated diligently. From forming a meditation habit to getting the latest...

Tags: blon leetiny buddha

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A 2,000 Year-Old ‘Lost’ City Found off the Coast of Africa. ~ By Ivan.


A 2,000 Year-Old ‘Lost’ City Found off the Coast of Africa.

By Ivan, Earth We Are One


June 7, 2016.  


Thanks to extremely low tides, a diver spotted a 4-kilometer wall which belonged to the 2,000-year-old ‘lost’ city.

According to archaeologists, the discovery of the 2,000-year-old lost city could completely alter our understanding of history

After an unusually low tide revealed what appeared to be the remnants of a 4-kilometer-long wall, a diver discovered what could be one of the most important archaeological underwater discoveries in the last century. According to researchers,...

Tags: earth we are oneivan

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A Single Meme’s Message on Hemp Plastic Was So Powerful, It Sparked an Internet Revolution.


A Single Meme’s Message on Hemp Plastic Was So Powerful, It Sparked an Internet Revolution

By Claire Bernish, Thanks to Activist Post

June 7, 2016


If you still don’t believe in the power of Internet-based activism, the incredible explosion of interest in hemp plastic — literally generated by a single meme — will convince you otherwise.

“Oil based plastics are destroying the environment,” the meme — originally posted to Facebook — states, asking, “Why not hemp plastics? They are both biodegradable and non-toxic.” Pictured at the top are marine animals tangled in plastic waste,...

Tags: activist postclaire bernishhemphemp plastic

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You are Ready! ~ Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn,



 You are Ready!

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn,

June 7, 2016


Don't be deterred by any seeming challenges that think are blocking you from seeing the results you desire, you are ready for this, it is just that sometimes you need to be patient while Divine timing catches up with you. Allow things to unfold but stand ready for action steps as you are being guided, by your request to the angelic realm.
During any waiting period, plan your next best step as you know what is the right thing...

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

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Benjamin Fulford says Rothschild Khazarian mafia using delaying tactics but time is running out.


Benjamin Fulford says Rothschild Khazarian mafia using delaying tactics but time is running out.

June 6, 2016 



The noose that is closing on the Khazarian mafia and the Rothschild family nexus controlling it is getting tighter. Having missed one deadline to meet with a representative of the White Dragon Society, a representative of Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild is supposed to meet with a messenger from the White Dragon Society tomorrow (June 7th) in the US. If the Rothschilds miss this meeting or fail to reach an agreement in principle then, open season will be declared on...

Tags: benjamin fulfordkhazarian mafiarothschild

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Ask The Masters, 7 June 2016 ~ Toni and Peter.



Ask The Masters.

By Celestial Voices.

Through Toni and Peter,

7 June 2016



A preview of the Masters' Tuesday Teachings.

An American woman pursuing her own spiritual growth wonders why she is emotionally hung up on a man with whom she had been involved. The Masters help her understand why he was in her life and how she can examine her feelings.
From Nigeria, a questioner wants to know how the Masters view polygamy and black magic. They reply in their typically reasoned manner, putting these practices into the spiritual perspective.

Tags: ask the masterscelestial voicestoni and peter

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America: Your Rage Over the Death of Harambe the Gorilla is Embarrassingly Misguided.



America: Your Rage Over the Death of Harambe the Gorilla is Embarrassingly Misguided.



Whether deliberate or not, through desensitization to violence, humans have become conditioned to value human life at increasingly lower levels. Nothing is more evident of this conditioning than the reaction to the killing of the beloved and endangered gorilla, named Harambe.

The death of an endangered gorilla is most certainly tragic. However, the sheer number of people to become enraged over Harambe’s death while remaining...

Tags: free thought projecmatt agoristmind unleashed

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