Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -June 5, 2016 ~ 21 posts.

Second Transmission to Earth ~ Preparing for First Contact. ~ Suzanne Lie.



By the Pleiadians.

Through Suzanne Lie.

 June 5, 2016.




The Second Transmissions to Earth

Greetings to our Earth Family,
I am Commander Sharman here again to send you our second Pleiadian transmission to Earth. I have already shared quite a bit of my experiences of taking an earth vessel during the timeline circa 2016 AD. However, since many of you will also be returning to your Starships or Home worlds, I would like to speak a bit about my process of returning home to...

Tags: pleiadianssuzanne lie

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Expansion of the Ascension Journey. ~ By Terry Andrews.



Expansion of the Ascension Journey.

 By Terry Andrews, New Earth Experiences


(Contributor for the Culture of Awareness), 

 June 5, 2016.


On our journeys we are often looking for what our purpose is and why we are here. Our purpose is always evolving as we expand with more light so it’s good to pay attention to our intuitive guidance system.

For instance, someone I know who is just starting this process recently heard that he is a messenger, but he was unsure what messages he is to share....

Tags: ascensionexperiencesnew earthterry andrews

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Angel Signs ~ 12 Signs Your Angels Are With You! ~Melanie Beckler.



 Angel Signs.

12 Signs Your Angels Are With You! 

Melanie Beckler.


Signs of Angels!

Angels are spiritual beings with a much different frequency compared to humans. Increasing your present moment awareness of the angels is one of the best ways to start noticing their guidance, especially when you know some of the common signs to look for.
Angelic guidance can and does come in the form of channeled messages, dreams, and directly receiving insight… You may receive flashes of inspiration, learn from your angels during meditation, or experience the angels profoundly through your psychic senses.

Tags: angel sgnsmelanie beckler

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TEDx Cancels Talk on Bias, Prejudice, and Diversity in Today’s World.



TEDx Cancels Talk on Bias, Prejudice, and Diversity in Today’s World.


By Jeff Singh, Awake Free

June 5, 2016


TEDxRaleigh 2016, a regional TEDx event, canceled this talk about bias, prejudice, and diversity.

After initially being selected, this talk was canceled quite abruptly from TEDxRaleigh 2016 – a regional TEDx event in Raleigh, North Carolina.

The talk illustrates how we all learn and live through bias – but how we can better connect through understanding our diversity.

TEDx, founded as a platform for “ideas worth spreading,” rejected the completion of this talk after stating ‘it was...

Tags: awake freejeff singh

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A Patent Was Just Granted To What Could Be A Potential Cure For Type 1 Diabetes.



A Patent Was Just Granted To What Could Be A Potential Cure For Type 1 Diabetes.

By Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution


Type I diabetes is a chronic condition which usually develops in childhood. Otherwise known as juvenile diabetes, it occurs when the pancreas produces little or no insulin, a hormone which allows sugar (glucose) to enter the cells to produce energy. Type I diabetes differs significantly from the increasingly common type II diabetes, which used to be known as adult onset diabetes, occurring when the body becomes resistant to or fails to produce enough insulin.

While research suggests that type II diabetes may...

Tags: alanna ketlercollective evolution

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PLAY! ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



The Creator Writings


transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner




Do you realize WHY you chose to come to your Earth plane? 
You came to have fun! 
Being ‘enlightened’ does not always have to be mundane, even or quiet. 
Laugh; take joy in the bodies you inhabit, smile and PLAY! 

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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A Wise Sage Reveals the Practical Truth About Your Third Eye.



A Wise Sage Reveals the Practical Truth About Your Third Eye.

 By Christina SarichWaking Times


There are countless descriptions of the powers of the pineal to transport us into other realms, but perhaps no other explanation is as clear and concise as that offered by Jaggi Vasudev, commonly known as Sadhguru, the Indian yogi, and mystic. 

This wise teacher tells us that the mysteries of the pineal are found beyond its physical location in the body. He explains that we can believe in peace, but true ecstatic union with the Divine can...

Tags: christina sarichwaking times

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How Melatonin Could Help Those with Autism. ~ Christina Sarich.



How Melatonin Could Help Those with Autism.

By Christina Sarich, Natural Society


With autism rates growing at concerning rates, it’s imperative that we find as many ways to prevent the disease while easing the symptoms (while of course looking for treatments). There are many tips out there for dealing with autism and its symptoms, though you may not have heard of this one – melatonin.
You may know of melatonin for its role in helping to pave way for a solid night’s sleep, but did you ever think of...

Tags: christina sarichnatural society

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Prepare for Change - 2016/06/05


Prepare for Change

10 shocking reasons why Zika virus fear is another fraudulent medic...
2016-06-03 23:04:09-04

Think the Zika virus is responsible for all the cases of microcephaly in South America? Think again: There is no reliable scientific evidence linking the two. The developmental deformities are actually caused by exposure to toxic insecticide and larvicide chemicals, not Zika virus. But because Zika virus fear fits a convenient funding narrative for chemical ... Read more

US Taxpayers Forced to Pay $3 Billion for Damages in Vaccine Lawsui...

Tags: prepare for change

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Trump Is the Greatest Gift to the Establishment in Modern American Politics. ~ Nick Bernabe.


Trump Is the Greatest Gift to the Establishment in Modern American Politics.


By Nick Bernabe, Anti Media

June 5, 2016



(ANTIMEDIA) Op-Ed — “It can’t be. Donald Trump is an outsider! Washington hates him!” I can already predict the comments on this article before I even begin to make my case. And that’s exactly what the establishment wants.

It doesn’t want you to ingest new information and perhaps change your point of view; it wants you to be loyal to The Party, regardless of which one of the two monoliths it hopes you belong...

Tags: anti mediadonald trumpnick bernabe

Posted at: 18:22 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Cedella Marley: Stand Up, Step Forward.


Stand Up, Step Forward.

 Positive Vibrations, 

by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time



Do you wish you could contribute to our planet and make it all better? Then do your part, and be that someone.
Stand up, step forward, take responsibility, and begin to transform how you consume the Earth’s resources. Consider what a truly unique and beautiful miracle you can create for the generations to come.

One love…


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are...

Tags: a nice timecedella marleypositive vibrations

Posted at: 15:44 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Drinking in the Sweetness of God's Love. ~ Archangel Gabriel; Shanta Gabriel.


Drinking in the Sweetness of God's Love.

Message from Archangel Gabriel.

Through Shanta Gabriel.

June 5, 2016.


We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week, the message from Archangel Gabriel encourages us to use our imagination to open to and receive new levels of Beauty and Love within us.
The Gabriel Message Card for this Week.

Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you
to drink...

Tags: archangel gabrielshanta gabriel

Posted at: 12:43 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

6 Ways To Access Higher Consciousness. - Gregg Prescott.


6 Ways To Access Higher Consciousness.

By Gregg Prescott,


Would you like to access higher states of consciousness? The following are 6 ways you can do this!

6 Ways To Access Higher Consciousness

1. Discernment. Discernment involves using your cognitive abilities by questioning EVERYTHING! When you do so, you begin your spiritual journey by seeking answers through truth.
2. Intuition. Similar to discernment, intuition is basically using your gut feelings to guide you.
3. Opening your 3rd eye. Your 3rd eye will show you things that were previously inaccessible to...

Tags: consciousnessgregg prescotthigher

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History of Peyote—The Psychedelic Cactus with Amazing Healing Properties.


History of Peyote. 

The Psychedelic Cactus with Amazing Healing Properties.

From Earth We Are One


The peyote plants are tiny psychedelic cactus that last for months after they have been harvested. Consuming them mitigates hunger, thirst, and fatigue. It can induce vivid hallucinations, often referred to as visions, and it has amazing cleansing powers. Peyote is also considered a bringer of luck, of long and prosperous life, and is often seen as a shielding entity, a sort of demi-god.

Its users become exalted under the influence of...

Tags: cactusearth we are onehealing.peyote

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Mayan Calendar Ends Today: Moon Conjunct Sun: ...


Mayan Calendar Ends Today: 

Moon Conjunct Sun: 

Fixed Grand Cross; 

Grand Trine in Fire; 

Pluto Sextile Neptune, Square Uranus.


There is a very strong planetary alignment occurring on today, coinciding with the Crete Conference. I’m not an astrologer, and I’ve read different accounts according to the tropical or sidereal astrological calculations…this is the sidereal version.3
Fixed Grand Cross formation, meaning all of the constellations of this formation are fixed signs… with these planets:
  • Sun, (new) Moon, Venus conjunct in Taurus (bull
  • Saturn in...

Tags: dane arrmayan calendar

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Know Thyself – How To Be Happy Without Changing Anything But Yourself.


Know Thyself. 

How To Be Happy Without Changing Anything But Yourself.

By Jonathon Twiz, The Mind Unleashed



If you give the below video an hour and a half of your time, you won’t be disappointed with the Inner wisdom it gives you. Do we create our own reality? As human beings we all co-create the aggregate of our experiences, your outer world is largely a reflection of your inner world.

You are the co-creator of your reality. You are not the entirety of your reality, this isn’t solipsism, at the same...


Tags: jonathon twizthe mind unleashed

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MAGIC in the Making: lighting up. ~ Lauren C. Gorgo.



MAGIC in the Making: lighting up.

 By Lauren C. Gorgo.

June 5, 2016.

Tho technically this is the “May” report, I can see now that the information contained within it was being held back (with my inability to produce it) until the June energies arrived fully because this month already feels completely different than just a couple days ago. Cue cleansing breath. 

Clearly we are all still adjusting and settling into new grooves after our recent round of gutting, but from this month forward we enter deep into the blossoming of our true Selves as those embodying prepare...

Tags: lauren c. gorgo

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Spiritual Trendsetters. ~ by Owen K Waters.


Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter

Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness


Spiritual Trendsetters.

by Owen K Waters.

June 5, 2016


Is it time for the world to stop being fearful?

Fear breeds fear. Love breeds love. One cancels the other. Which will you choose - love or fear?

If you decide to create more love in your life, the approach is simple. Spiritual awareness enhances the natural flow of the universal consciousness called love. By developing your inner spiritual connection, you attract and transmit more pure, unconditional love and all things will be added to you because of...

Tags: owen k watersowen watersspiritual dynamicsspiritual growthvitality,wellness

Posted at: 11:43 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |





By Selacia.

3 June, 2016

Image Source 

You may have noticed an increased momentum or influx of new energy since Wesak with the Masters. Indeed, you are not imagining this - the tide is shifting and abundant Wesak Season blessings are in the air! In this article, I'll outline a few things to look for and some suggestions of how to tap into and continue the flow of blessings in your life. Foresight can help you make the most of June and its high-energy days.

Wesak Blessings

As a reminder, Wesak Season...

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Hilarion, 2016/06/05 ~ Marlene Swetlishoff.


Message from Hilarion.

Through Marlene Swetlishoff.

June 5, 2016.

June 5-12, 2016 

Beloved Ones,

During these days life has taken on a period of receiving downloads, processing downloads, integrating downloads and assimilating and balancing the energies. Your days are filled with these. Time passes either quickly or slowly depending on the needs of the moment. Much passes before your observing consciousness. That which has been held within humanity’s astral bodies are surfacing and cleansing, this is what the great purging is all about. The majority of humanity is ready to move on, they have made this choice. Now it...

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Montague Keen - May 29, 2016 ~ Veronica Keen.


Mesage frm Montague Keen. 

Through Veronica Keen.

May 29, 2016 

Take note of how your governments are racing from one gathering to another in their desperate attempt to start World War 3. In their 'hearts' they know that they are finished; exposed for who and what they are. When they fail, they will find themselves at your mercy. You must ensure that they do fail, then the slaughter of mankind will cease. Now is the time for you to take responsibility for your fellow man and work together to ensure that humanity survives. You do not have the luxury...

Tags: montague keenveronica keen

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