Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -June 4, 2016 ~ 17 posts.

Portugal’s Example: What Happened After It Decriminalized All Drugs, From Weed to Heroin.


Portugal’s Example: 

What Happened After It Decriminalized All Drugs, From Weed to Heroin.


As diplomats gather at the United Nations in New York this week to consider the future of global drug policy, one Portuguese official, João Goulão, will likely command attention that far outstrips his country’s influence in practically any other area. That’s because 16 years ago, Portugal took a leap and decriminalized the possession of all drugs — everything from marijuana to heroin. By most measures, the move has paid off.

Today, Portuguese authorities don’t arrest anyone found holding...

Tags: decriminalized all drugsportugalweed to heroin

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Heavenletters: When the Sun Sets. - via Gloria Wendroff




When the Sun Sets.

 Throug Gloria Wendroff,


June 4, 2016


God said:

The Setting Sun. When the sun sets, no one bemoans it. Everyone knows that, when there is sunset, sunrise follows and vice versa. This is how the world is set up. There is no past when it comes to life. Only in world thought is there such a thing as past. In Truth, there is no future. There just is Is-ness. Is-ness is Infinity. Being-ness is Infinity. Beingness is. Infinity is.

The World of Doing is the relative world. I do...

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Krishnamurti Quotes: Revolution in Your Own Thinking and Acting.



Krishnamurti Quotes: 

Revolution in Your Own Thinking and Acting.

From J. Krishnamurti Online


We seem to forget that the world problem is the individual problem, that the problems of the world are created by you and me as individuals.The problems of war, starvation, exploitation, and all the other innumerable problems that confront each one of us are created by you and me, and as long as we do not understand ourselves at every level, we will maintain the rottenness of the present society.
Collected Works, Vol. VI”,136,Social Responsibility


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10 shocking reasons why Zika virus fear is another fraudulent medical hoax and vaccine industry funding scam.



10 shocking reasons why Zika virus fear is another fraudulent medical hoax and vaccine industry funding scam.

Posted June 3, 2016 

Think the Zika virus is responsible for all the cases of microcephaly in South America? Think again: There is no reliable scientific evidence linking the two. The developmental deformities are actually caused by exposure to toxic insecticide and larvicide chemicals, not Zika virus.
But because Zika virus fear fits a convenient funding narrative for chemical giants and vaccine manufacturers, it is being played up by the corrupt, criminally-run CDC and the...

Tags: edward morganzika virus

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US Taxpayers Forced to Pay $3 Billion for Damages in Vaccine Lawsuits — Not the Drug Companies.



US Taxpayers Forced to Pay $3 Billion for Damages in Vaccine Lawsuits — Not the Drug Companies.


Posted June 3, 2016 

In 2007, the US taxpayers were told that they were responsible for the negligent actions of several large banking institutions. They were told that in order to prevent “complete and utter chaos” from a banking collapse they must give the banking cartels hundreds of billions of dollars to “bail them out.” Despite an overwhelming majority of the public opposing this action, it was passed with bipartisan support in...

Tags: edward morganvaccine

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Awakening From The Illusion Of Separateness. ~ Christopher Chase.



Awakening From The Illusion Of Separateness.

 By Christopher Chase, Creative by Nature

thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit


June 4, 2016." alt="Awakening From The Illusion Of Separateness" width="478" height="300" />

“You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself..” ~Eckhart Tolle

We see the problems the human family is struggling with, and really want to help. Yet- if the great mystics, sages and spiritual mastersare right– rather than trying to change or improve the...

Tags: christopher chasecreative by nature

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Worst Jobs Report In Nearly 6 Years – 102 Million Working Age Americans Do Not Have Jobs.



Worst Jobs Report In Nearly 6 Years.

102 Million Working Age Americans Do Not Have Jobs.


Posted June 4, 2016 


This is exactly what we have been expecting to happen.  On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the U.S. economy only added 38,000 jobs in May.  This was way below the 158,000 jobs that analysts were projecting, and it is also way below what is needed just to keep up with population growth.  In addition, the number of jobs created in April was revised down by 37,000 and the number of...

Tags: edward morganjobs report

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Corporate Plantations in Africa and Destruction of Local Farming Communities.


Corporate Plantations in Africa and Destruction of Local Farming Communities.


Thanks to Era of Wisdom

June 4, 2016.


(This article originally appeared at Grain via Centre For Research on Globalization at this link. Thanks to Era of Wisdom)

On Friday 3 June, African citizens, organisations and unions will disrupt the shareholder meeting of the Bolloré group at its headquarters in Puteaux, just outside of Paris, France. The protestors represent a movement composed of thousands of farmers who have been displaced from their lands by industrial oil palm and rubber plantations. Since Wednesday, this movement has...

Tags: africacorporate plantations

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Looks Like Official “UFO” Disclosure Is Finally Coming To The United States. But…



Looks Like Official “UFO” Disclosure Is Finally Coming To The United States. But…

 By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

More and more people around the world are demanding “UFO” disclosure, and governments are responding. In fact, dozens of governments have already admitted to having departments in charge of UFO research and have released decades’ worth of declassified files.

While these files do not contain strong evidence to support the existence of extraterrestrial beings,  they do officially report objects travelling at high rates of speeds performing maneuvers that no known aircraft can perform. These well-documented encounters raise a number of important...

Tags: arjun waliacollective evolutiondisclosureufos

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It Will Happen. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



It Will Happen.

The Creator Writings.


transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner




My dearest child…. there will be times in your life when you feel disheartened and disappointed.  
Things may appear to be unfair as well as unchanging, even disastrous.  
Do not lose heart!  
Even though you may be experiencing these things now it does not mean they will continue indefinitely.
When you begin to feel overwhelmed, take a step back, breathe deeply, close your eyes and imagine the direction in which you...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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Is the CIA Getting Ready to Dump the Clintons? Jon Rappoport



Is the CIA Getting Ready to Dump the Clintons?

Jon Rappoport, Jon Rappoprt’s Blog, 

June 3, 2016

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia


June 4, 2016.

Hillary 2

Is the CIA getting ready to dump the Clintons?

Jon Rappoport, Jon Rappoprt’s Blog, June 3, 2016

How many times are the dynamic duo allowed to wander off the reservation?

Mainstream press outlets are mounting a new brand of coverage on Hillary Clinton’s campaign. They’re questioning her ability to win the nomination and/or the general election. All of a sudden, the done deal is...

Tags: ciaclintonsjon rappoport

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Steve Beckow: That to Me Would be Sacred Union.



That to Me Would be Sacred Union.

 By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia


June 4, 2016

Sacred Partners 33

How interesting that a process so intimate as sexuality could, in the Third Dimension, have been so debased.

I don’t mean debased in terms of actions. I mean debased in terms of energy. Low vibrational.

I guess I also mean debased in terms of understanding.

The sexuality we created in the Third Dimension, which was promoted and harnessed by business, shaped by the cabal and its media, conditioned into us by the most indirect and sometimes illicit...

Tags: golden age of gaiasteve beckow

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Prepare for Change - 2016/06/04.



Prepare for Change files on UFO’s and interview with James Gilliland
2016-06-03 13:53:26-04 Take a Peek Into Our “X-Files” The CIA declassified hundreds of documents in 1978 detailing the Agency’s investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The documents date primarily from the late 1940s and 1950s. To help navigate the vast amount of data contained in our FOIA UFO collection, we’ve decided to highlight a few documents both ... Read more

The Most Radioactive ‘SCANDAL Of The MILLENNIUM’
2016-06-03 14:41:20-04

TMR Editor’s Note: This story is perhaps the single most “Radioactive Scandal of the Millennium”....

Tags: prepare for change

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Association: Fruit, Veggie Consumption While Young Reduces Cancer Risk Later. ~ Julie Fidler



Fruit, Veggie Consumption While Young Reduces Cancer Risk Later.

By Julie Fidler, Natural Society

June 4, 2016.


Most people know that fruits and vegetables are essential staples of a healthy diet, and consuming plenty of them have been found to cut the risk of various cancers. However, most of those studies have focused on how fruit and vegetable consumption benefit the health of adults, but we know that a healthy start in life can protect people from diseases later on.

Recently, Maryam Farvid a research associate at Massachusetts General Hospital and a visiting scientist at the...

Tags: julie fidlernatural society

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Boldly Engaging the Ongoing Adventure. ~ Zen Gardner,


Boldly Engaging the Ongoing Adventure.

 By Zen GardnerWaking Times


June 4, 2016.

consciousenss cosmic spirit

Very new times are upon us. The shift continues to shift in new and amazing ways, challenging even new found paradigms almost as quickly as we arrive at considering them. 
If things aren’t morphing that quickly for you perhaps you’re not paying attention. Because there’s a good chance they are and you’re just not noticing.
Little things and big things are taking on new shapes and forms. It may appear subtle at first until you tune in, but...

Tags: waking times zen gardner

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