Light expansion: how to keep growing and glowing! ~ Jill Renee.
Light expansion: how to keep growing and glowing!
Jill Renee Feeler.
There are times when we feel we are so filled with light that we may burst. We stretch our limits. Then we adjust. And we get comfortable. Then possibly bored :-). Then we experience another seam-busting expansion. And again the cycle repeats.
We've created this ingenious system for letting in more Light. Light of God. Let in here. Into humanity. Into Earth.
Will we ever say done, enough? Given all the over achievers this group seems...
Changes are occurring thick and fast on Earth as more and more of you become aware that you have been seriously misled by those in positions of authority for a very long time. You have a saying, credited to the Englishman, Sir John Dalberg-Acton, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are...
In April 1984, Dr. Robert Gallo filed a United States application for his invention, the HIV/AIDS Virus. Normally, when a patent is filed and approved, as Dr. Gallo’s was, anyone who uses the product or invention owes a royalty payment to the artificer. SCIENTISTS ENSURE WITH 100 PERCENT CERTAINTY THE LABORATORY GENESIS OF AIDS Thus, ... Read more read more...
About Schemers and Schemes. ~ Thought Adjuster; Oscar.
About Schemers and Schemes.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Message received by Oscar.
Alabama, US of A, June 21, 2012.
Thought Adjuster: “In this world there are persons and groups of persons that conspire to keep the majority ignorant about their plans while they attempt to gain an unfair advantage over their peers. Many of the problems that affect your world are promoted by these groups to create confusion and ensure their own well-being. However, do not fear the designs of those confused mortals nor should you judge them severely. They, even more than others, also...
11 Types of Spirit Guides on Your Team. ~ Melanie Beckler.
Types of Spirit Guides!
11 Types of Spirit Guides on Your Team.
Melanie Beckler.
Meet Your Spirit Guides
When opening to experience the realms of spirit, it’s important to note that there are many types of spiritual beings you may come across. Just as you aren’t likely to take advice from random people you meet on the street, it is best to use discretion when it comes to who you are listening to in the spiritual realm.
Just because a being is in the spiritual realm, doesn’t mean they’re necessarily the a worthy source of...
Here's the next stage of my landscape painting. It was taken from a photo of mine, "The Folly at Hilton Head Island". The landscape is muted as it was winter time. The marsh grasses become quite green and colorful with late spring and summer. The Folly is a brackish waterway that cuts HHI in half and is surrounded on one side by marsh and on the other by a white sand Atlantic Ocean Beach, Burke's Beach. I thought the reflection of the cloudy sky in...
An active compound found in the cannabis plant called tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly known as THC, has recently been found to promote the removal of toxic clumps of amyloid beta protein in the brain, which are thought to be precursors to Alzheimer’s disease.
These findings support the results of previous studies, which found evidence of the protective effects of cannabinoids, including THC, on patients with the neurodegenerative disease.
According to senior paper author David Schubert, of...
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has completed its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server and is recommending that the Department of Justice not indict Clinton, FBI Director James Comey said in a press conference today.
The recommendation is not binding, and the ultimate decision will be made by the Department...
Simply to get the discussion going, let me propose that, in my opinion, the appropriate combination of divine qualities needed, at this point in time, to tackle building Nova Earth are love, will, and neutrality.
The love I refer to is transformative love, a much stronger and deeper form of love than we’re ordinarily used to. It includes what some call compassion and others loving-kindness.
Will includes strong intention, persistent determination, and courageous action.
Neutrality implies balance, not leaning to the left or the...
We’re more sensible now. We don’t live our lives as much as we arrange them and organize them. B follows A. D follows C. We take our medicine and our shots because the doctor says so.
We’re careful, because accidents happen.
We don’t say what’s on our minds a lot of the time, because other people might pass that on, and who knows? We might get into trouble.
But once upon a time, when we were young, we were free. We didn’t take...
There may be times when things seem dark, unfulfilling and mundane.
Please know that during these moments (and they are just moments) it is The Universe saying there are changes coming, good things heading your way. You are being told, “Just hang on, sweetie, hang on.
(NaturalNews) Regardless of your political affiliation, this is a must-read article because it describes in raw, naked detail how the FBI / DOJ justice scam really operates in America.
Remember, thanks to the absolute corruption of Washington D.C., “justice” really means “just us.” In other words, the politically connected elite write laws and carry out the selective prosecution of laws solely to serve their own self-interest....
We are on the long journey back to who we are and where we come from and over the last few days, we have transitioned yet again out of the familiarity of old surroundings into something very different. It’s as different as we can handle until we get used to what it’s like, and then it changes again.
So what’s different? For one, we are now shifting realities from one moment to the next, which takes a...
We had an energy shift last night around 11 pm EST. There were no flares and no geo storms. To be really tuned in, is to feel these waves when there is nothing else going on space weather wise. This is why space weather will only cover a small portion of our SHIFT.
This is why I ALWAYS stress to live in the moment of NOW, otherwise energetically we can miss these waves as they come in.
This article (Chuck Norris’ Son Believes He Was Poisoned After Chuck Spoke Out About Geoengineering) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Era of
The world has never been so connected as it is now. Communication and internet technologies have made it possible to stay in touch with anyone no matter where they live.
Today, it’s probably impossible to find a person who doesn’t use social networks and instant messaging apps, which have become an integral part of our life.
Many people can’t even imagine their daily routine without online communication and feel incomplete if they don’t chat with their friends and...
Benjamin Fulford 2016.07.05 ~ Khazarian mafia defeat certain as rebellion spreads in the EU the US and elsewhere.
"Khazarian Mafia Defeat Certain"
Khazarian mafia defeat certain as rebellion spreads in the EU the US and elsewhere.
By Benjamin Fulford.
July 5, 2016.
The end of Khazarian mafia tyranny on the planet earth is getting very close indeed. The Rothschilds and other top Khazarian Mafiosi families like the Borgia, the Medici, the Del Banco (Warburg) the Rockefellers (including the Clintons) the Bushes (Pecce) have been given until July 10th to reach a peace agreement with the people of the planet. After that a bounty of $100 million each, payable in gold, will be handed...
Conversation With Your SELF ~PREPARING FOR FIRST CONTACT (14) - Pleiadians; Suzanne Lie
By the Pleiadians.
Through Suzanne Lie.
JULY 7, 2016.
Conversations With Your SELF
Greetings, I am Sharman, back again to speak with you. I wish I could tell you of our latest adventures on Earth, but it is not yet safe enough to do so. We have heard many of you ask, “Why is there still darkness in our world?” Hence, that question will be the core of our message to you within your NOW.
Yes, there is still darkness in your reality, but...
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.
5 Batz, 4 Kumku, 12 Manik (July 5, 2016)
Selamat Jalwa! A minor scheduling issue has caused a slight interruption in the release of funds.
Initial deliveries were deferred until after American Independence Day, due to a conflict between those who wish a truly fast track and others who desire an overuse of prudence in these matters. We anticipate that this promises to be the last of such delays. Most of the fundamental fundings are already in the financial pipeline. The most difficult hurdles...
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