Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -July 5, 2016 ~ 18 posts.

Blue Dragon Journal Entry 07.05.2016 by Eliza Ayres




Blue Dragon Journal 

Entry 07.05.2016

by Eliza Ayres

Journal Entry 07.05.2016

Well, I survived the 4th of July once again... after listening to a barrage of fireworks from the neighbors for hours last night. Can't say that it is one of my favorite holidays and given the revelations that are coming out in regards to American "his" story, the untold and repressed history, not all Americans are pleased with their country either.

I just got done with another painting session. Now I'm working on three paintings. Working on more than one allows the others to dry,...

Tags: blue dragoneliza ayres

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My Thoughts On Being A Flexitarian. You May Relate.



My Thoughts On Being A Flexitarian. You May Relate 

By Samantha Keene, Collective Evolution

July 5, 2016.

I am a food blogger, an ethical eater, and a health-conscious person. I am also a flexitarian. And I hate that word.

Perhaps because it has yet to earn a place in either the public consciousness I’m or its vernacular, or perhaps because I ascribe to it a collection of perceived negative connotations – whatever the reason, it feels decidedly unflattering.

It’s certainly not the hat I put on when introducing myself at parties. Between blank stares or outright hostility, it appears there is no more room...

Tags: collective evolutionsamantha keene

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We’ll Soon Have the Tools. Now What Do We Do? ~ Steve Beckow.



We’ll Soon Have the Tools. Now What Do We Do? 

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia

July 5, 2016 


Imagine you’re looking out on a European city after the war.

You look at it, partially-destroyed, and wonder: What do we do? Where do we begin?

Planet Earth is our city and it’s been levelled by forces of darkness, for millennia. Its economy has been taken over. The populace (the 99%) have watched as their share of the national income has shrunk and gone to the elite (the 1%).

Living standards have fallen, perhaps planet-wide. Pension plans...

Tags: golden age of gaiasteve beckow

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4 Celebrated Freedoms that Now Require Permission or Privilege to Enjoy.



4 Celebrated Freedoms that Now Require Permission or Privilege to Enjoy.

By Isaac DavisWaking Times

July 5, 2016.


Independence, liberty, freedom. Ideas worth celebrating, for sure, only intangible constructs of the human mind, therefore, their meanings can change along with the times.

And since people are extremely adaptable creatures, we rapidly normalize to ever-evolving societal and cultural conditions and values. What people consider to be ‘freedom’ today, is nothing similar to what it was even a couple of generations ago.
Here are 4 celebrated, historic liberties that people have long enjoyed, yet are undergoing a dramatic metamorphosis...

Tags: isaac daviswaking times

Posted at: 20:58 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Iowa Farmer Exposes Complete Failure of GMOs... ~ Ethan A. Huff.



Iowa Farmer Exposes Complete Failure of GMOs, 

Blasts Roundup Ready Crops for Creating Superweeds and Superbugs that Kill Vital Insects and Birds. 

By Ethan A. Huff, Natural News

July 5, 2016

(NaturalNews) The media is notorious for showcasing genetic engineering as some kind of miracle for food production, but what do actual farmers think of the technology?

In a scathing op-ed piece published in The Des Moines Register, Iowa farmer George Naylor holds nothing back in debunking many of the common myths about GMOs and chemical herbicides which food modification apologists often use as justification for continuing...

Tags: ethan a. huffgmosnatural news

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Featured Meditation ~Arcturians via Suzanne Lie.



Featured Meditation 

From The Previous Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series 

Suzanne Lie

July 1, 2016



By the Arcturians

We the Arcturians want you to know that all your needs are always met, but you must remember to ask because Earth is a free will planet. Therefore, you will be called upon choose the reality in which you wish to experience.
You actually did choose your reality when you first took embodiment on Gaia, but since you have entered Earth’s third-dimensional matrix, much of your “free will” was forgotten in your struggle for survival on a...

Tags: arcturianspleiadianssuzanne liethe arcturians

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Prepare for Change 2016/07/05



Prepare for Change

St. Germaine: Celebrate Freedom!!!
2016-07-04 12:09:18-04

July 3, 2016 by Steve Beckow St. Germaine, July 1, 2016, Saturday Conference Call, Council of Love Greetings, I am St. Germaine, Keeper of the I AM, Keeper of the Violet Flame, and yes, dearest Joe, keeper of the tequila although I do not recall ever having that substance during the time I walked the ... Read more

How does ‘Truth’ taste? . . . I say taste it anyway
2016-07-04 17:37:15-04


2016-07-04 17:39:16-04

The MOST Dangerous Man In...

Tags: prepare for change

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Let nothing worry you. ~ Thought Adjuster; Bettina.


Let nothing worry you.

Teacher: Thought Adjuster.

Message received by Bettina.

Mexico City, Mexico, April 27, 2016.





Thought Adjuster: “When you walk beside Me holding My hand, nothing bothers you. When a father takes his young son to cross the street, the child is not even aware of what goes on in the street; he simply takes his father’s hand, he trusts him and he relaxes. 

“Take My hand, walk with Me. Trust in My care. I will not let anything happen to you that will be harmful to you. 

“It is important for you...

Tags: bettinathought adjuster

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Get Busy. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



 Get Busy.

The Creator Writings 

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner 

July 5, 2016.




You have a saying on your Earth plane; ”Get busy living or get busying dying.”  
Once again, you are offered a choice to stand up, change directions and move forward or lie down and remain motionless.  
As challenging as the growth process may seem at times, the benefits are endless.  
Which are you going to indulge? 


Discernment is recommended.

All articles...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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July Energy Forecast, The Tide is Turning ~ Emmanuel Dagher.


The Tide is Turning.

Energy Forecast.

 By Emmanuel Dagher.

 July 2016.



Peace and Blessings,

In the June Energy Forecast TitledComplete Freedom, we began to explore the opening that was becoming available for humanity in regards to experiencing complete freedom. 

We are now in uncharted waters when it comes to our experience of freedom. 

The reason being is that for thousands of years, the human psyche has only known how to exist within a third dimensional reality that includes a form of oppression and/or conditional agenda behind it. 

This linear reality operated...

Tags: emmanuel dagherenergy

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The Angelic Realm – Part 2 ‘The Misconception of Fallen Angels’ ~ Metatron; James Tyberonn.



Message from Archangel Metatron 

Channelvia James Tyberonn

The Angelic Realm – Part 2


‘The Misconception of Fallen Angels’

Copyrights Reserved 2016

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light. I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service & we greet you in a vector of unconditional love.
Dear Ones, we continue in this session with the final potion of our channel on the nature of Angels. We ask you to keep an open mind in the information we share, for portions of what we share may differ from your religious teachings....

Tags: james tyberonnmetatron

Posted at: 20:50 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

How To Receive Guidance From The Universe ~ Andrea Schulman.



How To Receive Guidance From The Universe. 

 By Andrea

July 5, 2016


What do you do when you have an unanswered question, or when you’re not sure which direction to take? How do you choose the best path when you’re confused or torn? In cases like these, it can help to know how to receive guidance from the universe.

I’ve found that it is possible to ask for guidance from the universe, and receive it, in a very clear fashion with very little frustration or worry on my part. All it takes...

Tags: andrea

Posted at: 20:49 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

What If We Could No Longer Celebrate Freedom on the 4th of July? ~ Claire Bernish.



What If We Could No Longer Celebrate Freedom on the 4th of July? 

By Claire Bernish, Anti Media

July 5, 2016


(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) United States — What if people, sickened by tyrannical control, threw off the shackles of bloated governance in favor of leading themselves? 

What if the erosion of fundamental freedoms — guaranteed not by a document, but by being human — were actually intolerable as so much grumbling intimated? 

What if government intrusion into people’s bedrooms, communications, sovereign corporeal decisions — of vice, health, and more — means of subsistence, financial choices, business, education,...

Tags: anti mediaclaire bernish

Posted at: 20:48 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

10 Ways to Raise Our Vibration. ~ Juliet Tang,



10 Ways to Raise Our Vibration.

By Juliet Tang, Wake Up World

July 5, 2016 


What is Vibration?

Vibration is our unique personal energy frequency, or energy signature. It is the state of our energy at this moment, as a result of all beliefs, emotions, experiences and interactions we have accumulated.

Our vibration is directly affected by both the external such as our environmental factors and lifestyle choices, as well as the internal such as the stories we tell about ourselves and the world around us.

Hence, it is essential for us...

Tags: juliet tangvibrationwake up world

Posted at: 20:46 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Ask The Masters, 2016/07/05. ~ Toni and Peter.



Ask The Masters.

By The Celestial Voices.

Through Toni and Peter.

5th of July, 2016.


A preview of the Masters' Tuesday Teachings for 5 July 2016

Here in the United States of America, we have just celebrated the 240th anniversary of our nation's independence. As individuals, though, most of us remain mired in the grip of Earth's third-dimensional systems of negativity and ego judgment. To be sure, our souls knew what we were getting into and still chose to take on various lessons by incarnating here. We love a challenge, right? Sure, when we finally...

Tags: ask the masterscelestial voicestoni and peter

Posted at: 20:44 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

New Survey Shows Exactly Why the Two-Party System Is Failing America. ~ Carey Wedler.



New Survey Shows Exactly Why the Two-Party System Is Failing America.

By Carey Wedler

Thanks to Activist Post

July 5, 2016.


Republicans’ and Democrats’ views of each other are more vitriolic than they have been in nearly a quarter century, a new in-depthsurvey by the Pew Research Center released last week concluded.

“For the first time in surveys dating to 1992, majorities in both parties express not just unfavorable but very unfavorable views of the other party,” the researchers noted [emphasis added]. “And today, sizable shares of both Democrats and Republicans say the other...

Tags: activist postcarey wedler

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Benjamin Fulford July 4th 2016 (video)



Benjamin Fulford July 4th 2016 

Benjamin Fulford July 4th 2016 

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @
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PT: a chama ~ Israel ou Cazária!? ~
EN: VioletFlame ; CPLP ; Light a Candle for PEACE ; Alternative Media ; ...

Tags: benjamin fulford

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Montague Keen 2016/06/26 and 2016/07/03 ~ Veronica Keen.


Messages from Montague Keen.

Through Veronica Keen.

June 26 and July 3, 2016

Montague Keen - July 3, 2016

The battle for truth and justice is being vigorously fought, on the streets, in the homes, and in the political parties in England, and it has become vicious. The treachery was blatant and well planned in advance. Anyone with even a modicum of intelligence could see that. How could anyone ever be asked to trust such a despicable man, no matter what stories he comes up with. There is no doubt, he is what he is, and he did what...

Tags: montague keenveronica keen

Posted at: 04:40 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

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