Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -January 27th, 2016 ~ 24 posts!

Making Music. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Making Music. The Creator Writings. transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. January 27, 2016. [image: WearableTrendWS] Make music with the movement of your human body, make every smile you give like the stars shining, make every moment of your Earth-plane existence like magic. Show the world the beauty of your soul. Be in rapture of the wonderful gift you call life. Creator. *Tanks to* URLs: - - *Please respect all credits.* *This author archiv... more »

Video: Spiritual Meaning of Life: 7 Conscious Steps to Find Your Pu...

Video: Spiritual Meaning of Life: 7 Conscious Steps to Find Your Purpose. Culture of Awareness January 27, 2016 *Editor’s note: The following is a video from Keri-Lee, a contributor for the *Culture of Awareness. *You can find her YouTube channel here: * - *Also check out her blog, *A Journey Into Passion and Purpose *Tanks to* URL: *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* ------------------------------ *All articles are of the ... more »

Abundance, Meditation, Prepare for Change.

*Abundance Meditation* [image: Image] Share: [image: Facebook] [image: Twitter] [image: Google+] [image: LinkedIn] [image: StumbleUpon] Hello Manuel! Humanity has suffered in many ways for far toolong, it is time for us to be abundant and reclaim what Source intended for us. We have received guidance to mediate this Friday January 29, 2016 to bring abundance back to all of humanity. If you feel so guided please join us at 12:22pm est/5pm UTC to help usher in abundance for all. Start the meditation by calling Goddess Dou Mou and St. Germain and state the intention of returning... more »

Spiritual Feelings. ~Thought Adjuster via Oscar.

Spiritual Feelings.*Thought Adjuster. *Received by Oscar.Alabama, USA, March 13, 2012. *Thought Adjuster:* “Spiritual matters are very hard to explain using the resources of the human mind. Your mind is material and can only offer explanations for those things that are within its conceptual frame of reference. It is very hard for your mind to explain realities far removed from everything you know and from spiritual realities in that category. “However human beings have a spiritual nature and some of this nature must therefore be perceptible for them. These perceptions reside in th... more »

7 Things the Buddha Taught Us About Overcoming Suffering. ~Luke Mil...

7 Things the Buddha Taught Us About Overcoming Suffering.By Luke Miller, Truth Theory, Thanks to Conscious Life News January 27, 2016. [image: meditating_buddha-compressed] There are very few certainties in life & there are no guarantees that the life we are living today will be the same for us tomorrow. But one thing that will remain consistent through your life is, you will continually have challenges & problems to overcome & while these challenges will differ from person to person, the solution for any problems can be broken down into 7 key areas for development. *Related Arti... more »

6 Vegan Cheats For Vegans & Meat Eaters Looking To Cut Bac....

6 Vegan Cheats For Vegans & Meat Eaters Looking To Cut Bac.By Avery Rouda, Collective Evolution, January 27, 2016 [image: vegpyr-728x400] What’s veganism? How do you do it? Gosh, that must be so hard. You can’t eat anything. I could never do it, I love meat too much! I hear at least one of these phrases every single day. Here’s the deal: I love my vegan diet, so when I meet fun people, I want to share this super awesome way of life with them! Unfortunately, most would rather stay closed and comfortable than be open to a new idea. So instead of getting hot-and-bothered with tho... more »

The Science of Sound – Proof that You Truly Are a Cosmic Instrument...

The Science of Sound. Proof that You Truly Are a Cosmic Instrument. By Christina Sarich, *Waking Times, * January 27, 2016 [image: cosmic-instrument-concsiousness-1] *“Music is the universal language of mankind.” ~ *Henry Wadsworth Longfellow An ancient understanding of the cosmological universe puts forth that inaudible music calculates the position of the heavenly bodies in our skies. With quintessential harmony, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, and all the other planets are held perfectly in place, with the harmonic ratios of each planet determining how they respond to one another, and ... more »

USA - Rhode Island Re-Introduces Mandatory GMO Labeling Bill. ~Chri...

Rhode Island Re-Introduces Mandatory GMO Labeling Bill.By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, January 27, 2016 [image: field-gmo-rhode-island-735-350-2] *Rhode Island Rep. Dennis M. Canario is reintroducing a bill that would label foods containing genetically modified ingredients, ultimately allowing consumers to know what they are eating.* Like many have said before him, people have the right to know if the food they are eating contains man-made, DNA-altered creations. The bill (H 7274) being reintroduced by Canario (D-Dist. 71, Portsmouth, Little Compton, Tiverton) in the House ... more »

Corporate Fascism, The Vatican and the 21st Century. ~Katherine Frisk.

Corporate Fascism, The Vatican and the 21st Century.By Katherine Frisk on January 23, 2016*The Devil Wears Prada* *by Katherine Frisk* *January 25, 2016 by Dane Arr* [image: vaticansunset] [image: Pope_Prade+lif9b600] *The Vatican is the prototype of a Corporate Fascist entity.**It answers to nobody. It pays taxes to nobody. Its Bishops and priests have diplomatic immunity all over the world. It even has its own embassies. It owns more real estate than any other entity on the planet. * *It was never about God, Jesus or Christianity, it is about power and control and “fashion sta... more »

The world changes as you change. ~Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

Changes. The world changes as you change. Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. January 27, 2016 Allow your physical world time to catch up with the new you that has been emerging through all the work you have been doing to expand your light and power. It is the densest or all your bodies and therefore takes the most time to see the results of the new energy that you have been utilizing. Have patience with the process of awakening. This movement ushers in positive new energy. You a powerful being of light. We are so happy to watch you step up and take your place. Be ready for advent... more »

Sheldan Nidle, Jan, 26 2016.

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation. 1 Batz, 4 Yax, 12 Manik [Jan, 26 2016] Dratzo! A great shift is now taking place for the Light and her allies. This renewed effort is to bring humanity its freedom and a wondrous prosperity. At present, the dark realizes its terrible predicament. Special orders have gone forth to complete a number of key projects by the end of this first Gregorian month of January. This time is traditionally one of endings as well as beginnings. Following in this path is a special project to take down the wanton oligarc... more »

So how are those New Year’s Resolutions? ~Dreama Vance.

[image: Spiritual Dynamics Academy] So how are those New Year’s Resolutions? by Dreama Vance. Maybe I shouldn’t even go there but if a change in your diet was one of your resolutions and is now a thing of the past, then let me share a secret to success. Many people think going cold turkey is the best way to stop doing something or the best way to stop eating something. For some people this is successful. If this works for you, congratulations! For many of us, however, the step is too big. A hole gets left when the activity or the food choice is eliminated. This hole is particul... more »

The Teachers Speak: Alan Watts on Love and True Spirituality. ~Wes ...

The Teachers Speak: Alan Watts on Love and True Spirituality. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness January 27, 2016 [image: The Teachers Speak (KEEP)] Alan Watts was a writer, speaker and philosopher who brought eastern philosophy to western spiritual seekers. (1) He was and still is loved by many in the spiritual community, and his large volume of writings and lectures is considered by many to be a great source of wisdom. We can learn from his work and the example he set that social morality is just as important as personal. While it’s argued that personal change is the best way... more »

Mayan Messages: Choices! Choices! ~Theresa Crabtree.

Choices! Choices!via Theresa Crabtree, Mayan Messages, January 25, 2016 Greetings, dear one. Can you feel the excitement in the air when you make a decision that feels right? Have you ever wondered where that feeling comes from? Why do some decisions feel right while at other times you battle within your mind to choose the best outcome for a situation? Often, there is a knowingness that something feels right because you have set a clear intention. In these moments, you are in flow with creation. You know what you want and you know what to do to obtain it. No matter what anyone ... more »

Krishnamurti Quotes: The Individual Is Destroyed Through Compulsion.

Krishnamurti Quotes: The Individual Is Destroyed Through Compulsion. J. Krishnamurti Online, January 26, 2016 Organized religion, organized belief, and totalitarian states are very similar because they all want to destroy the individual through compulsion, through propaganda, through various forms of coercion. The organized religion does the same thing, only in a different way. There, you must accept, you must believe, you are conditioned. The whole tendency both of the left and of the so-called spiritual organizations is to mold the mind to a particular pattern of conduct becau... more »

What Are The Others Who Live In Your Body Up To? ~Andy Ridgway.

What Are The Others Who Live In Your Body Up To?By Andy Ridgway, Prevent Disease, January 26, 2016 How’s this for caring? Without being in the same room, building or even the same city as your mother, you can literally patch up her heart. Or your child can patch up yours. It’s an idea that takes getting used to at first, but hear us out: you probably left tiny little bits of you inside your mother. And you got stuff from her, too: her cells take up residence in most of your organs, perhaps even your brain. They live there for years, decades even, meddling with your biology and you... more »

Someone Made a List of Politicians That Admitted the System is Cont...

Someone Made a List of Politicians That Admitted the System is Controlled by Special Interests. *CoNN,* *Thanks to* Anti-Media January 25, 2016, *(ANONHQ)* Politicians are all corrupt; those few who do initially join to “help the people” either soon get corrupted, or are mulched out of the system. None are more corrupt than those who are at the very top of American politics; the so-called “survivors.” The Intercept’s Jon Schwarz has collected several quotes from politicians; some who made the mistake of admitting their own wrong-doings, and others who were “whistleblowing” on the ... more »

22 Things Happy People Do Differently. ~via oohphify.

22 Things Happy People Do Differently.via *oohphify, * Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit January 27, 2016 [image: 22 Things Happy People Do Differently] *Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. – Dalai Lama* There are two types of people in the world: those who choose to be happy, and those who choose to be unhappy. Contrary to popular belief, happiness doesn’t come from fortune, fame, material possessions, or other people. Rather, it comes from within. The richest person in the world could be miserable, while a homeless person could be walking around... more »

Until Next Time…. Growing Apart From Friends And Family. ~Gregg Pre...

Until Next Time…. Growing Apart From Friends And Family. By Gregg Prescott, M.S., *,* January 26, 2016 [image: rherh1111ae] An awakening of unprecedented proportions is happening all over the world right now, yet same people remain asleep and set in their ways. They may not understand your awakening or how you have grown as a person and may seemingly be drifting away from your relationship with them. It’s painful. You recall all of the wonderful memories you shared with these people and think of them fondly, yet it can become puzzling as to why you chose to awaken while ... more »

Benjamin Fulford, January 26, 2016, ~Beijing envoy says all US doll...

Beijing envoy says all US dollars will have a Chinese signature by 2018.By Benjamin Fulford.January 26, 2016, The shift in the center of global power is accelerating with a strong push being made to ensure all oil and other international commodities are traded in Chinese dollars or Yuan and not Khazarian so-called US dollars, multiple sources agree. All “US dollars” will have a Chinese person’s signature on them by 2018, according to a special envoy sent to the White Dragon Society by Chinese royals based in Beijing. He promised to send a photograph of these dollars to this newslet... more »

Authenticity. Be your true self. ~Angel Wisdom via Sharon Taphorn.

Authenticity. Be your true self.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.January 26, 2016 Everything can be healed with gentle love and yet there is also a need for strength, courage and truthfulness. It is possible to be both assertive and angelic at the same time. Call upon the angels for support and guidance when you need to speak your truth and be true to your own heart. With practice, this becomes easier and second nature. These are opportunities for your personal and spiritual growth. Decide what you truly want in your heart of hearts. Be clear about the conditions that are acceptabl... more »

Ask The Masters, 26 January 2016. - Toni and Peter.

Ask The Masters. By The Celestial Voices. Through Toni and Peter. 26 January 2016 A preview of the Masters’ Tuesday Teachings. Without diagnosing or prescribing for a medical condition, which they never do, the Masters answer a question from the USA about a woman’s seemingly astounding reaction to an MRI test. You’ll want to read this! An Israeli woman can’t account for an irrational hatred of her father, a perfectly good man. The Masters pinpoint the past-life source – which, interestingly, has nothing to do with her dad in this life. A very depressed man from Brazil can’t see ... more »

God’s message to you... in many forms is that you are Love. ~Saul v...

God’s message to you, delivered through many messengers and in many forms is that you are Love.Messge from Saul *(Paul).* Through John Smallman.January 26th, 2016. Saul Audio Blog for Tuesday January 26th Things on Earth are not as dark as they appear. Enormous changes are in progress, as you well know, and as these are implemented they are causing a certain amount of disturbance and confusion in the planetary economic and political fields. It appears to many of you that you are on an extremely fast “roller-coaster ride” that is out of control and in danger of crashing. Hold on to... more »

BORDERS and BOUNDARIES - Refugees and the Relationship Between Self...

*BORDERS and BOUNDARIES. ** Refugees and the Relationship Between Self and Other.**By *Julie Redstone.January 26, 2016 [image: Image] *The ‘spiritual’ becomes ‘practical’ when we are not ruled by fear and instead seek new solutions to the problems at hand, the problems of caring for the needs of all. These new solutions are on our collective horizon. They are being brought forward into consciousness by the needs of our time.* ------------------------------ We hear many discussions, today, of national ‘boundaries’ and ‘borders’ based on the influx of millions of immigrants see... more »

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