Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! - January 125th 2016 ~ 23 posts.

Search for Truth ... And the Truth Shall Set You Free!

Keep an Attitude of Gratitude. ~Angel Wisdom VIA Sharon Taphorn.



Keep an Attitude of Gratitude.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. 

January 25, 2016

Choose what thoughts and words you use carefully. Use only positive words and thoughts to describe your current state of affairs as these thoughts and words are quickly manifesting into form. Listen carefully to any self talk and thoughts you have about yourself and your life and as soon as you notice any that don't feel good or supportive, cancel them and replace them with those that support you and what you are trying to create for yourself. 
Ask your angels and guides to help you to monitor your thoughts and feelings more closely. Ask Archangel Michael to overlight you and clear lower vibrating thoughts and feelings and to help you carefully choose the thoughts, ideas and feelings that you would like to hold as your truth so that you can use your power to...

Tags: angel wisdom, gratitude, optimistic, sharon taphorn

Posted at: 12:38 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Prepare for Change ~ 2016/01/25



Prepare for Change


Ron Paul is Calling for the End of the Petrodollar System
2016-01-24 00:43:25-05

Posted by Tyler Durden on 01/14/2016 21:10 -0500 Submitted by Nick Giambruno via, The chaos that one day will ensue from our 35-year experiment with worldwide fiat money will require a return ... Read more...

Don’t Try to Hang On – It’s Time to Let Go
2016-01-24 04:06:11-05

Don’t Try to Hang On – It’s Time to Let Go by Therese Zumi Sumner The old 3D reality is gone! We are now most definitely anchored in 4D Gaia and moving up ... Read more...

Hideouts or Sacred Spaces? Experts Baffled by Mysterious Undergroun...
2016-01-24 15:45:06-05

There are more than 700 curious tunnel networks in Bavaria, but their purpose remains a mystery. Were they built as graves for the souls of the dead, as ritual spaces or...

Tags: prepare for change

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Could Adding Warning Labels To Sugary Drinks Deter Parents From Buying Them? ~Alanna Ketler.


Could Adding Warning Labels To Sugary Drinks Deter Parents From Buying Them?

By Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

January 23, 2016





Over the past several years a tremendous amount of research has come forward which showcases the negative effects of excess sugar consumption. As a society we are finally beginning to understand just how toxic sugar is to our bodies, as well as extremely addictive; studies have even demonstrated that sugar can be as addictive as heroin or cocaine.

Many people have taken steps to cut back on their sugar intake, as they have come to understand just how harmful this substance is to their bodies, but what about those who have no knowledge of the dangers of this sweet substance? Not everyone has access to this type of information or interest in researching nutrition on their own.

There are many people who drink soda on a regular basis, and while they may be...

Tags: alanna ketler, collective evolution

Posted at: 12:27 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Expanding your Field of Vision. ~DL Zeta.


Expanding your Field of Vision.

By DL Zeta. 

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.


January 25, 2016



DL Zeta

The energies of recent months triggered numerous ‘shake-ups’ that are now threading their way through your consciousness, sewing seeds of change that are already sprouting on the scene of your daily life. More energy shifts will be ushered in by the March eclipse series (March 8 and 23), so this is a good time to bring awareness to the changes currently taking place.

Change Filters through the Lens of Spiritual Purpose

These energies are filtered through the unique lens of your spiritual purpose and your personal identity. They manifest in your world in needed ways. Some of you have experienced it through the loss of a foundational aspect of your life such as a career, relationship or other changes on the home front. Others have experienced a sudden insight or...

Tags: dl zeta, golden age of gaia

Posted at: 12:26 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Changes in the Divine Plan Do Occur – Part 1 /2. ~Steve Beckow.


Changes in the Divine Plan Do Occur. 

Part 1/2

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia

January 25, 2016

Note: Steve takes most of his information from channeled sources; remember to use discernment.

Contrary to what we may think, the Divine Plan isn’t static.

Neither is it being thought out on the fly.

The truth is somewhere in between.

For instance, when I interviewed the Arcturians through Sue Lie in late December 2015, they said in passing: “Whether or not our parallel or alternate realities will all collapse into the ascending Gaia has not yet been determined within the now.”

I asked them if there are still some elements of Ascension in particular that haven’t been determined yet, some aspects of the Ascension plan that hadn’t been firmed up. They replied: “Oh yes.” (1)

In 2015 Archangel Michael acknowledged that the Divine Plan changes: “Have there been many variables...

Tags: golden age of gaia, steve beckow

Posted at: 12:23 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

How We Fast Forward Memories and Learn to Slow Time. ~Kirsten Cowart.


How We Fast Forward Memories and Learn to Slow Time.

By Kirsten Cowart, Waking Times, 

 January 25, 2016




Recently scientists from the University of Texas found a mechanism in the brain that explains how we are able to remember grand amounts of data in a matter of seconds. Before now scientists weren’t sure how we are able to take an event such as watching a movie or hanging out with our friends and compress it down into a few seconds of data recall.

This mechanism also explains how we are able to plan out entire future events without spending a lot of time in our minds planning. In other words, somehow we are able to speed up our memory and future memory very quickly. The breakthrough has many implications including research into spectrum disorders, Alzheimer’s, and schizophrenia according to the scientists.

Mental Compression ‘Software’

This newly discovered mechanism can compress...

Tags: kirsten cowart, waking times

Posted at: 12:21 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

European Office Revokes Monsanto’s False Patent for GM Melons. ~Christina Sarich.


European Office Revokes Monsanto’s False Patent for GM Melons.

By Christina Sarich, Natural Society

January 25, 2016





France, Germany, and Spain filed a suit against Monsanto last year because the company tried to patent a non-GM tomato that was resistant to a common fungal disease (EP1812575). Now, the European Patent Office (EPO) is revoking another patent Monsanto has held on non-GM melons.

Though the company claims to have developed a melon (EP1962578) that is resistant to plant viruses, the fruit has these qualities naturally, and has been detected in Indian melons for centuries.

The patent was granted previously by the European Patent Office (EPO) even though the EU patent law does not allow patents on plant varieties and processes for conventional breeding.

Many plants are bred without genetic engineering to have qualities that make them resistant to disease, and Mother Nature equips many...

Tags: christina sarich, natural society

Posted at: 12:20 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

HyperLoop in Las Vegas. by Danell Glade.


HyperLoop in Las Vegas.


Tags: danell glade, hyperloop, prepare for change

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Hideouts or Sacred Spaces? Experts Baffled by Mysterious Underground Chambers.


Hideouts or Sacred Spaces? 

Experts Baffled by Mysterious Underground Chambers.


erdstall - To no Cosmos

There are more than 700 curious tunnel networks in Bavaria, but their purpose remains a mystery. Were they built as graves for the souls of the dead, as ritual spaces or as hideaways from marauding bandits? Archeologists are now exploring the subterranean vaults to unravel their secrets.

Beate Greithanner, a dairy farmer, is barefoot as she walks up the lush meadows of the Doblberg, a mountain in Bavaria set against a backdrop of snow-capped Alpine peaks. She stops and points to a hole in the ground. “This is where the cow was grazing,” she says. “Suddenly she fell in, up to her hips.”

A crater had opened up beneath the unfortunate cow.On the day after the bovine mishap, Greithanner’s husband Rudi examined the hole. He was curious, so he poked his...

Tags: colaborama, hideouts, prepare for change, sacred spaces, underground chambers

Posted at: 12:16 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Don’t Try to Hang On – It’s Time to Let Go. ~Therese Zumi.


Don’t Try to Hang On.

It’s Time to Let Go.



The old 3D reality is gone! We are now most definitely anchored in 4D Gaia and moving up energetically towards the 5th dimension. It would seem that many Lightworkers are exhausted and ready to ‘give up’ – they are ‘hanging on by their fingernails’, they can’t cope any longer after many years of hoping and longing and working for change one way or another, some are in economic difficulties or difficult relationships. The advice that Archangel Michael has for these Lightworkers may seem strange to some people because He says to those Lightworkers ‘Let go’! He suggests that they stop hanging onto the old 3rd in any way and just let it go. He does not admonish them to become homeless or drastically make life difficult for themselves but...

Tags: prepare for change therese zumi therese zumi sumner

Posted at: 12:14 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Ron Paul is Calling for the End of the Petrodollar System. ~ Dane Arr.


Ron Paul is Calling for the End of the Petrodollar System.

Posted by Tyler Durden on Zero Hedge 01/14/2016 21:10 -0500
Submitted by Nick Giambruno via,
The chaos that one day will ensue from our 35-year experiment with worldwide fiat money will require a return to money of real value. We will know that day is approaching when oil-producing countries demand gold, or its equivalent, for their oil rather than dollars or euros. The sooner the better. – Ron Paul
Ron Paul is calling for the end of the petrodollar system. This system is one of the main reasons the U.S. dollar is the world’s premier reserve currency.
Essentially, Paul is saying that understanding the petrodollar system and the forces affecting it is the best way to predict when the U.S. dollar will collapse.
Paul and I discussed this extensively at...

Tags: dane arr, nick giambruno, prepare for change, ron paul, tyler durden

Posted at: 12:12 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Enhancing Inner Listening Skills. ~Beloved One via Lytske.


Enhancing Inner Listening Skills.

Teacher: The Beloved One.

Message received by Lytske.

Urantia, January 4, 2016.


The Beloved One: “Anyone who desires to do the will of God would do well to take the time to discern what God’s will is. Understanding God’s will leads to a peaceful existence. God’s will consists of this peace being developed from within. Over time this peace shall evolve and grow like a spiritual fragrance, infusing the personality and its environment and therewith becoming an island of stability in the world.

“This Peace will be like a benign virus spreading all over the world. It will be like living water flowing over parched ground. Think about how these beneficial feelings of peace are able to affect the people who come in contact with such a spiritually fragrant and peaceful person, who usually, unconsciously to themselves, are becoming the peace-workers on the planet. Would...


Tags: beloved one, lytske

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Can Marijuana Help You Sleep? – Part 1/2 ~Wes Annac.


The Cannabis Writings: 

Can Marijuana Help You Sleep? 

Part 1 /2


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness.

January 25, 2016


The Cannabis Writings Photo 

One of the most interesting aspects of cannabis use is the effect it has on sleep, and while more research needs to be done in this area, anyone who’s interested in cannabis would probably be interested in what’s been found so far.

As we’ll learn here, cannabis seems to disrupt REM sleep (the sleep stage responsible for dreams), and many longtime users who quit not only have trouble sleeping right, but have vivid dreams when they do finally fall asleep.

Author and psychedelic drug advocate Terence McKenna noted that his dreams were enhanced when he quit using cannabis, and his theory was that it was because cannabis temporarily brings the dream world into our mental/physical awareness.

The fact that cannabis shortens the amount of time...

Tags: cannabis, cannabis writings, culture of awareness, marijuana, wes annac

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Nothing In Nature Is Hurried.


Nothing In Nature Is Hurried.

From Inner Peace Now


Nothing in nature is hurried. Nothing seems interested in achievement, and yet great things are achieved. The dishes are not asking that they be washed quicker, your body is not demanding it be somewhere else in time, your work is not begging for you to finish so that you may get on to the next thing.

We have made up so much stress and worry, and then believed it so that it seems real, but really it is just imagined. Whatever you are doing, is anything else begging that you hurry up and finish it? Isn’t it actually just an old voice from the past, an old, mad voice that itself was in pain, taught by others to be the same, telling you that you should hurry up and get on with the next thing?


Tags: inner peace, now nature

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Marquita Herald: How to Beat a Motivational Slump.


How to Beat a Motivational Slump.

 By Marquita Herald, 

Emotionally Resilient Living

January 24, 2016


So how are those New Year Resolutions and goals coming? As tempting as it is to kick off a new year with a “fresh start” I’ve always wondered if it might not be better to take January as a transition month to get back in gear after the end of year/holiday let-down and start goal on February 1st.
Regardless of when you launch a new goal, if it’s something that’s going to take awhile to achieve chances are that along the way you’ll have days when you just aren’t very motivated. Fortunately there are plenty of quick motivational boosts you can rely on, and when you’re committed and making tangible progress chances are these days will be few and far between.
However, if you find your lack of...

Tags: emotionally resilient living, marquita herald

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Zen Gardner: Who Are the Real “Conspiracy Theorists”? ~Zen Gardner.



Who Are the Real “Conspiracy Theorists”?

By Zen Gardner

JANUARY 25, 2016



Like many of you, I’m sick and tired of this pejorative label of “conspiracy theorist” pasted flippantly onto anyone challenging the status quo. There was a time this CIA conspiracy theorist tag, created to fend off questions about the JFK murder, was a marginalized stigmatization in itself used for specific targets, but now it’s used so widely and crudely it’s time we took it down.

What “flipped my switch” to address this is an almost hard to believe news item that was brought to my attention that makes one sick to their stomach that such a regime could dare to attempt such blatant  Orwellian police state tactics on a conscious population.

And most of all the appalling truth-reversing hypocrisy it represents.

Reporter Donny Gilson falsely committed to 6 months in St. Cloud MN psychiatric ward...


Tags: conspiracy, conspiracy theorists, zen gardner

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Curiosity Has Found Fossilized Traces of Life on Mars According to Geobiologist.


Curiosity Has Found Fossilized Traces of Life on Mars According to Geobiologist.

From Earth We Are One

January 24, 2016

As we meticulously scrutinize high-resolution images that are sent to Earth by NASA’s Curiosity rover on Mars, we see strange formations, configurations that seem artificial, and rocks of all kinds that have caused people from all around the world to believe intelligent beings (or, at least, some sort of life form) inhabited the red planet in the distant past.
Sometimes the Martian landscape plays tricks with our imagination, and sometimes suspiciously observed characteristics match natural processes that we have seen on our own planet. But now, in an article published in the journal Astrobiology, one geobiologist found in images of sedimentary rock from Mars, proof of structures created by microbial life on the red planet.
The discovery was made by Nora Noffke, a geobiologist...

Tags: curiosity, earth we are one, geobiologist, life on mars

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Discover Cosmic Disclosure


Discover Cosmic Disclosure

Join insider Corey Goode as he reveals to interviewer David Wilcock the extraordinary details of his
20-year involvement in the Secret Space Program, in this ongoing weekly series.

Subtitles available in English, Português, 中文, and Español.

can’t wait for more? Sign up now!
A New Episode Airs Every Week

About Corey Goode

With an extensive knowledge of the Off World Colony &
Exchange Program, Secret Earth Governments, MILAB &
Black Ops Programs, Corey Goode is here to expose the
details from his 20 years of experience as an Operations
Support Specialist in Special Access Programs.

About David Wilcock

As a professional lecturer, researcher, and author David
Wilcock is helping to expose the real history of humankind’s
space explorations. He hosts Wisdom Teachings &
Disclosure on Gaia and is an expert on consciousness
science and...

Tags: corey goode, cosmic disclosure, david wilcock

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Do what you know is right. ~Angel Wisdom via Sharon Taphorn.


Walk your Talk.

Do what you know is right.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

January 24, 2016



You know it your heart what is the best choice to choose, even if it is the more difficult one. When you do not honour your heart, you feel out of balance within and this can lead to sickness and disease. When you stop for a moment and take a breath, then look at your options, you usually make clearer, more wise and just decisions. Stand up and live by your truth, walk your talk, and be your authentic self. 

As you are searching for more meaningful spiritual and emotional experiences, think about what is most meaningful to you. You have the power of creativity and the wisdom of your experience to help to guide you and the courage to accept the opportunities that you are being offered....

Tags: angel wisdom, sharon taphorn

Posted at: 09:41 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Prepare for Change ~2016/01/24


Prepare for Change 

2016-01-22 11:29:05-05
FEBRUARY 25, 2014 From 21st Century Wire says… Ed Snowden’s latest leaked documents open the lid on what is perhaps the most vindictive and disgusting aspect of the government-corporate joint surveillance state seen yet… ... Read more...
2016-01-22 17:05:51-05
The House of Saud’s many Princes will soon face more hard choices about their future as they are forced to lead the global economy into a steep decline by selling off a trillion dollars in securities and crashing ... Read more...
2016-01-23 18:05:09-05
Ontario Pulls Plug on 36,000 Rural ‘Smart’ Meters: Is Big Energy Imploding? January 20, 2016 by Josh del Sol. 29 comments. Share...

Tags: prepare for change

Posted at: 09:39 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

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