Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! - February 1st 2016 ~ 19 posts.

A Vision for Learning


The Vision Alignment Project.

A Vision for Learning.

Here is a Vision / Intention written by our good friend, Carol Joy Bennett, who posted it to our Intenders Founders Circle Facebook page. CJ says:
I intend and am knowing the world as already having realized that it has learned all there is to learn through suffering and pain. I intend the world now universally and individually knows purpose and power peacefully for the highest good of all. So be it and so it is.
Do you Align with me?

We encourage you...

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Watch: Dad Uses Cannabis Oil To Treat Three Year Old Epileptic Daughter. ~Rajie Kabli.


Watch: Dad Uses Cannabis Oil To Treat Three Year Old Epileptic Daughter.

By Rajie Kabli, Collective Evolution

February 1, 2016


Alex Repetski is your average dad, but to his three year old daughter, Gwenevere, he could be a hero. He’s spent the last 18 months and more than 800 hours reading through studies and medical journals, researching CBD and its healing properties, to help her with the tonic, myoclonic, and clinical seizures she was having — sometimes up to 50 a day. 

She was diagnosed with epilepsy and, as her EEGs revealed, was experiencing constant subclinical seizure...

Tags: collective evolutionrajie kabli

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A Renaissance Awaits Us. ~By Steve Beckow.


A Renaissance Awaits Us.

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia

February 1, 2016.


First the news of the dark and then the news of the light. Skip to the * * * if you want just to read the news of the light. 

The secret state is like a creeper. Pull out one root and with it comes everything else. 

Start anywhere – sex slavery, snuff flicks, mind control, weather warfare, the secret space fleet, the drug trade, money laundering, and every other area of criminality, unconstitutionality, and inhumanity comes up with it. 

In recent years,...

Tags: golden age of gaiasteve beckow

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USA ~300 Plumbers Volunteer to Help Those Affected by Flint Water Crisis. - By Julie Fidler.


300 Plumbers Volunteer to Help Those Affected by Flint Water Crisis.

By Julie Fidler, Natural Society

February 1, 2016



Government officials put the lives and safety of Flint, Michigan, residents in jeopardy to keep a dollar in the bank and save face, but the story of what hundreds of plumbers did to help those residents will restore your faith in humanity.
Some 300 members of the Plumbing Manufacturers International (PMI) hit the streets of Flint on January 30 to install donated faucets and other plumbing in homes of residents affected by the lead-contaminated water crisis.
The day...

Tags: julie fidlernatural society

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Easy. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.



The Creator Writings.

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.

February 1, 2016.



Always remember; you are blessed! 
Even in those moments of agitation, loneliness, solitude, togetherness or love. 
Each lesson you learn from is an opportunity for you to become whole. 
If you keep this in mind, even the most challenging event becomes graceful and easy. 


Tanks to URL: 

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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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Individually you can...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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A Letter to the translators and journalists. - Silver Fleet via Gabriel RL.


A Letter to the translators and journalists.

Message from Ashtar Command.

 A Comrade of the Silver Fleet.

Through Gabriel RL.


English translation:  Melk Sales.


Greetings Comrades land! 

This is a message of gratitude to all those who strive daily in service on Earth. Service and commitment. Are we not, as they say, "pulling sardine" to the feet of one or the other, but we are thanking in particular those translators worldwide who are willing to translate our messages in their various lands languages, so that the our message is propagated. We know how many of...

Tags: ashtar command gabriel rl silver fleet

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Anchoring the bright aspects of old soul ~Kryon via Gabriel RL.


Anchoring the bright aspects of old soul 

A message from Kryon.

Through Gabriel RL.

English translation: Melk Sales.

Greetings, dear ones! I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. 

Dear partner opens the door and Kryon, very happy with his entourage, crosses it. My dear, open space for this energy. Make room in your hearts for what we have to say. What we have to say is something that many of you want to put into practice. It's something that your inner nature has tried to exemplify in the midst of everyday situations. It is your enlightened aspect that is...

Tags: gabriel rlkryon

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Leadership in the Age of Oneness. ~by Colaborama.


Leadership in the Age of Oneness. 

by Colaborama

January 31, 2016 

I’m writing this article as an imagination exercise to facilitate what I envision will be the inevitable rise of a new global network of Leaders from different cultures and contexts, connected through Oneness and with a common approach to tackle the fast unravelling transition.
Moving on from the Prepare for Change Leadership model which spells out loud and clearly that we want LEADERS not followers we should start, right now, crossing to the other side of “The Wall”, the invisible line, the change...

Tags: colaboramaprepare for change

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The Truth is Out There, but So Are The Lies.


The Truth is Out There, but So Are The Lies. 

Posted by ChaoticWave

January 31, 2016 

It is fair to say that many people have become disillusioned with the so-called mainstream media. Television, in particular, has become extremely compacted into sound bites and optimally commercialized. In addition, the consolidation of media assets by a handful of corporate entities, has only brought further homogenization to the available content. Time Warner, as one example, is comprised of three central entities: HBO, Turner Broadcasting System, and Warner Bros.
While this may seem innocuous on the surface one...

Tags: chaoticwavedane arrprepare for change

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Confessions of an RX Drug Pusher. ~by Dane Arr.


Confessions of an RX Drug Pusher. 

by Dane Arr.

January 31, 2016 


Gwen Olson tells of her gradual awakening to the damage being done by misinforming the doctors and the public about the dangers of the pharmaceutical drugs she was representing.

Share this:


Tags: dane arrprepare for change

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How to Become an Advanced Human Soul. ~By: Danell Glade.


How to Become an Advanced Human Soul. 

By:  Danell Glade,

Jan 31, 2016 

I had another epiphany last week-end while I was taking a class up in Montana.  The class was a spiritual class on creating a future.  Do you believe there is going to be a future?  And if the answer is yes, is it going to be more of the same (and getting worse) . . . or will it truly be different.  Good different.  Fabulous different.  We have too many people on this planet now who don’t believe there will be much of...

Tags: danell gladeprepare for change

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Thank You! ~by Eliza Ayres.


Blue Dragon Journal 

Thank You! 

by Eliza Ayres. 

February 1st 2016.

La Ballena Playa.
Thank you to all my readers for the tremendous response to my article, "We ARE Disclosure"!
As noted, this piece was written in the pre-dawn hours spontaneously, channeled from Higher Self.
I want to welcome new readers. And to most sincerely thank those who have been with the blog from its beginnings. I love and appreciate all of you!
It looks like I am entering a new phase in the work that is emerging....

Tags: blue dragoneliza ayres

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Choose Activities That Nurture the Mind. ~Cedella Marley.


Choose Activities That Nurture the Mind. 

Positive Vibrations, 

by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time

Januray 31, 0216

Choose thoughts and words that are free of disapproval or the need to be right. 
Choose activities that nurture your body and mind, expressing the freedom of your soul. 
Choose to treat others in ways that reflect an attitude and spirit of freedom and love.
One Love…

Tanks to URL:

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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


Tags: a nice timecedella marleypositive vibrations

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Changing the Templates of DNA is a Process Within Us. ~By Lisa Gawlas.


Changing the Templates of DNA is a Process Within Us. 

By Lisa Gawlas, 

The Shift of Time and Energy

January 31, 2016

The end-day of this wild ride arrives, finally. Then again, for those across the pond, you already into February, YAY February!! lol Altho, here in my world, our beloved mother is going to cast a ton of ice crystals into our world.
We are under a double barrel storm adversary and warning. One arriving sometime this evening thru tomorrow, then the next one tomorrow evening into Monday. Somehow tho, it feels...

Tags: flame of lovelisa gawlasseed crystalsshift of time and energy

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Awakening process continues... ~Jesus* via John Smallman.


As your awakening process continues it will become increasingly apparent that there are no problems. 


 Message from Jesus.*

Through John Smallman.

January 31, 2016

Here in the spiritual realms we continue to watch with joy as humanity collectively strengthens and intensifies its intention to awaken from the illusion. Within the illusion signs of the awakening are apparent all over the world, pay attention to them because doing so uplifts and inspires you further strengthening that intent. The strength of your intent is important and powerful, and to simply reset...

Tags: emmanuelesuisajeshuajesusjohn smallmansanandayeshua

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Only 2% Of All People Can Hear This Mysterious Sound… And Nobody Knows Why.


Only 2% Of All People Can Hear This Mysterious Sound… 

And Nobody Knows Why. 

via DiscloseTV, Thanks to

FEBRUARY 1, 2016 

For years, there have been reported incidents around the world of people hearing a strange “humming” sound of unknown origin. At best, this sound is annoying, and at its worst, it can be downright maddening. But there is one strange thing about this horrible noise: most people can’t hear it.
“The Hum” has taken on many names according to the regions where it can be heard, including the Bristol Hum...

Tags: disclosetvgregg prescottin5d.commysterious sound

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America Needs to Start Paying Attention to How Denmark Is Generating Its Electricity.


America (US) Needs to Start Paying Attention to How Denmark Is Generating Its Electricity.


From Earth We Are One

January 29, 2016 
Denmark has set a sustainable example for the rest of the world, Denmark generated a record-breaking 42% of its electricity last year from wind turbines — upping the country’s previous world record, set in 2014, by 3%.
According to Energinet, the energy that was produced by wind power beat the total Danish electricity consumption for approximately 409 hrs specifically in 2015, even though one part of the every...

Tags: denmarkearth we are oneelectricity

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6 Things You Owe Yourself (Even When You Think You Don’t)


6 Things You Owe Yourself 

(Even When You Think You Don’t)

From Higher Perspective

January 31, 2016



To experience gratitude.
Gratitude is one of the most important experiences we can have in life. In our society, it’s easy to get caught up in the desire to have more more more more more. More money, more stuff, more cars, more houses, more of everything. Instead of wanting more, consider the things for which you are grateful today.
To enjoy each...

Tags: higher perspective

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More @ violet flame
Portuguese: a chama

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