Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - December 24th 2015 ~ 12 posts.

Turn The Page. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Turn The Page. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. DECEMBER 24, 2015. You are about to turn another page, my beloved. It is time to leave the previous behind you and look forward to writing more of your adventure. It is not necessary to hold onto and tuck the past pages away. Those experiences, places, people and things… they are done. Just turn the page and read on. Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* http://rayviole... more »

The Furnace of the Divine Heart. ~Thought Adjuster via Anyas.

.The Furnace of the Divine Heart. *Thought Adjuster.* Message received by Anyas. Oregon, USA, December 2, 2015. *“Divine love does not merely forgive wrongs; it absorbs and actually destroys them.” [UB 2018:01]* *Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you are asking me this morning to expand on the above quotation from The Urantia Book. Truly, the answer to everything is Love as Love is the origin of everything. * “Love is burning in the furnace of the Divine Heart. It is cleansing and purifying. The exquisite height of its vibrations could be compared to the all-consuming heat of a thousand... more »

The Return of the Light. ~Eliza Ayres.

Blue Dragon Journal. The Light Collective: The Return of the Eliza Ayres. Eliza, Maria and the Light Collective: The Return of the Light Note to Reader: This piece started out with a personal note and quickly transformed into a channeled piece. Here I am in South Carolina, visiting my Soul Sister, a fellow Kumaran, a daughter of Venus. How does one express in human language the joy of meeting a true sister in the flesh. For lifetimes, we have walked apart, each playing our roles. We have come together and left each on the shores of the River, shedding tears for remembr... more »

Creating the Future of Ascension. ~White Beings via Natalie Glasson.

.Creating the Future of Ascension. By the Celestial White Beings. Channelled through Natalie Glasson. 23rd December 2015. Original Source – Sacred School of OmNa. Your vision of present and future realities upon the Earth is immensely important in this time of Ascension. You are present as a physical being on this planet to create, your greatest purpose is to manifest the Creator through every expression, action and reaction you generate. This has always been the case however the Era of Love which manifested from 2012signals for all souls to begin their processes of creation wit... more »

Christmas All Year Long. ~By Wes Annac.

Christmas All Year Long. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness. December 24, 2015 Credit: Christmas is supposed to be a time for love, joy and being with the people who mean the most, but unfortunately, it’s become a time of stress and frustration for many. It doesn’t have to be this way, but to change anything about it will require us to change how we see it. I don’t discourage getting gifts, but perhaps we should be aware of why we do it. When we are, we’ll see that the consumerism is out of hand and people have forgotten the holiday’s true intention. It’s in... more »

Keep Jah in the Center of Your LIfe. ~Cedella Marley.

Keep Jah in the Center of Your LIfe.Positive Vibrations, by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time, December 23, 2015 [image: Cedella] Keep Jah in the center of your life and you will receive power, protection, and agility for everything you need to do. You will have direction and guidance for all the decisions you face each day. *One Love…* *Cedella* Thanks to: URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives: * *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publi... more »

Colombia Just Legalized Medical Marijuana… Again. ~Carey Wedler.

Colombia Just Legalized Medical Marijuana… Again.By *Carey Wedler**, * ***.*December 24, 2015 *(**ANTIMEDIA**) *On Tuesday, the President of Colombia made good on his promise from November to legalize marijuana for medical and scientific purposes. Though the country already had measures in place concerning medical use, the new decree allows for a strong expansion of that policy. Further, though the executive order refrained from broaching the subject of full recreational legalization, it offers a new practice that many countries with legalized marijuana have not y... more »

Muslims Defend Christians During Attack in Kenya. ~ Polly Mosendz

.Muslims Defend Christians During Attack in Kenya. By Polly Mosendz, Newsweek, Thanks to Conscious Life News. December 24, 2015. © Reuters Muslim passengers defended Christian passengers when members of the al-Shabab militant group attempted an attack on December 21. Above, rescue workers walk near a Nairobi-bound bus that was ambushed outside Mandera… Muslim passengers defended Christian passengers during an extremist attack on a bus in Kenya on Monday. Members of the al-Shabab militant organization shot at a bus in Mandera, Kenya, forcing it to stop. Once the militants boar... more »

How Stress Destroys The Body And What To Do To Stop It.

How Stress Destroys The Body And What To Do To Stop It. From Earth We Are One, December 23, 2015 Stress is literally bad for your health and, in extreme cases can lead people to an untimely death. Unfortunately within the world we live, stress is almost innate. In fact, it is quite well known that Monday morning is the most likely time people have heart attacks which is because most people sadly hate their jobs. The video below does an excellent job at explaining what happens inside your body when you stress; x So what can we do to avoid falling into the toxic trap of stress? Wh... more »

Fight or Flight to Light and Bright. Dean Noblett n Rebecca Couch.

.Fight or Flight to Light and Bright. Dean Noblett and Rebecca Couch. The best way to hold strong with the outside world swirling all around you is to cultivate a rich inner life. It is the only answer right now. Otherwise you become part of the problem as your natural base instincts of fight or flight kick in, and it is time to evolve into light and bright instead. The absolute only way to do this is to develop an intimate relationship with your inner world that already contains All That Is. But you must know if it. You must have a complete inner place to be within that rejuvenates... more »

Happy Holidays – The Council via Ron Head.

Happy Holidays. Message from The Council. Through Ron Head.December 23, 2015, We will point out that we have never asked that the date of a message be included in its content. We do today. This is, according to your calendars, the 23rd of December, 2015. It is about to become the start of another spiral around your sun’s path around the galaxy. And that is not the only reason we bring the date to your attention. You will begin this next year with a bang. You may not hear the bang, but there will be one. Every planet in your system will be direct at the beginning of this year. Y... more »

Awakening. - Your Sensitivities are a gift of Guidance. ~Angel Wisd...

Awakening. Your Sensitivities are a gift of Guidance.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. December 23, 2015. As you develop your skills and learn to trust the signs and signals that come from deep within your being, you are tapping into your natural, innate abilities for sensing what feels right or wrong, learning to trusting your judgement and then acting on it with confidence. This is a awakening. It is about becoming more aware of the subtle energies and forces that are within everyone. There is no magic pill that will make everything perfect tomorrow. This is why it is called l... more »

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