Saviors Of Earth

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Seeking truth to be Free! - December 19th 2015 ~ 16 posts.

Breast Cancer Patient Protesting Big Pharma’s ‘Death Sentence’ Arre...

Breast Cancer Patient Protesting Big Pharma’s ‘Death Sentence’ Arrested Outside TPP Talks.By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, December 19, 2015. Zahara Heckscher, a breast cancer patient who was wearing a t-shirt that read, “I Have Cancer. I Can’t Wait Years,” and holding a hospital drip pole that read “TPP: Don’t Cut My IV” was arrested in Atlanta, Georgia after allegedly ‘disrupting’ negotiationsfor the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and the probable drug price gouging that will occur should certain provisions in the trade deal pass through legislation. This colossal tra... more »

Thinking, Feeling and Realizing. ~Steve Beckow.

Thinking, Feeling and Realizing.By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, December 19, 2015. Credit: I’ve referred to this subject in a number of posts, but I’d like to discuss it more completely here. We have three modes of “knowing,” each of which impacts us more deeply than the one before. Intellectual Knowledge The first is intellectual knowledge. Predominantly everything we’re doing here on the Internet starts out as intellectual knowledge. Intellectual knowledge is mostly, but not completely, word- or image-based. It consists of one person conveying an idea to ...more »

The Last Full Moon of 2015 Will Fall on Christmas. ~ Alexa Erickson.

The Last Full Moon of 2015 Will Fall on Christmas.By Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution, December 19, 2015. Christmas is a day of reflection, gratitude, togetherness, cheer, warmth, giving, and goodness. It’s unique for many reasons, one of them being that it happens one day a year — a birthday if you will. When a full moon occurs, there’s an overwhelming energy that arises. The sun and the moon are in opposite Zodiac signs. And while it proves to be a time of utter charge, it also brings about a sense of balance — the solar yang and the lunar yin are congruous. When the two oc... more »

Your Gifts. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Your Gifts. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.DECEMBER 19, 2015. Infinity and all of its gifts of love, joy, beauty, happiness, abundance, truth and any other thing you can think of are available to you. The only thing holding it back is your ability to imagine it as yours. Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishe... more »



The Role of Others in Relationships. ~P'taah via Jani King.

The Role of Others in Relationships. Message from P'taah.Through Jani King,December 2015 Q: P'taah, could you clarify the part that the other person plays in a relationship. If there are several possibilities going on at once and there's a probability that it's already perfect in another moment, do we just focus on the fact that it is perfect or does it matter what the other person thinks? P'taah: In a way, it does not. Of course, there are always other possibilities than the one you find yourself in at this moment. However, whatever you find yourself in at this moment is per... more »

Prepare for Change. December 19, 2015.

Prepare for Change.December 19, 2015. Finland and Iceland Showing the Way Forward Regarding Citizens Economic Rights 2015-12-16 04:19:14-05 Finland and Iceland Showing the Way Forward Regarding Citizens Economic Rights Just before Cobra’s last update I saw this article about Iceland and the banks and decided to repost it here. Then Cobra’s ... Read more... read more... How ignorant are the Ignorant? 2015-12-17 02:19:53-05 How Ignorant are the Ignorant? read more... ALCYON PLEIADES NEWS REPORT 48 – 2015 2015-12-18 12:58:12-05 ALCYON PLEIADES NEWS REPORT 48 – 2015: UFO sightings, ... more »

Patience. Relax and take stock. ~Angel Wisdom via Sharon Taphorn.

Patience.Relax and take stock.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. December 19, 2015. Your dreams are manifesting more rapidly than you realize. There is much going on behind the scenes that you are not always aware of. Still, your goals need nurturing and patience is the key. Trust in the higher forces of the Universe and know that they are assisting you and remember that when you are asked to wait, you are being prepared for something more. Keep working and taking the action steps that are necessary to bring about your desired creations and change your attitude to one of acceptan... more »

Reflections. ~Dreama Vance.

*Reflections.* Living in Dreama Vance.December 19, 2015. In December of 2012, Spiritual Dynamics held our first Deep Soul Access course in conjunction with preparation for the 2012 Gateway on Winter Solstice. This was a deeply spiritual time when many across the planet were in meditation for the transformative energy of the planet. I seemed to live mostly from the fourth level of consciousness during those three weeks, barely aware of daily living happening at our third level of consciousness. It was a magical time as the Earth stepped into that Gateway. As a result o... more »

4 Reasons Why People Are Addicted to Negativity. ~Andrea Schulman.

.4 Reasons Why People Are Addicted to Negativity. By Andrea Schulman, Conscious Life News, December 18, 2015. Have you ever wondered why certain people in your life cling to negativity? We all know a few individuals who never seem to have anything positive to say. It’s as if they are addicted to negativity! The truth of the matter is that negativity is indeed addictive! It is a habitual behavior that can help people avoid short-term pain while simultaneously providing short-term pleasure, just as any addictive substance would. Here are a few reasons why people are addicted to neg... more »

Changing in the River of Change. ~Zen Gardner.

Changing in the River of Change. By Zen Gardner, *Waking Times*, December 18, 2015. *No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it is not the same river, and it is not the same man. There is nothing permanent except change. *– Heraclitus It seems things change more than we think – way more and in more ways. Even when we’re aware of the underlying reality of constant change, we reference new changes by our memory and perception of old changes. And those were based on previous reference points. We seem to be judging change by points of previous attachment, even though they ... more »

Flouride Is Poison. ~From Body Mind Soul Spirit.

Flouride Is Poison. From Body Mind Soul Spirit, December 18, 2015. [image: Fluoride Is Poison] Abby Martin takes with a look at the 50 year long practice of water fluoridation in America, outlining adverse health effects and breaking the myth that it helps prevent tooth decay. “The U.S. has more people drinking fluoridated water than the rest of the world…. *combined*.” [image: Fluoride Is Poison] *For more on this TOXIN, please read* The HIDDEN History Of Fluoride [image: Fluoride Is Poison] ------------------------------ Agradecimentos a URL: ... more »

Videos: UFOs Spotted at Rocket Launch. Earth We Are One,

Videos: UFOs Spotted at Rocket Launch. From Earth We Are One, December 18, 2015 Interest in the video was inspired by sightings from local shepherds who claimed they saw an object flying which did not look to be of earthly origin. x The two objects are clearly UFO’s, but the question is whether they are government/military technology or alien. The launch took place at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in India and has attracted the attention of researchers, some of which believe them to be drones and others who believe it may be alien space craft. Interestingly, the Space Centre ou... more »

The Galactic Alignment : 12/12 and 12/19 December 2015 ~A Michael v...

The Galactic Alignment : 12/12 and 12/19 December 2015Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn. December 15, 2015 Beloved Family of Light, in this month of December you are integrating and balancing the powerful completion energies of the wave of Quantum Cosmic Light that was initiated in August at the 8:8:8 and descended through the Lion’s Gate. This energy has been amplified and integrated over the last months, and now December will allow you to adjust and prepare for the great events coming in 2016. The key word for this moment of “Now” is “Transformation”. The Galactic Codes ar... more »

Reality and Illusion – The Council via Ron Head.

Reality and Illusion.*Message from* The Council.Through Ron Head, December 17, 2015. Today we will discuss reality and illusion. These are concepts that have actually seemed to take on reversed rolls. But they are concepts and as such are just as real as anything else. And so we will use them as tools to make a point or two, if we may. Reality to most of you means material, physical, something that may be seen, felt, measured, and so forth. This is remarkable in this time of having known for over 100 years that everything that meets those definitions is truly made up only of... more »

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