Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - December 18th 2015 ~ 16 posts.

Archangel Gabriel - December 17, 2015. ~Marlene Swetlishoff.

Message from Archangel Gabriel.Through Marlene Swetlishoff.December 17, 2015 . Image Source December 17, 2015 Beloved Ones, Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as spiritual illumination. Illumination means that one can now comprehend another level of reality. It comes out of the silence of contemplation and depends upon the silence for its stability. As one’s personality comes closer to spiritual perfection, one becomes aware of their higher purpose and their spiritual growth becomes their main focus in life. Their awakening personality will begin to follow t... more »

Preparation for the Next Stage of Ascension. ~Andromedans via Natal...

.Preparation for the Next Stage of Ascension. by the Andromedans. Channelled through Natalie Glasson. 18th December 2015. Original Source – Sacred School of OmNa Na Greetings, love and consciousness we, the Andromedans extend to you in support of your ascension and the valuable period of evolution you are moving through at this time. We have spoken in our previous communication with you about the chaos which is developing or which you may becoming aware of within your being and reality. We shared that thechaos has a purpose of awakening a light explosion within your being creatin... more »

Your Allotted Time on Earth. ~Beloved One via Lytske.

.Your Allotted Time on Earth.*Teacher: The Beloved One.*Message received by Lytske. Urantia, December 13, 2015. *The Beloved One:* “This year’s Christmas celebrations are nearly upon us. Perhaps it would be timely to give a thought to the actual meaning behind these festivities and the reason why most of the Western world is in a materialistic frenzy as it unknowingly celebrates a Pagan holy day that once belonged to the god Mithra of the Mithraism belief system of days long ago. In the mists of these rituals of over 2,000 years ago, this celebration became connected with the birth ... more »

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self! ~ 18th December 2015.

.Message fom Mike Quinsey's Higher Self!Channelled by Mike Quinsey. 18th December 2015. The festive season is bringing about a release from the more uninviting things happening on Earth. Regardless as to what is taking place in the outside world, people are determined to relax and enjoy themselves. It creates an energy that brings out the best in people, and gives them an opportunity to be giving and forgiving where relationships have been marred or even destroyed. For some it is a time for renewing acquaintances with those who have lost touch, and all over the world happiness is bei... more »

USA: Breaking News! Monsanto’s DARK ACT Stopped Dead in its Tracks ...

Breaking News! Monsanto’s DARK ACT Stopped Dead in its Tracks in Congress. By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, December 18, 2015 [image: gmo-crops-pesticides-toxic-dark-acts-735-250] *HR Bill 1599, also known as the DARK ACT (Monsanto’s favorite bill that would effectively ruin the food supply and halt GMO labeling initiatives) has been stopped cold in Congress.* After thousands of letters and activists railing against this dangerous legislation, no anti-GMO labeling provisions were allowed in the must-pass Omnibus spending bill. What’s even better? A provision requires the FDA t... more »

The Impact of Bliss on Knowing. ~Steve Beckow.

The Impact of Bliss on Knowing. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, December 18, 2015. I’m swaying to the music at my neighborhood Starbucks, which is like an office to me. The bliss returned at 1:30 this afternoon. Now at 2:30 I’m blissful enough not to hide my enjoyment of my music without caring who sees me. I’m gradually coming out of my shell, my hidey-hole, around bliss. But what I wanted to record here is that bliss has a remarkable effect on a person’s ability to know. I’ve had my profoundest realizations under the impact of bliss. For instance, the 1987 vision of t... more »

Action. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Action. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. December 18, 2015. Express your deepest desires, your most heartfelt wishes, your dreams and your love. They cannot be fulfilled unless you give them ‘action’. Creator. Thanks to: URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives: * *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief i... more »

A Vision for Harvesting.

*The Vision Alignment Project.* *A Vision for Harvesting. * We envision a world where nothing is taken before its time; where every fruit from every tree is allowed to stay on the branch until the exact moment when it is ready to let go; where every vegetable is allowed to stay on the vine until it has completely finished its process. We see a world where we are taught from the time we are young children to approach the plants with love and to let them drop their beautiful, sweet, nourishing fruits into our hands at the slightest touch from us. We picture a world where we know - in... more »

Break Free. Try something New Today. ~Angel Wisdom via Sharon Taphorn.

Break Free.Try something New Today. Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. December 18, 2015 Try different adventures and experiences as help you to grow and learn. Sometimes we get into ruts and routines because they feel safe and comfortable or we just haven't thought of doing things differently as a way to expand. You are being asked to explore your world outside your comfort zone. It's time to take some chances and explore new ways of thinking, doing, or being. It is time to break free. When you make the commitment to explore and experiment, the world responds by giving you wond... more »

Tracing the Occult Origins of Christmas. -- Makia Freeman.

Tracing the Occult Origins of Christmas. By Makia Freeman, The Freedom Articles, December 19, 2014 Left photo: Is Christmas really magic mushroom, sun and Saturn worship in disguise? Christmas has come around again, and as we all scurry about hanging lights and stars everywhere, and adorning our trees with red and white ornaments, how many of us reflect on the occult origins of Christmas? How many of us realize that this merry festival has roots, in fact, in ancient traditions of magic mushrooms, Saturn worship and sun worship? Today’s Christmas is truly a hodgepodge of anci... more »

The World’s Darkness Mirrors Our Own. ~ Wes Annac.

The World’s Darkness Mirrors Our Own. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness. December 18, 2015. Credit: A thought recently came to me that I’d like to share with those of you who also want to expose and bring down oppression, whether in government, big corporations or anything else. What if the darkness we witness in the world mirrors the darkness that lives within? Maybe we reinforce mental and spiritual slavery by refusing to address and heal the issues that keep us from knowing ourselves, and if we could set ourselves free, we could make it easier for the world to ... more »

Dark Room Meditation For Accessing Higher Dimensions. ~ Arno Pienaar.

Dark Room Meditation For Accessing Higher Dimensions. By Arno Pienaar, DreamcatcherReality, Thanks to December 18, 2015. Dark Room Meditation/Therapy for DMT production is a practice that has been used for thousands of years by sages endeavoring to unlock the great mystery to life. Looking for a drug-free, quick-fix, to having the most profound spiritual experiences available to man? Ever heard of dark room therapy or, as they call it in Thailand, dark room enlightenment? This is an ancient practice where an initiate secludes oneself in pitch black darkness for up t... more »

Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli Just Got Arrested for Securities Fraud. ~...

Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli Just Got Arrested for Securities Fraud. By Josh Mur, Anti Media, December 17, 2015. (ANTIMEDIA) Many may remember Martin Shkreli (AKA the “Pharma Bro”). Shkreli is the CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals and made headlines across America after his company purchased the drug Daraprim and hiked the price from $13.50 to $750.00 per pill. Daraprim costs approximately $1 a pill to manufacture. Shkreli quickly came under fire from critics of all backgrounds, but managed to combat them with a smug attitude and an apparent shamelessness for his excessive greed. In... more »

Founder Of Alcoholics Anonymous Said LSD Experience Could Help Addi...

Founder Of Alcoholics Anonymous Said LSD Experience Could Help Addicts Stay Clean.By John Vibes, The Free Thought Project, Thanks to The Mind Unleashed. December 18, 2015 He felt that it could be a catalyst towards understanding one’s own life and changing direction. There are countless people throughout the US and throughout the world who have been steered away from a life of drug or alcohol addiction after a spiritual experience with a psychedelic drug. In fact, Bill Wilson, the co-founder of the alcoholics anonymous program, actually considered promoting LSD as a tool f... more »

5 Powerful Psychedelics That Reorganize the Brain and Elevate Consc...

5 Powerful Psychedelics That Reorganize the Brain and Elevate Consciousness. By Michael Forrester, *Prevent Disease**, *Waking Times, December 17, 2015. [image: Psychedelic Brain] Psychoactive plants and hallucinogens have given us the opportunity to see life through different perspectives for thousands of years. Many of these plants, which can only be defined as gifts from nature, have unfortunately been declared illegal in many parts of the world due to the ignorance and intolerance of many governments. As the shift in consciousness is accelerating across the planet, more peo... more »

Love vs Fear: Which One Are You Going To Let Win? ~ Cherie Roe Dirk...

Love vs Fear: Which One Are You Going To Let Win? By Cherie Roe Dirksen, Conscious Life News, December 17, 2015. [image: HeartShaped Love by Cherie Roe Dirksen] *No More Unconscious Creating* We are now firmly rooted in a new consciousness on Earth. As awesome as *boldly going where no man has gone before* is, we still have a major topic we need to address – fear. In the absence of love we are left with fear. It’s as simple as: no light = dark. When we no longer trust our instincts we give in to fear. You can see fear as an illusion and only becomes a perceived reality when you l... more »

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