Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - December 13th 2015 ~ 12 posts.

A Beloved Child. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

A Beloved Child. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. December 13, 2015. Never forget that you are a beloved child of The Universe. All things are possible and most definitely within your reach. Remember your power. Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is ... more »

Resourcefulness; You have what it takes. ~ Angel Wisdom via Sharon ...

Resourcefulness; You have what it takes.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. December 13, 2015. You are reminded by the angels that you are resourceful, clever, inventive and creative. Within you is all the that you need to assist you in creating a better way for yourself and your life. Believe in yourself and use that inner strength to manifest your dreams into manifestation. You are surrounded by support both physical and non physical, so take the time to tap into these resources and let them help you. Feed your spark, fuel the flame and you will find what you seek comes from ... more »

Hilarion, December 13, 2015 ~ Marlene Swetlishoff.

Message from Hilarion. Through Marlene Swetlishoff.December 13, 2015. Beloved Ones, The Beloved Lightworkers throughout the world have been paying more attention to the needs of their home, the Earth, and we want to state that your efforts have been most appreciated. The energies that you have been directing have been dispersing and dissolving a great amount of the energies of fear that had been affecting human consciousness. Most individuals are now able to discern more clearly what is and is not working in their lives and in their thought patterns. Adjustments are being made a... more »

New Monsanto Chemical Silences Genes to Kill Bugs: Will They Silenc...

New Monsanto Chemical Silences Genes to Kill Bugs: Will They Silence Yours, Too?by Christina Sarich, Natural Society, December 13, 2015. Monsanto has been looking for something to replace its best-selling Round Up chemicals in light of weeds becoming resistant to the chemical concoction. Now, Monsanto and Round Up are the targets of an international campaign ‘outing’ the herbicide for causing cancer (something which has actually been known for years). Have no fear, though, Monsanto has come up with a new method of destruction, and it’s done by silencing genes through the utiliz... more »

The Time Has Come for a Spiritual Revolution. ~ By Wes Annac.

The Time Has Come for a Spiritual Revolution.By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness. DECEMBER 13, 2015 Credit: Now that we’ve established this conscious community, the time has come to fan the flames of spiritual revolution. I’ve been saying this for a while, and I feel the need to repeat it because the time is ripe for real social action (and spiritual evolution) and it’d be a shame to miss the opportunity. Instead of complacently accepting the suppression of true spirituality and the denial of citizens’ rights, let’s rise up and do something about it. Let’s show the world... more »

Spiritual Metaphysics Defined. ~ Owen K Waters

*Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter**Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness.*Spiritual Metaphysics Owen K Waters.December 13, 2015. While physics is the study of physical reality, metaphysics includes that which is beyond the physical, but not necessarily the spiritual. Spiritual metaphysics takes an entirely different orientation. Spiritual metaphysics sees an ultimate, metaphysical source of all creation as the basis of reality. This one spiritual source is known by various terms, including The Absolute, Infinite Being, or The All That Is. The term Infinite Being encapsula... more »

The Prayers You Offer to Others are a Ticket to Higher Consciousnes...

The Prayers You Offer to Others area Ticket to Higher Consciousness.Message from Archangel Gabriel.Through Shanta Gabriel. Inspiration for the Week By Shanta Gabriel We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. The Gabriel Message for this week is suggesting that we use prayer as the first resort and not the last in any situation. The Gabriel Message card for this week The prayers you offer for others are a ticket to Higher Consciousness, because the gifts and blessi... more »

The Old Soul Experience. ~ Margo Kirtikar.

The Old Soul Experience. By Margo Kirtikar Ph.D., Thanks to December 13, 2015. If you are an old soul, read on. If you’re not read on anyway! You might just surprise yourself. An old wise soul might be a member of your family, someone you work with, a neighbor or even someone sitting beside you on the bus. Hey maybe it’s the homeless person begging on the street. It could be literally anybody. You just don’t know. I mean they don’t exactly walk around with a label on their forehead but if you watch closely enough you’ll recognize them. As an old soul you have the most e... more »

Why Did Anonymous Declare War on Donald Trump? ~ By Carey Wedler

.Why Did Anonymous Declare *War* on Donald Trump? By Carey Wedler, Anti Media, December 11, 2015 *(**ANTIMEDIA**) *Anonymous has responded to Donald Trump’s most recent bigoted comments calling to ban Muslims from entering the United States. On Wednesday, the decentralized hacktivist collective launched an attack on the website of Trump’s New York hotel, Trump Tower. According to Reuters, the businessman-turned-reality star-turned-presidential candidate often uses the site to promote his presidential campaign. Watch the video below: On Monday, Trump called for a “*total and comple... more »

11 Signs You May Be A Mental Leper. ~ Madison Sonnier.

11 Signs You May Be A Mental Leper. By Madison Sonnier, Wisdom Pills, December 11, 2015. Confession: I am a part-time mental leper. What is a mental leper, and why am I only a part-time one? In short, mental leprosy is the inability to feel, which commonly leads to an inability to act. Your mind and heart go into a state of disconnect, which cultivates chaos and damage in ways that are difficult to fathom or control. Mental lepers can do little to help themselves, for they cannot think the rational thoughts that need to be thought and feel the rational emotions that need to be ... more »

Oneness Will Arise. Heavenletters via Gloria Wendroff.

Oneness Will Arise. Heavenletters through Gloria Wendroff., December 12, 2015. God said: The Art of Sharing frees you. No question, sharing frees you from blockages. Blockages come from the past, the imagined past, the past as you saw it and felt it, true or not. You were born from Heaven. The state of Heaven has no blocks. Earth, however, sets up plenty of blocks. On Earth, you may storehouse blocks and hold on to them, hesitant to be without the brace of them. Life on Earth is about removing restraints. Life opens you up to greater expression and greater real... more »

A Simple Step to Know Your True Self. ~ Frank M. Wanderer.

A Simple Step to Know Your True Self.By Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D, Waking Times , December 12, 2015. A tiny seed of Truth is found in every human being. Similarly to the seed of a tree, the tiny seed contains great potential. If the spiritual Seeker protects and nourishes that tiny seed, it will grow into the mighty tree of Truth. But it can only protect and nourish it, if it’s aware of its existence. How can the spiritual seeker realize this and how can the Truth be revealed? The World of Forms and Shapes A lot of people are unaware of this, and they try to find the Truth outside... more »

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