Detoxify your body, mind, and spirit ~ Angel Wisdom, Sharon Taphorn,

Detoxif.Detoxify your body, mind, and spirit. Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn December 8 , 2016 This is an ideal time for a cleansing and detoxification of your physical body as well as your mental and emotional bodies and become more aware of the thoughts and feelings you hold and carry as your own truth. Learning to monitor your thoughts and feelings, and becoming aware of the affirmations you are using about yourself, your life and your projects are important. Be sure you are supporting your efforts, not sabotaging yourself with your own power. Keep your thoughts, feelings and... more »
A vaccine against magic~ by Jon Rappoport

A vaccine against magic by Jon Rappoport December 8, 2016 *“Imagination can produce a level of well-being that is bulletproof, in the sense that, no matter what happens in life, there is a back-up, there is something that can be created beyond the current crisis…”* (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport) *“When I use the word ‘magic’, I mean everything that can spring from imagination. Not the silly little things. The big things. The launching of entirely new realities that outdistance what society is producing. And setting a limit on what the individual can imagine and create, and h... more »
Moments… ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley

Moments…. The Creator Writings transcribed by Jennifer Farley,December 8, 2016[image: leap-1547] What a joyous moment in your Earth-plane existence when you truly realize how much you are loved, admired, embraced and appreciated by The Universe! Creator ------------------------------ *Tanks to *URL: *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* - - *Discernment** is recommended.* *All articles are of the respective authors an... more »
About Difficult Emotions. ~ Unknown Teacher, Anyas
About Difficult Emotions. Unknown Teacher Group. Message received by Anyas. Oregon, USA, October 13, 2016. Teacher: “If you struggle with familiar and unpleasant emotions, it is because they are still rooted in your emotional system. You have the desire to evict them once and for all but you do not know how to proceed. Emotions of grief over the loss of loved ones — whether they have stepped out of your life or have moved on to other realms; emotions of hurt when you feel misunderstood or disrespected; emotions of fear triggered by the chaotic and uncertain situation on your world... more »
W.T. Stead Died Aboard the Titanic, Returned to Tell the Tale ~Wes ...

W.T. Stead Died Aboard the Titanic, Returned to Tell the Tale By Wes Annac, *Editor, *Culture of Awareness & Openhearted Rebel December 8, 2016 [image: titanic-hitting-the-icebery] *This is an excerpt from Chapter 3 of Enlightened Afterlife, my new ebook centered on Spiritualist philosophy on life after death. In this section, we learn about the death of Spiritualist W.T. Stead, who returned through a medium to share the details of his passing.* *You can purchase a PDF file of the book at the bottom of this post, or you can check out the Kindle version by clicking on the book c... more »
9 Uncomfortable Life-Hacks That Could Pay off Forever. Life Begins ...

9 Uncomfortable Life-Hacks That Could Pay off Forever. Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone By Alanna Ketler, *Collective Evolution* December 8, 2016 [image: comfort-zone-vs-where-the-magic-happens] It’s fascinating how often we resist doing things we know are good for us. I know I’m guilty of this, and many of you probably are too. Rationally we might know that going for a walk in the morning is a great way to start our day, but somehow we still give in to that other person inside us who would rather stay under the covers for an extra half hour. Likewise, we know we cou... more »
God Alone is the Doer ~ Steve Beckow

God Alone is the Doer By Steve Beckow, *Golden Age of Gaia* December 8, 2016 [image: prettyearth] I mentioned earlier that in the face of the challenges that the Reval will bring, I’ve felt it necessary to surrender to God’s will rather than rely only on my own strength and insight. I’ve felt inadequate to the task and half measures won’t produce the result I need. I begin that work by studying what the masters have said on the subject so far. I mentioned as well that I’m going to depart from my previous practice of drawing only on Company of Heaven sources and incorporate as we... more »
While Eyes were on Standing Rock, the Dakota Pipeline was being Dri...

While Eyes were on Standing Rock, the Dakota Pipeline was being Drilled under Another Water Source By Adele Peters, December 6, 2016, Posted December 8, 2016 *CANNON BALL, NORTH DAKOTA – DECEMBER 3: Fires create early morning smoke at Oceti Sakowin Camp on the edge of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation on December 3, 2016 outside Cannon Ball, North Dakota. (Photo by Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post) * While the pipeline may have been halted in North Dakota, construction workers just finished drilling under the Des Moines River, ... more »
USA: Big Government – The Reason You Need a License to Braid Hair ~...

Big Government The Reason You Need a License to Braid Hair By Isaac Davis, *Waking Times * December 8, 2016 [image: african-braids-3] We live in a time when big government is such an ingrained part of our lives that it’s difficult for most people to comprehend what freedom even is. Bureaucracy has inserted itself into pretty much every nook and cranny of our lives, and today’s generations find it absolutely normal to pay taxes and fees for every little experience we have. The spider web of government control can is seen in the system of state privileges we know as regulations, lice... more »
Is the Soda Industry Hiding Health Risks of Drinking Soda? ~ Julie ...

Is the Soda Industry Hiding Health Risks of Drinking Soda? By Julie Fidler, *Natural Society* December 8, 2016 [image: soda_forpress_060417] When the soda industry funds studies into the health risks associated with consuming its products, soda always comes out *looking rosy*, according to researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). A team of scientists from the university recently looked at studies published between 2001 and 2016 on the relation of soft drink consumption to obesity and diabetes. They found a *100% probability* that a published study that fi... more »
11 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than A Flu ~

11 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than A Flu *via Body Mind Soul Spirit* December 8, 2016 [image: o-flu-shot-facebook] The verdict is out on flu shots. Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself. Every year the pharmaceutical industry, medical experts and the mainstream media work hard to convince us to get vaccinated against the flu. *But we’re not being told the whole story.* What we don’t hear, are cases about the adverse reactions or about the toxic chemicals being injected into us.... more »
How Meditation Dissolves Personality and What, Exactly, That Means…...

How Meditation Dissolves Personality and What, Exactly, That Means… By Alicia Lue, *Wisdom Pills* December 8, 2016 [image: o-meditation-facebook] On a recent trip to Thailand I had the opportunity to observe Buddhist monks during mediation. As they sat in complete coma-like stillness, their expressionless faces gave the illusion that their bodies were lifeless, seemingly mimicking the serenity of death in their total relinquishment. Yet contrary to what was visible to the human eye, beneath this content and deathly appearance was life in the purest form. One of the founding princ... more »
Cedella Marley: Blessed with the Gift of Giving ~ Positive Vibrations

Blessed with the Gift of Giving Positive Vibrations by Cedella Marley, *A Nice Time* December 8, 2016 [image: Cedella Marley, Tochter des jamaikanischen Reggaemusikers Bob Marley (1945 - 1981), spricht am Mittwoch (18.04.12) bei der Pressekonferenz zur Vorstellung des Films "Marley" in Kingston, Jamaika. „Ich nenne meinen Vater einen Rebellen fuer alle Gelegenheiten. Bob Marley ist ein Mann, der „No Woman No Cry“ schreiben kann – die Frauenhymne. Dann kann er „Exodus“ schreiben – die Revolutionshymne. Dann schreibt er „Waiting In Vain“ – die Zeugungshymne. Und dann kann er „One Love“... more »
How To Re-Connect To Your Higher Self ~ Ryan Stolinski
How To Re-Connect To Your Higher Self By Ryan Stolinski*,* December 8, 2016 [image: 2ihhqw86] Stop, Drop, Connect! *In the experience of my outer-self, I (Ryan), have witnessed many situations where the use of this simple technique could have saved any involved parties from becoming snared in the web of outer influence. This ‘web’ of outer influence is as apparent as the oxygen in the atmosphere. It permeates everything in this physical reality. * *This outer influence is constantly knocking at the door of our consciousness – begging for entry – and for some, it is an op... more »
Silk Road Case Sets Precedent for Total Government Control of Curre...

Silk Road Case Sets Precedent for Total Government Control of Currency By Alice Salles, *Anti-Media*December 8, 2016 [image: silk-road] *(**ANTIMEDIA**)**—* The pursuit of justice in the United States has never been easy — or cheap. In 2014, Texan Ross Ulbricht was convicted of founding and running the black market site known for drug sales, the “Silk Road,” under the pseudonym “Dread Pirate Roberts.” Due to his alleged involvement with the site, Ulbricht was convicted of drug trafficking and other charges in February 2015. Following a trial riddled with inconsistencies and likely ... more »
Why You Should Forgive Your Parents… and How To Do It! ~ Nanice Ellis

Why You Should Forgive Your Parents… and How To Do It! By Nanice Ellis, *Wake Up World* December 8, 2016 [image: forgiveness] On the surface, forgiving your parents (or anyone for that matter) may seem insignificant but forgiving your mother or father is actually the best thing you can do for the quality of your life. Even low-grade parental blame and resentment perpetuate a cycle of emotional pain and suffering that can negatively affect your adult relationships, finances, and overall wellbeing, ultimately preventing the love, abundance and happiness you desire and deserve. If you ... more »
Insider Admits Central Banks Rigged Every Market ~ Christina Sarich

Insider Admits Central Banks Rigged Every Market By Christina Sarich, *The Mind Unleashed* December 8, 2016[image: screen-shot-2016-12-05-at-4-31-20-pm-1440x807] *The time for a new system of currency exchange is long overdue.* It isn’t just voting booths and machines that are rigged. HSBC bankers were just arrested at JFK recently for a currency trading scheme, while the supervisor who oversaw the entire plot left the bank with a $125 million dollar bonus. 5,300 Wells Fargo employees were fired over 2 million phony accounts, and Deutsche Bank is admitting fraud *again*. It would see... more »
Guardian Angel Prayer Invite Your Guardian Angels Into Your Life ~ ...
Guardian Angel Prayer Invite Your Guardian Angels Into Your Life By Melanie Beckler, Spiritual Guidance BlogDecember 7, 2016 A Guardian Angel Prayer is in its simplest sense is a request for help from your Guardian Angels. Learn a simple, and yet incredibly powerful Guardian Angel Prayer here and now: Like this video? Subscribe on YouTube here! Prefer to watch on YouTube? Click Here! The specific Guardian Angel Prayer I’m about to share will you will help you to invoke the presence, help and guidance of your Guardian Angels right here and now. The truth is that you have G... more »
Suicides and Sudden Deaths – Perspectives From My Experience as a P...

Suicides and Sudden Deaths Perspectives From My Experience as a Psychic [image: Image from] Image from *“Did you really want to die?”* *“No one commits suicide because they want to die.”* *“Then why do they do it?”* *“Because they want to stop the pain.”* ~ Tiffanie DeBartolo The morning I am blogging about suicide comes directly after the night where I have been awake for most of it, messaging and then skyping with a suicidal client. It comes directly after the news that another person in one of my Lyme support groups has taken their ow... more »
“ENDGAME: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal” (yes, here ...

ENDGAME: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal.(yes, here it is… BIG time!) (and this is only Part 1!) By David Wilcock2016/12/06 [image: david_wilcock_search197] [Kp note: here is a link to download (UPDATED with final version) the entire web page (zip folder) as it stands now at 1030 HST. Remember that DW always adds updates during the first day or two.] …and this is only “Part 1”. The “Part 2” is to come out shortly, as posted on Corey’s SBA FB page. This piece is very full of data regarding the fall of the cabal, particularly as it refers to the massive exposure of the un... more »
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