Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

S333 Message - Many a Mickle makes a Muckle - 15th February 2010

By Vince
Many a Mickle makes a Muckle
By DavidS333 thru Vince
Feb 15, 2010 - 7:59:44 AM

S333 Message - Many a Mickle makes a Muckle - 15th February 2010

Dear People,

I AM David S333, which is how I choose to be known to you in your material world. I am from a place currently invisible to you, and yet I am concerned for your welfare.

There are it would appear, plenty of people on your world who just don't care what's going on in the skies above their planet. Indeed they just don't know either. There is the most auspicious event ever to happen in the history of your collective lives, and your TV programmes are of utmost interest, it seems, but not the Starfleet craft in your skies.

We have to ask ourselves why that is, and we have reached the conclusion that it is a very 3rd Dimensional Human thing to do. Your lives have been defined by your fellow mankind, as little more than a cash crop for their own enrichment. Why plough the land themselves, when they can rob you instead?

Unless you are of the lucky and tiny minority, from the very moment you are born into this world of yours, you are forced to conform in all areas of your life. Even the people who ‘drop out' are conforming to an approved pattern of behaviour. You have all the vaccinations ‘they' want you to have, and which cause so many medical problems in later life.

You go to school to learn, and together with the basic language and numeracy skills you learn other lessons on subjects which are so very far from the truth. Modern interpretations of history are what the elite want you to believe, not what actually happened. The whole knowledge base which the majority learn from has been adulterated to a mere shadow of its former self. Technical knowledge of things like engineering and science for example, are taught in such a way as to equip you to fit into a certain role in your society, and not so that you will produce innovations which will benefit mankind to any degree, only to enrich the bank accounts of the bloodsuckers who want a percentage of everything you earn, at every turn of the multi-layered aspects of this reality.

For example, where a man or company would buy a vehicle and start up a service, earning money from his customers, there was a straightforward issue, but now, the elite have clouded the water. The vehicle has to be ‘financed' and ‘leased', and there are ‘quality contracts', financial penalties and vast contractual obligations which have been introduced in all areas of life. This is a sign of a society out of YOUR control.

Gone are the days when a client and a supplier mutually agreed to a common aim, shook hands on the deal and got on with life. It was honest and spiritual, but has no place in a world run by financial crooks. Thus we have draconian contracts, franchising, leasing; layer upon layer of obligational rubbish piled up where once there was this simple and honest agreement. That's how these crooks exist by churning over the conditions so that there is a percentage to be made on every turn.

In this age of financial comparison websites, the crooks have got people churning round credit card deals, insurance contracts, bank accounts, mortgages and many more things; and everyone prides themselves that they have got the best deal for the cheapest price. Well people, I've got news for you, that you have nothing of the sort. What you have got is a system which forces you to make apparently good deals, but which produce many more of these little percentage bundles for the crooks.

The Scots say, "Many a Mickle makes a Muckle"; meaning that lots of little sums of money add up to make a huge one. The system has been carefully thought out and implemented, so they have more money and you have less, but on the surface the opposite appears to be the case.

The various churches are worthy of a look as well. Some of the wealthiest organisations on the planet are religious/church organisations, with vast property empires and colossal investments in stocks and shares. All this has been gained by clever extraction in one form or another from their own followers, and for whose benefit? Well not for the membership, that's for sure.

We see these things which exist in your world, and ask ourselves how could you have let yourselves be conned in this way for many thousands of years? It comes about by not taking a full interest in every aspect of your own affairs, and turning for advice to the Dark Ones; they've given you advice, but not that which will wholly benefit you.

I bring this up today, because I'm trying to get more people to take off their blinkers. We are fast approaching a freedom train of events, which will see the restoration of the planet you call Earth, to its Divine blueprint, and just as Jesus threw the money lenders out of the temple, so the financial crooks of your world are to be amongst the many people who will be removed from your planet.

If you can begin to understand what has been done to you over millennia, then there is still hope that you may join in the Ascension process which some of your human brothers and sisters are to be going through as we reach the end of the current cycle. If only one person is beneficially affected by these words, and can help themselves out of this present pit of delusion, then this message will have been worthwhile. But, who knows, there may be more than one, maybe many more; and that will be a very good thing altogether.

Wise up my friends, there is still some time left, but not much.

And so it is..................................

David S333.

This message was received telepathically and transcribed by Vince on15th February 2010.

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Comment by Juan on February 17, 2010 at 8:40pm
I like you already, either if you are physical or non-physical...
Comment by Tetragrammaton on February 16, 2010 at 5:32pm
Thank you for posting Jose. :)

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