Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Collective
Channel: Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, dear ones! We are pleased to speak with you once again today. This week our writer has some questions she would like to ask, which we are happy to speak on.

COR: My friends, I know you can’t give us any actual dates, because that would be to interfere with human life and the current Earth timeline. And that would break cosmic law. But if you could tell us where we are regarding NESARA’s unfolding, any information there would be greatly appreciated!

THE COLLECTIVE: We speak [energetically] on this subject with all who are open to such, though mainly in their sleep state.

So that that aspect of a person’s spirit and psyche, so powerfully connected to their soul, and fully aware of their Earth mission, takes in the coded information energetically.

These are “updates” you might say, that are not only relevant to your own energetic transmissions and evolvement, but relevant to what is occurring on the Earth now, and all around Her. And in various places in the Universe where much is being decided by galactic councils. Some of you sit on those councils, and are meeting nightly with those who are highly instrumental now in furthering the unfolding of NESARA.

So in reality, on a deep level, you already know what is happening!...+

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