By Samantha
Hello Beautiful Soul!
Humanity stands at a crossroads with a choice to make. Either we continue to divide and conquer each other, as well as allow others in power positions to do this, OR the global human family comes together in mutual recognition of the value and sacredness of every human heart and soul, regardless of ethnicity, gender, diverse perspectives, and opinions.
The July 7, 2023 (777) Gateway marks the next ChoicePoint humans have to create respectful reconciliation or stay in the old 3/4D timeline of separation and division. Cosmic coding is taking us to another level of spiritual awakening and activating our 9th and 10th DNA Strands for Higher Mind and Oneness embodiment. More people will awaken and want balance, compassion and peace, and those of us already on this path will be asked to take a leadership role in creating and manifesting the New Earth...+
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