Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A secret power within. Dreams that come true. I often ask if these talents I possess are gifts or curses. I asked my mother about this, and she said when I was little I would be talking with someone or about someone, and says off the wall remarks that would happen. Recently, I was sitting with my friend Rachel and she made the comment all men are duschbags. I had a flash of red and orange, and to me that represents the Season of Autumn. I said red, Autumn...the weird part is after I said those words, that she said she has been thinking of trying a new men. And there is a tattoo artist she knows named Autumn that she just might. Okay. Whatever. Her choice. I'm just trying to figure this whole thing out. I wish I had this active talent back in 1996, maybe I could have prevented Mason's death. I know...everything happens for a reason. I believe that. I truly do, but sometimes I think if Mason wasn't driving my '68 Camero that night, he would still be alive. He should have drove me home in his Blazer instead of me following him in it. I hear his voice telling me it's not my fault, and sometimes I see a figure leaning against my dresser. I feel it is him. I miss him so much. We would sit and talk for hours about everything. No offense to the men in the world, but no man would ever be as beautiful, amazing, or as perfect as Mason. I know the there will be mass fires consuming the Earth in Feb of 2014, and maybe knowing this it can be prevented. My best friend, my sister Shazz is truly an amazing angel. I can see her happy. She is with who she meant to be with. Their love will stand the test of time. Patience my gifted one. Eyes will open. The balanced to be made. Mason is naive to think he can protect me better from the other side. He died, so I can go through my trials, and find my first. I gave my innocence to the man I married. I loved him from the moment I seen him. He was the biggest player I have ever come across in my life. He had many girlfriends and me on the side. When I was going to SIU in Carbondale, IL he was living there. When I spent a lot of time in Vegas, he lived there. I went to visit someone in N.C., and again when I was there, he was living there. I remember him sneaking me out of my window as a teenager. I mean this literally. I was on myspace and ran into his cousin Jessica, and asked her about Chris. Next thing you know, he called me. As fate would happen things started moving faster than I could think. A week later he came out to visit me. He went back to North Carolina, and 8 days later he came back to move in with me. 6 months later we got married. Talk about moving fast. We have the name of our first born picked out. A girl will be Isabella Grace, and a boy would be Christopher Mason. He says I'm psychic. My mom let me borrow her Wii gaming system, and I told Chris that mom is giving us a Wii for Christmas...I was right. Life comes full circle. I'm trying to expand my writing skills, so I'm taking creative writing. It is harder than it sounds, but life experience has gifted me with many interesting friends, stories, etc. I wish love and light to all the people in the world. Who knows maybe my true masterpiece will just flow.

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Comment by Terrell on January 31, 2009 at 1:46am
Tell us more about the fires and where?


Comment by Ullan on January 29, 2009 at 4:38pm
It is often not up to us to realize or question that which we have been gifted with. A gift is simply that, something given to you by (probably) you as a tool to use for your life's task. Many a soul has gone insane trying to know or quantify /why/ it was them and not another.

Such things are trivial, leaves upon the sea.

It is good, however, that you understand that this gift is there. Many things you shall see, many words you will speak about that which you have glimpsed upon. The reaction shall be what shapes that which you have seen.
Comment by RL on January 29, 2009 at 11:35am
i hope you use paragraph breaks in your masterpiece though.. LOL
very interesting story. mass fires bits.... hmmm

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