Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Raising the Divine Feminine, Energy Course Lesson 5

Raising the Divine Feminine, Energy Course Lesson 5


Through Sharon Stewart

Posted on March 29, 2022



Lesson 5: Sensing Different Types of Energy, continued

Everything that is energy charges their energy differently.

Task for Week 5: Think of a lake or an ocean. Remember this body of water when it was calm and remember it when it was storming. Do you see how mother nature has charged her body of water with energy when it storms?

Sit before an open fire. Feel the energy (heat) from the fire when it is roaring, and feel the energy (heat) from the fire when it is waning.

Go out and look at the moon. Note which quarter it is in, quarter, half, three quarters or full. The moon is always full, but it is the reflection of the sun's energy that hits the earth at night time that is interpreted as the energy of the moon. so it is a bit of a misnomer. Yes, it is solar energy that reflects back to you at night time. It is typically noted in the form of light, however close your eyes and focus on the moon and see if you can feel its energy.

Visit or work in an office on Monday, then return to the same office on Friday afternoon. Can you feel the difference in the energy? Sharon has gone to her car dealership for service early in the week and then again on a Friday afternoon. The energy there was entirely different because the people were charging it differently. She prefers Friday appointments because of the excitement and anticipation of a couple of days off by the staff. ...>>>

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