Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Awareness of Higher Dimensions

By Steve Beckow

Posted March 29, 2022


I was triggered by something Archangel Michael said that I partially quoted yesterday. The full quote is:

Archangel Michael: I remind you that you are a pillar, that you [are] not [to] venture too far ahead of where people are, both individually in terms of your smaller circle but also in terms of the collective. … A very large quotient, shall we say, of you is living … in the higher-dimensional realm.

Then there is a part of you that is in the morass of the chaos [of] the lower-dimensional realm because that’s where the work is. (1)

I don’t believe I’m alone in straddling dimensions. The Divine Mother implies as much here:

“Your Ascension is assured. And each of you are already well within that process. And whether you are acknowledging the shift in realities or not, you are upon a planet, my sentient Gaia, who has anchored herself in the 5th.

“Therefore, whether you are choosing to acknowledge it or not, your being and the ability to access and to expand into that beingness is already primarily anchored in a different dimensional reality.” (2)

That was a general statement made on An Hour with an Angel.


I’m just starting to get a glimmer of the part that is “living … in the higher-dimensional realm.”

Let me use a picture to illustrate how it feels: ...>>>

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