Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


December 5, 2009

Efforts are being made by certain unauthorized individuals to collect documents and data pertaining to the various Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims for ill intent. For some time Whistleblower has demanded that documentation by released to him, as proof that these programs exist, and to investigate whether the money involved is stolen money from the Global Family Collateral Accounts. He claims these programs are fraud based on his false assumptions.

Candace Frieze of writes: “Please dear readers, who have invested in the programs sold as NESARA, we NEED paper copy. There can be no investigation without it. I am asking those of you invested in any of these to send copy of such to my postal address listed under Contact US. K, in particular, I wish to hear from you. Take care, Candace”

Why does Candace need paper copy of your personal records and documents pertaining to these Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims? She and Whistleblower know nothing about these programs and have never been involved in any of them. This is absolutely none of their business, and they should have no interest in such. One wonders, if they are collecting names to identify those, who will have received funds. If so, for what purpose?

A former Farms Claims writer, David Gardemann, of Mankato, Minnesota went to prison for fraud. While in prison he was cloned by the U.S. Government, and upon his release he has been demanding that claimants re-file their Farm Claims. We ask, “For what reason?” Was not the initial filing correct? Is he wanting to add the banking fraud to the claim since the initial filing? If so, this is foolishness based on greed. By court action the initial claim cannot be altered. If it is altered, it is fraud, and the claim will not be paid. Maybe, he too, is attempting to make a list of names of Farm Claim recipients to use once funding occurs.

I encourage you to be wise and offer no information about your personal business to anyone. Greed is greater than ever in our world today. You can clearly project what will happen to people, who know you, when they find out that you have great wealth. Stay low profile and be wise stewards of that which Creator God has entrusted to you.

Be encouraged that we are very near the end of this most fantastic NESARA Mission.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

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