Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Many of the Illuminati Elite were dark ones who were the immortal fallen human angels.

Anything new since the announcement of more troops being sent? KOS: Thursday PM:

All of the financial, political, judicial, and Galactic issues are wrapping up nicely.You were told last week that the negative ET Mothership was blown up. You were told there were still more.

This is no longer true.

Today you saw an 11/24/09 video of hologram Ships in the skies over Malibu. This is all they have left. The Illuminati's "partners in crime' are All Clear. Now we may proceed to the good stuff.

What is happening between 12/12 and 12/21? There are some things NOT on this list that will come as a full surprise.

12/9/09 Barack Obama goes to Copenhagen

12/10/09 President Obama receives the Nobel Peace Prize


12/12/09 Cosmic Burst of Love to Planet Earth - the largest energetic flood of love to Earth ever



Between now 12/3/09 and December 15 Closing of the US Federal Reserve


12/17/09 U.S. Delegates finish Copenhagen Summit -- Hillary Clinton will not be there




12/21/09 The Full Realization that the Planet has changed and returned to Love and Only Love -- Plant your seeds of love for Cosmic Change Point. COMPLETION!

Will you please take us to Aldeberan? Yes, We go Now.

We arrive at Aldeberan. I see a pool just like the one on The Mall in Washington D.C. It is rectangular shaped. There are massive rectangular stones surrounding the pool and I see a round tower made of these stones. I looked up and saw a tall rectangular compound. Then we are walking up an ancient stairway and then back down another stairway into the center of what I now recognize is a Ziggurat.

When we descend the stairs there are ancient gigantic stone statues of Kings that make up pillars. They look like Egyptian Pharoah statues. KOS is there and he says: This is it.

There is a secret portal in this ziggurat that will immediately take you to a Star Gate in Pakistan. I will show you on the Pakistan map where the Star Gate is. For years the Illuminati fought over the Iranian StarGate. That was always a false story. That Star Gate goes other places, but not to Aldeberan. There has always been Kumaras taking Ships in and out from Afghanistan, and that was a decoy spot. There is another Star Gate there, the one I showed you a picture of. That one is another important one, but does not lead here. That large stone tower is where the StarShips enter and exit from.

Aldeberan is where the Language of Light originated from. This is the beginning of Creation for this Galaxy. The Orion Wars ended here.

Archangel Metatron is the King of Angels. His sons, Jehovah and Lucifer waged battle when Angels began incarnating into Human Forms. This new Creation, the Human Angel was something these brothers were jealous of.

The Wars spanned millions of years and carried on through many Star Nations. Earth is a model of this last vestige of War. The Ones warring then were the Illuminati on Earth now. These are descendants of Metatron and Mother Sekhmet: The Children of Ra and the Children of Light. Some of these Ones never fell from Grace. They remained immortal and incarnated again and again and again on Earth to hold the Light for when the Wars Would End: The Kumaras, including Sananda, Ashtar, and St. Germain. There are many others. St. Germain collected the gold he has now and stored it secretly to prepare for this time of Announcements. He worked together with the KOS and Lady Master Nada, Twin Flames, to create the legal structure and Secret Forces to deal with the Human Angels who were fallen. Ashtar is the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation and he heads the Forces in the Skies, off Planet, and on other Star Nations coordinating this effort.

Mother Sekhmet will escort the Beloved Fallen Ones, of Earth, and either return them to Source, as she is their Mother, or send them to a place more befitting the experience they desire.

Lord Metatron is the Lord of Light and he Guides the whole process, working with the Angels and ArchAngels, especially closely with his son, AA Michael, who works with the Angelic and Galactic Forces of Light. KOS is their Leader on Earth, he heads up the Galactic Human Secret Forces. This right here is what all the fighting is about. To enter this portal, and come to Aldeberan, one has access to power. Aldeberan is the City that Atlantis was based on. It is the Cradle of Civilization in the Local Galaxy. Here on Aldeberan is a giant dome structure. It is where the Adam Kadmon Human Body Form originated. This is where Metatron reconstructed the bodies of all the Ones who were destroyed in the Orion Wars. It was a devastating blow to this Father to see his children destroying each other again and again.

The Ones who did not fall, you know them as the Goodly Company.

Many of the Goodly Company are incarnated now as Galactic Humans and they know they will not give up until this job is done, the fallen Ones are removed from this Galaxy and Earth is returned back to a Planet of Peace.

Sananda last incarnated as Jesus the Christ and he laid the ground work for this Now moment. Many of the Illuminati Elite were dark ones who were the immortal fallen human angels. There are endless stories written about these tales, it is all the same story and it ends now. There is a Temple on Aldeberan which holds all the sacred knowledge of Creating Life. All the knowledge of making hybrids is here. There are sample tissues here for all DNA ever created. Therein lies the Power. The Power to control, manipulate, and create species of Slaves. Human Angels who will put on veils, forget who they are, and "Work for the Man" never questioning anything.

By doing this, the Illuminati are free to rape, pillage and plunder every continent on Earth, as well as keeping most of the Worlds' population in economic slavery from the cradle to the grave. False religions were set up to seal the deal. Not only Christianity, but there is some form of manipulation of fear in all religions. There are thousands upon thousands of years and failed attempts to return Earth to love.

Now the Gaia Consciousness Collective came to critical mass and shouted "No More!" This was the clarion call that went out from Earth. All That Is Heard it and it meant Humanity had finally Asked and Allowed!!! There was rejoicing through the Solar System and we have been crafting the Master Plan since then. Now the Galactics, headed by the Galactic Federation, and the Legions of Angels could work together for Earths Ascension and every being on her, including every subcellular organism, every nanite. The Galactics are headed up by Mother Sekhmet and her Twin Flame, Alcyone and the Angels are headed up by Metatron and his Twin Flame Neptha El Ra.

Anyone who has ever heard the history of the Orion Wars can understand why we will not stop until there is Worldwide Peace and an end to all suffering.

These are our children, the Galactic/Angelic/Human children and we cannot stand by and watch any more suffering. Universal Law states Each One must ask and must allow. Now when we reached critical mass, it made it possible to start moving certain ones into positions, into families, and into jobs where they could work as dark hats and assist the light by being double agents. An elaborate plot was put into play which has culminated in the chaos you see now.

It only appears as chaos. You are watching the old timeline dissolve, and that includes the dissolution of all illusionary financial deals cut on bad paper. This means no more using each person's identification number as collateral for the World Bank. No more lifetimes of slavery. No more lack of creation due to endless work. All of you are Gods and Goddesses of the Light. All of you are Creator Gods.You are capable of instant manifestation-Now! Remember Now!

As we take the final steps out of the supposed chaos, as we step away from being required, for the safety and well being of our men and woman of the Ground Crew, to work as double agents, and as we finish the arrests and removals of the fallen Ones, we will then be able to pour out from the Stargates, in our MotherShips and begin the Golden Age for Mother Earth.


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Comment by JIM4HOPE on December 5, 2009 at 1:21pm
Well put Pleiadian Agenda exactly the way I feel there exposure will make them run for cover A lot of people are confused right know about the federal reserve it needs to be understood by those who dont know the federal reserve is a privately owned bank that had control of our monetary system and could make up rules as they went along printing money.

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