Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Programming Message from Sirius via Thea Grace Sirius

Message from Sirius via Thea Grace Sirius

Dearest Ones we are here to tell you that you are in the final stages of your fight/change from darkness into LIGHT. It is as if the darker elements are finally being cornered and are not giving up the fight until every single soul is in the LIGHT and you can all enter that HEAVEN on EARTH together.

Their last stronghold so to speak is in their control of the NEWS (North, East, West and South) and even that control is now crumbling. They are even trying to infiltrate the Truthers on Social Media and trying to Control the Lightworkers by Dividing you. However even that is not working now as most of you have seen through their games.

As they have tried to invade the LIGHT, they have been swallowed into the LIGHT them selves, so to speak, and the Dark is changing into LIGHT. !!!. HAVE NO FEAR whatsoever for as LIGHTWORKERS, YOU are far more powerful than any dark entity. Laugh at their ANTICS for that is just what they are Dear Ones .RE MEMBER that even the Dark Ones are playing a game.


(They are Telling you a Vision of a darker world)

STOP watching PROGRAMMES. (You are being Programmed) ...+

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