Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

More on NESARA Message from Saint Germain Through Caroline Oceana Ryan

More on NESARA
Message from Saint Germain
Through Caroline Oceana Ryan

COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain!
SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, dear one!
COR: I spoke recently with your twin flame, Lady Master Portia, about the Transmuting Violet Flame.
This was excellent teaching. And very much required at this time.
COR: We were all very appreciative of Lady Portia’s wisdom. She spoke about how we are here to shift the vibration of an issue first, before we try to physically move the parts of a situation, so as to heal or “fix” it from without.
My question for you today is based on that. We are all waiting for NESARA to be fully enacted and announced, yet the waiting is tantamount to asking that something change outwardly first, so we can finally be happy.
So, my question is, Are we unconsciously holding NESARA back by not just looking forward to it, but putting whole areas of our life and inner growth “on hold” until it’s announced?
Due to thinking, “Once NESARA comes through, I won’t have to worry about that . . . “whether it’s finances or health or relationships, or our own inner growth and healing.
SAINT GERMAIN: Ah, an excellent point.
Yet comprehend fully that your Earth is in a place of unprecedented transition for a third dimensional planet.
So that as you are preparing with genuine, heartfelt Joy to receive NESARA and its many beautiful provisions, yet you are still in a physical world that appears to be still mired in many ways in the old order.
And so, your paths continue—yes, you must still feed the children, sweep the floor, go to work, and keep yourself as healthy as possible...+
More on NESARA


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