Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Prince William (horus) is a clone of Jesus

TPTB have cloned Jesus Christ, using blood from the Turin Shroud, and implanted a clone of Jesus in Lady Diana Spencer's womb. With the assistance of aliens or fake aliens (disclosure), he will be anointed the spiritual head of a New World Spiritual Order (Satanic rule) at the time of the XXX Olympiad in London, the New Jerusalem. This will be the 'greatest moment in history', when it is declared who he is. All this is laid out in plain sight for those that have eyes to see.

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Comment by patrick on March 9, 2011 at 11:25pm
There are just so many occult coincidences around the Prince, Dianna and so forth if you can be bothered to find them. Will(I am) Arthur could easily be what Rik Clay says, he is. The illuminati are obsessed with restoring the Davidian blood line to the top of their future world government (after an engineered and cosmologically natural human and animal die off of 80% or more). Know thyne enemy and thank them for creating a negative world path for us to walk away from . Something much more marvelous awaits us.
Comment by ian on March 9, 2011 at 2:20pm
The Universe is very large and there is no way this one small planet called earth is the only planet with intelligent life on it.  I believe ET's exist but there are good and bad ET's.  Good and Evil exists in this plane of existence so if there are bad ET's out there, there must be good ones.
Comment by Lydia on March 9, 2011 at 12:19pm

I dont know Dear Patrick ......but this is not resonating with me ~ Its like the old religious way of scarying people so they can control them better ~ Divide and Rule is the manipulators Trick ~ but thank You for sharing ~ none of us know what is and what is not We all must connect to Our Higher self and Feel our ways through things these days ~ Blessings ~ and May Love and Light Prevail ! 

If We Are All Infinite Consiousness Experiencing Ourselves in this 3D Illusionary Reality than We are Truly ALL FREE ~ The Only Choice we Must make Is Love or Fear ~ I Choose Love ~ xox



Comment by patrick on March 8, 2011 at 5:56am
It's all in my mind. O.K
Comment by Trudy on March 8, 2011 at 2:37am
I am sorry, but I am not into Satan or a beast or what else... It is my true believe, that there are high energies and low energies... but no demons and serpents ... it is all in your mind what exist for you!!!

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