The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Despite all the RKM Traitors and corrupt that now infest the Pentagon, there is a new faction of insiders who are gaining power by the day and have actually checkmated this evil RKM system inside the Pentagon. Stay tuned because this is likely to become quite interesting in the days and weeks to follow as true AmericanS begin to take their nation back from the RKM. Everyday more and more of the hidden history of the Babylonian Talmudics aka Khazarians becom... and known, despite their serious long term efforts to excise it from the history books.
Monday, November 2, 2015
By Preston James, Ph.D on November 2, 2015
It’s time to expose the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia’s incredibly evil Agenda to Globalize the World into a New World Order System, set up as a tyranny run by them.
We now know for certain with precise clarity that the Top Policy-makers that actually run most of the World are soulless super-deviants, evil beyond normal imagination and dead set on creating their Globalist NWO System of Tyranny.
Top insiders now refer to this World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that infiltrated and hijacked America in 1913 as the *Khazarian Mafia. The Khazarian Mafia was eventually taken over by the Bauer family of Banksters who later changed their name to Rothschild.
Thus many insiders now refer to this World’s largest organized crime Syndicate that is empowered by Babylonian Talmudic “Money-Magick” (the Black Art of “making money from nothing”) as the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) because the Rothschild banking Family gained control over it and still maintains control over it.
We also know that the Khazarian Mafia has maintained a long term incredible, unimaginably evil, inter-generational Agenda to centralize all World Power in their hands under their direct control as they Globalize the whole World.
And we also now know for certain that these evil monsters’ long term agenda is to destroy the sovereignty of every nation in order to Balkanize each and fold it into their long planned NWO confederation of RKM hijacked Nations with a single tyrannical World Governing body set up by them and run by them.
These soulless monsters that walk among us pretending they are human have been able to use the sophisticated “Black Arts” of mind-kontrol, sleight of hand, fraud and trickery to gain control of the World’s monetary production and distribution systems.
These Bloodline Family descendants have been able to apply the art of ancient Babylonian Talmudic “Money-Magick”, a Black Art known to these deviant soulless sociopaths as “Money-Magick”. And they used this secret Black Art to create and lend counterfeit FIAT “money from nothing” and rent it to the dumbed-down, naive masses, charging and accruing increasing amounts of pernicious usury (interest) for doing so.
But along the way those that they could not bribe and corrupt or human compromise, they had their henchmen (and in some cases henchwomen) covertly murder them with poisons, staged so-called suicides (aka “Arkensides”), and abject easily recognizable violent murder to make an example to their cronies to stay in line.
On careful consideration of this Babylonian Money-Magick (“we lend you our money, made from nothing, and we charge you accruing pernicious usury for using our money”). This “money from nothing” system is a fraudulent practice, absurd at face value, but in America it is also and completely illegal and unConstitutional. Why?
Because the US Constitution forbids Congress and the Administration to allow a private foreign bank run by the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate to create and lend fake money to Americans and charge them accruing interest for using what should have been owned by them as their own real money backed by Gold and Silver in the first place.
Fiat money is not real Constitutional money and is therefore illegal ipso facto (the clearly apparent facts of the actual situation show that, no additional proof is needed, and the opposite cannot even be argued). According to the US Constitution, US Money must be issued by the USG, not a private bank and backed by Gold and Silver. Gold and Silver coinage or Gold or Silver certificates like we used to have in America at one time satisfies this requirement.
The private foreign City of London Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) Banksters were able to gain a foothold in America and bribe and human compromise most of Congress and the President to get the Federal Reserve Act passed in 1913. Once this foothold was gained, this new RKM Bankster franchisee was able to activate a long term plan to substitute Federal Reserve Debt-notes (actually interest bearing loans) as money.
Once this was done, the FRS had been able to install a very crafty, illegal, unConstitutional, purely fraudulent means to accessing and transferring American hard earned wealth to themselves and their crony corporations without the average dumbed-down obedient serf mind of the American masses even realizing this.
It is no coincidence that the RKM Banksters were able to use their same method of bribery and human compromise to also institute the illegal and unConstitutional Federal Taxation System and as well as various support agencies that eventually evolved into the US Treasury Department and the Secret service. And they created a charade that additional Constitutional amendments supposedly making this legal were passed but these were never properly ratified.
These USG agencies, the Internal Revenue Service, and the FBI, all designed to serve the much needed secret police and suppression functions of the RKM Banksters running the FRS and were secretly controlled by the Top Policy-Makers of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) run out of the City of London Financial District, a separate nation from England that has its own diplomats and pays no taxes like the Vatican.
The RKM phony Fiat Counterfeit money system was designed to be instituted as a Worldwide Web of Control (WWWC) used to take over the whole world as a substitute for the British Empire which had been based on international British Naval power which had ruled the seas and allowed numerous British Colonies which expanded the wealth and power of England.
How the Worldwide RKM Banksters’ Web of Evil was created in the first place.
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