Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Prestigious Health Magazine Covers Geoengineering! ..Conscious Creation ect & more.

Prestigious Health Magazine Covers Geoengineering

Prestigious Health Magazine Covers Geoengineering

by Dane Wigington

With each passing day the curtain of secrecy and controversy surrounding the climate engineering issue is being pulled back.  When prestigious and reputable publications are finally willing to publish feature articles that address the ongoing geoengineering insanity head on, we are indeed gaining ground in this battle.

Health Freedom News is a hard hitting publication that is dedicated to exposing the truth for the common good. Their editors have shown exceptional courage and commitment to their readers, subscribers, and supporters by printing the article below in their current issue. The magazine article can be read by clicking the individual images to enlarge them. Again, my most sincere gratitude to Health Freedom News magazine for their courage in addressing the critical issue of climate engineering.

Dane Wigington


Source: Health Freedom News

Click on images to enlarge them for reading the article.

Health Magazine 1
Health Magazine 2
Health Magazine 3

Those that are interested  in acquiring an original copy of this issue of Health Freedom News (Spring 2015 / Volume 33 / No.1) can get it here. Those who wish to thank the magazine personally can do so by leaving a comment of support here.

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Comment by Besimi on May 6, 2015 at 3:42pm

Conscious Creation

Conscious Creation
by American Kabuki
We generally get what we expect.  Parents who expect the worst of their kids generally get.  "Don't do that you'll break your neck!" The kid falls down right on schedule (hopefully failing at breaking their neck - takes many tries to get good at that!).    I learned early on with my daughter that kids don't hear  negation words like "DON'T" or "DO NOT", only the rest of the sentence.  "Be safe"worked far better than "don't be reckless"...  
Turns out the basic command structure of the Universe doesn't do "NO" or "NOT" only "YES" and "DO".
When it comes to my own self, I am really good at a detailing what I don't want in my life... and life is really good at providing it!  In fact a year ago, last May was when this point of me creating my reality started to be driven home in my life, that I was creating the experiences I dreaded most... and they all lined up right up to park themselves on my doorstep in Aouchtam.   Some of those experiences might have happened anyway, given the tendencies in some people, but because I could "see it coming" well those experiences parked themselves on my doorstep and neighborhood so to speak. 
Finally I reached the point of sheer exasperation with it all... that I just sat down and examined why it was all these events matched my worst fears of the moment.  I WAS CREATING THEM OR ATTRACTING THEM WITH MY EXPECTATIONS! 
As Sasha Stone so eloquently put it in his paper from the International Tribunal for Natural Justice [emphasis in red mine - comments in square brackets as is my custom]:
"The narrative can be summed up as follows: The Creator is within each being in the universe, from small to large, and when free will acts, it is literally an aspect of the creator in operation.  The powers that should not be know this deeply, and this can be seen by reviewing the Papal bulls of the Vatican. When the creator 'sent us forth into the creation to move, breathe and have our being'  we agreed to do the 'working of god' and honor 'his will'. We were entrusted with a mind, body and soul to do this, creating our 'temple within' and help create a harmonious paradise on earth.   
The powers that be know this, and have described it within their own writings.  The covenants of God, within most Abrahamic religions, are an example of this.  Papal Bulls assert the Vatican and its trustees are the trusted consorts to god,  stating until God or the people do otherwise, their rule is divinely ordained: until we dispel their presumption of god given authority.  They say: until we 'come of age' and realize our purpose, those who have 'come of age' are entrusted  to share their knowledge and educate us so we can do the great work.  If we refuse to do the work, and fall into sin (ignorance of our original trust with god to do his will) a trusted consort to god must come in and manage us till we see the light; the Vatican and its agents in this case.   
Because each person is a powerful embodiment of the creator, if we use our powers unwisely, we can create much chaos in the world.  Until we come of age, and begin using our will to create harmony we must be managed like animals and spiritually dead things.  While this is a sobering perspective to contemplate, it is in harmony with Natural Law, but the Vatican fails to do what god commands them to do (educate and uplift humanity) and this crucial point we will address later...." [AK note: the Vatican was included in the foreclosures The OPPT Trustees did in 2012]
Should have been obvious to me of all people... smack in the middle of the most momental law filings of 12/21/2012 that shifted the energies on this planet from unconscious creation through the tools of fear and non-transparency to one of conscious creation and self-responsibility for what we BE and DO.  To quote from one foreclosing on the corporations by the OPPT:  "From Sea to Shining Holy See".....  they were all foreclosed by the One People's Public Trust.  All soul contractsuniversal contractscanceled in law.
But you know how it is you can read something again with fresh eyes and see things you didn't see the first time?  It was all in there!  And that message has always been consistent.  So I decided to create something I wanted... the people I wanted to be with, the situations I wanted reversed, and all the perceived wrongs I felt at that moment, I decided to let it all GO... beyond forgiveness... just unconditional love towards all.   I threw out the conditions, which are commonly called "judgements" and showed love without prerequisites. Things shifted FAST!   
Then I started noticing my associates going through a similar learning pattern as me. Creating their own situations and perceptions, based  on their fears or insecurities and sometimes finding "facts" to fit the perception. Wanted me to reengage certain negative creative energies that I let go last summer to join then in that act of creation as a co-creator, because... well darn it... they just cared about my hurt feelings so much... I declined. I got over that. I see shifts in them... some haven't seen it yet. They will.  I was no better, nor smarter, my experience was just more concentrated in time span and personal I suppose, and their's is stretched out a bit in time for various reasons appropriate to their learning and life.  I don't judge,  I have been there.  I love them all.  I miss them all.  It will all shift when they shift to understanding they CREATE either consciously or unconsciously.  Best to do it consciously...
Had another creation situation here in Italy.  Was hanging out with some of the Italian men here, who speak some English but lack some of the extended vocabulary in American English  of "polite euphemisms" and "code words" that Americans use around more sensitive ears to describe the sex act.  Their knowledge of nuances of politically correct American English were shall we say...somewhat limited.  But its endearing. :) The Italians just used the "F" word. And use it OFTEN. After all its in all the American movies right? LOL!!! Latin lovers...what can I say?  Women around the world adore them! They like making love (how's that for a polite euphemism?) and talking about it!  And the word they chose in particular paints a certain very specific picture in my mind.  
So one day it kind of got to me... all this talk of sex and I ain't getting any... not that I was jealous of those who were... hey more power to them!  I just felt really lonely, although not as lonely as the prior 6 months were I was completely alone.  And because I had begun that line of thinking, the next day I felt even lonelier.  Alps are beautiful and I live with wonderful people, but there are not a lot of women here.  And here I am, divorce finalized in January, clean slate and no entanglements with 3 party contracts and single.  But its just me and the golden retriever for company and I don't fancy him.  
But I love Italy, I really do.  These people are passionate, and a not a passive-agressive personality in any of them.  THEY FEEL, and THEY SPEAK WHAT THEY FEEL. And if they believe something they act on it!  Its beautiful to behold!
Then my mind went back to last summer.  So said to myself... hmmmmmm... what if?   What if I create something different than loneliness?  I decided for a simple creation experiment... I decided consciously to create the experience of women telling me they love for who I am. And I stated that intention.  Assumption being they are probably out there, but I was shutting down that energy with my creation of the energy of being lonely. The experiment had no "F" words or "F-ing" (I guess you could argue that is a much more complex creation project - LOL!!! - I went for simple - for proof concept purposes) just a simple expression of "I love you big guy" sort of thing...
Within 24 hours I got so many Skypes and emails out of the blue, some from women I know, some from women I never met before.  One woman floored with me her expressions of affection. It was truly beautiful.   And then a cosmic joke arrived, just to test my mettle... I decided to look at one American woman's picture on a social media site... and she had a low cut shirt... and then I saw what looked like chest hair... and I am talking Saturday Night fever man style chest hair on that rack. UGH!  I stuttered....energetically... what am I creating???  All that energy came to a halt within minutes...  WTF?  Cue the trombone sounds Charlie Brown...
I ran across this video that talks about creation, and I realized something about my experiment in creation, I should have laughed at the cosmic joke when it arrived and instead I panicked and shot down the energy vibration that was creating a beautiful experience. Plus I think the photo was just a bad photo and she didn't really have chest hair like a Mediterranean man... the lighting was pretty bad...and digital camera phones can do odd things at times.  
There's a lot of good information in this video and I felt a certain resonance to the guy at the end who asks Esther a question from the audience.  We all ask that question from time to time whether we are male or female.
Anyway I hope enjoy the video... there's 3 or 4 commercials embedded in it which I can do nothing about... so bear with those or press the skip commercial button.  Its not like ANYONE has really written a book on spontaneous creation from the heart in love and joy and living in the NOW.  We're all filling in those blanks as we move forward.

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