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Benjamin Fulford: 05:05:2015 - Chaos in US as international bankruptcy of US Fed faction sinks in. ...COBRA Update and more :)

English -- Benjamin Fulford: 05:05:2015

May 5, 2015
Chaos is increasing inside the United States as the US Khazarian controlled faction of the Federal Reserve Board continues to be shunned by most of the world. In response, the Khazarians are desperately trying to provoke race riots or otherwise get arms bearing US citizens to fight the US armed forces and police. At the same time, the US armed forces and agencies are moving against both Israel and their US based Khazarian proxies, notably the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller crime family.
In what Pentagon sources say was a direct message to the Rockefeller family, Dave Goldberg, the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, died in mysterious circumstances at age 47 last week.
Facebook is owned by David Rockefeller grandson Mark Zuckerberg. Pentagon sources say this was a message by the armed forces to the Silicon Valley oligarchs that from now on the high tech industry in California would be under military control.
To understand the frenetic power struggle now taking place in the US, it is worth taking another look at the secret history behind the ongoing US corporate government’s bankruptcy. More of this was revealed at a meeting last week between representatives of the White Dragon Society and Chinese royal family members. The Chinese royals presented documentary evidence that will force a change of how 20th century history is written. The documents describe secret agreements between US Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, Chinese Nationalist ruler Chiang Kaishek and,
members of the Manchu royal family. The documents show how Roosevelt, Truman and US Secretary of State George C. Marshall, over time, took 20 ships laden with Manchu gold to the US and fraudulently used the bullion to finance Roosevelt’s New Deal and the Marshall plan.
The gold was taken to the US starting in the 1930’s under the promise it would be used to finance the development of East Asia and the creation of a federation that would include Manchuria, China, Korea and Japan, the royal family sources said. The Americans also gave the Manchurians plates to allow them to print US dollars.
The two current heirs to the Manchu gold are Kim Young Hee (金英姫) and Zhang Sheng Zhi? (張勝植). They claim there have been numerous attempts to kill them and replace them with look alikes so, as a security measure, they have asked that their pictures be published as seen below:

Kim Young Hee (金英姫) and Zhang Sheng Zhi (張勝植)

(click for high-res)

Photographs of their ears have also been taken as an extra precaution.
The reason these two people claim they are being chased is that they have the legal rights to gold worth about $30 trillion.
What is happening is that, at the highest level of global finance, paper and numbers written on bank computers are not accepted as currency. The owners of the US branch of the Federal Reserve Board (Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller etc.) are being asked to pay their debts to the rest of the world in gold. For that reason they are desperate to try to stake a fraudulent claim to the Manchu gold they stole all those years ago (and have long since used up). They will not get it because the whole world is sick and tired of their criminal antics.
In fact, looking through a gold lens sheds a whole new light on many recent historical events. First of all, the Lehman shock of 2008 came because the corporate government of the United States failed to make a gold payment that was due. That led to a temporary cut off of US trade. The US Corporate government then managed to get a large gold loan from the Ming dynasty faction in Asia on the promise that Barack Obama would be made president and the US would reform itself.
After Obama’s actions showed that he was no better than George Bush Jr., the Ming gold dried up. US cabal staged events since that time have all been in search of gold and financing.
The red shirt movement in Thailand, for example, was really aimed at getting custody of the huge historical Thai royal gold stash. The “Arab springs” in Tunisia and other Arab counties were also aimed at the gold stashes these countries had. The invasion of Mali was staged to seize gold mines there. The tsunami and earthquake attack on Haiti was also aimed at getting gold mining rights. The invasion of Libya was an unsuccessful attempt to steal Colonel Muammar Khadaffi’s gold. The March 11th, 2011 tsunami and earthquake attack on Japan was also aimed at extorting Japanese imperial gold.
So now, the cabalists are frantically hunting royals with claim to historical gold troves. The reason the Obama regime has suddenly been sucking up to Iran so vigorously is because the Persian historical gold trove is worth $46 trillion, according to the current heir to the Persian throne. The Iranians have responded to this US foot kissing by publicly blaming the US government for 911 and telling many other truths. In any case, the heirs to the Persian fortune have made it perfectly clear the US cabalists will never get their hands on their gold.
One recent new indicator of the world wide boycott against the US based Khazarian cabalists was the National Association of Credit Manager’s report that successful US loan applications since the end of March fell by more than 40% year on year. The fall was almost entirely due to a stoppage of trade credits, according to the association. The US government later forced them to “revise” away this ugly truth.
However, the fact that over 6000 US retail shops have recently been closed illustrates how the US corporate government and their American debt slaves can no longer borrow money to buy trinkets from the rest of the world. More proof of bigger than Lehman US economic collapse can be found here:
That is why rent a mobs are being paid with Fed funny money to try to start race wars in Ferguson, Baltimore, Seattle and elsewhere. The Feds are hoping to use the unrest to trigger a civil war in order to distract attention from their own problems.
There was also a big push on the internet to use cabal controlled web sites to push “Jade Helm,” a psychological warfare operation against the American people and US military. There was further what seems to be an attempt to give some credibility to widely discredited fake opposition blogs and radio shows by staging what appear to have been murder attempts against two of them: Stew Webb and Jeff Rense.
Just before the apparent attack on Webb, somebody contacted this writer and told me Webb (who I had never heard of) slandered me by calling me a “disinformation agent.” My response was to quote the Arab saying: “the dogs bark but the caravan roles on.” However, in retrospect it now seems this was an attempt to get me to say something hostile about Webb just before the “attack” on him. Jeff Rense has also highly discredited himself with all the nonsense he has spewed out about Fukushima. However, I tried to contact him to confirm if he had really been attacked only to find out I was no longer allowed to e-mail him. My understanding, based on a lot of different evidence, is that Rense is a front for the Bush family and, until I hear from him otherwise, that is line I will take. Nonetheless, as a journalist who has had many colleagues killed and who has personally survived multiple assassination attempts, you may be sure I am vigorously opposed to the murder of journalists and even propagandists.
These two “murder attempts” by the way, came at around the same time a scheduled major US radio broadcast by me on the show “Caravan to Midnight” was cancelled at the last minute due to a “major server attack.”
In any case, these increasingly clumsy attempts by cabal agents to start race riots, promote attacks against the military and spread confusion in the alternative media are all signs of desperation.
The desperation is becoming palpable now because of what just happened to Saudi Arabia, one of the US Khazarian factions’ last sources of money. The Pentagon and the Iranians forced Saudi’s new king Salman to fire crown prince Muqrin and Saud Al Faisal (who has been Saudi foreign minister for the past 40 years). They were fired to remove Bush influence from the Saudi regime and to force an end to the attacks on Yemen, Pentagon sources say. The Pentagon sources are saying they are still seriously thinking of allying with the Yemeni Houthis to carry out a complete regime change in Saudi Arabia.
The other cabal slave regime that is in trouble is Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government in Japan. As predicted, Abe read a humiliating speech in front of the US Congress and Senate last week that made it clear he was not a Japanese Prime Minister but just a US cabal paid actor reading a script. The US military needs to hurry up and clean up its act in Japan or else lose the regime there to Chinese control. The pentagon knows who to contact to prevent that.

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Comment by Besimi on May 11, 2015 at 5:27pm

Benjamin Fulford - May 11th 2015: Engineered collapse of Western financial system looms

Benjamin Fulford - May 11th 2015: Engineered collapse of Western financial system looms

Added links below. 

Listen to this update with the below video.
- Justin

Source - Benjamin Fulford

The world is headed for some turbulence over the coming months as part of the final removal of the Khazarian mafia from control of the Western financial system, multiple sources, including Japanese government, MI5 and pentagon officials say. The world missed a recent window of opportunity for a peaceful settlement of the financial war, they said. As a result, several stubborn hold outs of the cabal, like Israel and their Washington DC stooges, will have to be removed through war and through the engineered collapse of most of the large cabal financial companies, the sources say.
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This will result in chaos in Europe and several regional wars notably in the Korean peninsula, the Middle East and the US.
The situation in Europe might be the first to blow up as a result of a financial chain reaction expected to be triggered by an unavoidable Greek default, the sources agreed. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent visits to China and Japan were aimed at getting money to prevent the collapse of the German financial system when Greece defaults. She returned mostly empty handed, Japanese and Chinese government sources say.

One indicator of how unusual the situation is was a joint statement published last week by European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsirpas that called for higher pensions and wages for Greeks. In other words it showed political opposition to bank imposed austerity.

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, for his part, proposed creating a new development agency or economic planning agency to start rebuilding the Greek economy. To make this possible he proposes putting all of Greek bad debts into a “bad bank” or garbage can bank. This is in effect proposing a default.

If the Greeks default on their over $300 billion in debts, this will create a domino effect that will pull the rug out from over $500 trillion worth of derivatives that are creating the appearance the European banking system is solvent, MI5 and other sources say.
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A Japanese fixer in charge of high level financial transactions and an MI5 source both said the BIS or central bank for central banks in Switzerland was broke and was jacking up stock prices in Europe, Japan and the US to try to camouflage this. However, the sources said the Greek can might be kicked down the road until September or October.

The Greeks have also been working closely with the Russians and Chinese to make sure they get new financing from the East in the event of a default to the IMF and the Germans.

This Greek situation is likely to put an end to a different scenario being engineered in the UK by newly re-elected Prime Minister David Cameron and his EU masters in Brussels. The scenario they planned was to use the boogeyman of Scottish independence to force greater UK integration into the EU and put an end to British moves away from the EU. It is clear that Nigel Farage, head of the UK Independence Party, was put under some sort of threat to force him to pull his punches during the recent UK election campaign. However, the Greek situation is expected to make this whole plan obsolete because the EU itself will be struggling to survive.

The British financial elite have, in any case, already linked their financial system with China and Asia in order to insulate themselves from the upcoming German/EU collapse, Japanese, Chinese and British sources agree.

The situation in the United States is also headed for more chaos and possibly even civil war. The clearest sign of this has been all the major explosions of oil trains, power plants, factories and other infrastructure across the US. Here for example you can see pictures of a nuclear power plant explosion and a train fire that took place last week:

Pentagon sources say that a civil war is possible between the US military and mercenary armies paid by the Khazarian Mafia. The recent talk in the Khazarian propaganda press about some operation called “Jade Helm” is aimed at inciting Americans into believing US armed forces are their enemy. In addition, the Khazarians are now saying ISIS (Israeli Security Intelligence Service) is in the US ready to start trouble.

The latest economic indicators further show the US economy has fallen off a cliff in April that is even bigger than what was seen after the Lehman shock of 2008.
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The Khazarian Mafia is also issuing veiled threats it will “blow up” emerging markets. Timothy Adams, head of the Institute of International Finance, which represents the world’s biggest banks, issued this threat in a recent report.

However, US and Asian government sources say most of these big banks would be shut down despite these threats because they represent the Babylonian debt slavery system that is being dismantled in order to free humanity.
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A visible sign of this dismantling was also seen in Canada last week. There, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation nationally broadcast a detailed program about a victorious but now being appealed lawsuit to force the Bank of Canada to cut its ties with overseas financial oligarchs and return to its original mandate of providing interest free money to the government. In other words, the Bank of Canada is likely to once again become a government institution and not a tool of Khazarian Mafiosi.
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The situation in the Middle East is also going very badly for the Khazarian mafia. The pentagon is aligning with the Iranians against the Zionazi Khazarian regime there. Japanese intelligence agency and pentagon sources both say some sort of final showdown is expected before the situation there finally calms down. The Saudi Arabian government is also now waking up to the new reality and may cut off its secret alliance with Israel in an attempt to keep in power, the sources said. The Israelis and Saudis have already used nuclear weapons against both Syria and Yemen though, so some sort of payback is inevitable. The turbulence in that region is expected to continue for some time.

There is also going to be some trouble in the Korean peninsula because one of the most stubborn cabal hold-outs is the regime in South Korea, according to a high level Japanese intelligence agency source. Their refusal to accept peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula means that a war will have to be started between North and South Korea, he said. The scenario, worked out between China, Russia and the Pentagon, calls for Russian andChinese threats of all-out war to prevent US forces stationed in South Korea from coming to the South’s aid during a series of missile attacks on Seoul. After some retaliatory attacks against Pyongyang a missile is going to hit Japan. This missile will be used as an excuse by the US military to act as a peacemaker and force reunification of the Korean peninsula, according to this source. At the end of the day North Korean strongman Kim Jon Un’s older brother, Kim Jong Nam, would become the ruler of the unified Korean peninsula, he said. Korean royal family sources agree the regime in South Korea has gone rogue and is headed for serious trouble.
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The situation in Japan too is headed for a sea change, multiple sources agree. Prime Minister Abe is only being kept in power because no suitable replacement has been found. However, Abe has been poisoned and can be killed at any moment so Abe will read whatever script is put in front on him in order to survive, multiple Japanese power brokers say. His recent disgusting performance in Washington, though, has led to a renewed campaign to replace Abe. This can be seen by the fact that nationally broadcast TV shows have come out and said the 311 nuclear and tsunami disaster was a terrorist attack on Japan.

In retaliation, the Zionazi submarine base in New Guinea where the 311 attack was coordinated from was hit four times last week with major bunker busting weapons, Pentagon sources say. This has been reported as four earthquakes in the propaganda press.

In addition, national newspapers have reported that even Japanese Members of Parliament are now allowed to read the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement documents. The fact that this is in all the newspapers and TV shows makes it clear nobody in Japan is going to allow Abe’s slave regime to stuff TPP down Japanese throats. The Rockefeller family has already pulled out of Japan meaning that their stooges like Abe no longer have any real backing. That can be seen by the fact that Citibank’s Japanese operations have been sold and Rockefeller oil companies have also left the country.

Finally, Russia staged a big parade on May 9th to celebrate its victory in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany. What was interesting about this years’ celebration is that soldiers from China, India, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Mongolia, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kirghistan and Azerbaijan also participated in the parade. This is a clear message that any attempt to provoke Russia further in the Ukraine will lead to a full world war. The Pentagon is not about to take on this coalition to help Ukrainian Zionazis.

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Comment by Besimi on May 9, 2015 at 1:17am

‘Jade Helm’ military exercise causing political firestorm in Texas, western states


April 21, 2015: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks in Austin. (AP)

A massive military exercise planned in states across the American West has touched off a political firestorm, with several top Texas officials now questioning the military’s plans – if only to calm the Internet and constituent furor surrounding it.

The seven-state war simulation exercise, known as “Jade Helm 15,” is planned for this summer. It involves training exercises on private and public land – while such exercises are hardly unique, even the military acknowledges the “size and scope” of this one sets it apart.

While the White House and Pentagon are downplaying concerns, this hasn’t stopped a barrage of blogs and tweets warning about whether the federal government is preparing for “martial law.” Even actor Chuck Norris is keeping his “eyes of a ranger” on the situation.

Western-state officials are now caught between a desire to calm their residents – and yet not appear to stoke any conspiracy theories. 

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott already has asked the State Guard to monitor the training exercises, after officials faced worried residents at a packed town hall meeting.  

This alone triggered accusations that the Republican governor is “pandering to idiots.”

On Monday, the governor defended his actions. “There was, frankly, an overreaction to the simple fact that someone has to be in charge with gathering and disseminating information,” said Abbott, speaking to reporters. “We stepped in to play that role, which is a role to be applauded.”

On Tuesday, Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert also released a lengthy statement saying his office has been “inundated” with calls on the matter.

“This military practice has some concerned that the U.S. Army is preparing for modern-day martial law,” he said. “Certainly, I can understand these concerns.”

At the same time, Gohmert said he understands why military officials want to test whether Special Forces groups can move around a civilian population and handle various threat scenarios.

Gohmert explained that his concerns stem from the way the military is approaching the exercise. He cited a widely circulated map which details the seven states that are part of the exercise – California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Texas. The map has Utah and Texas colored red and labels them “hostile.” It labels other states as “permissive,” leaning hostile” and “leaning friendly.”

Gohmert said he was “rather appalled” that the “hostile” areas “have a Republican majority, ‘cling to their guns and religion,’ and believe in the sanctity of the United States Constitution.”

He called this an “affront” to residents there and urged the military to change its approach and tone. “The map of the exercise needs to change, the names on the map need to change, and the tone of the exercise needs to be completely revamped so the federal government is not intentionally practicing war against its own states,” he said.

And Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican presidential candidate, told Bloomberghe’s reached out to the Pentagon to “inquire about this exercise.” He said he has no reason to doubt the Pentagon’s assurances, but he understands residents’ concerns – and backs Abbott’s actions.

But the White House and Pentagon are pushing back. Last week, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said he has “no idea what [Abbott is] thinking.”

“In no way will the constitutional rights or civil liberties of any American citizen be infringed upon while this exercise is being conducted,” Earnest said.

Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren likewise said it “poses no threat” to civil liberties.

“This is a several weeks long training exercise with the purpose to refine the skills of our special operations forces,” he said, while batting back “strange Internet conspiracy theories” and “wild speculation” about the operation.

Special Operations Command said in a March press release that the exercise, from July 15 through Sept. 15, will only take place on “pre-coordinated” public and private lands – with permission from landowners and officials. Much of it would be in “remote areas,” though residents may see an uptick in “vehicle and military air traffic and its associated noise.”

An official with Special Operations Command also told Fox 13 Salt Lake City that the purpose was to replicate “potential terrain” soldiers might find themselves in overseas. As for labeling states like Utah “hostile,” the official said that was part of the design. “It is fictional and is not intended to represent any belief that the state of Utah is hostile,” the official said.

The politics have gotten tricky for western state lawmakers, however, as it puts them between concerned residents and America’s soldiers.

In Texas, Democratic Party Deputy Executive Director Manny Garcia called on Abbott to apologize to the military, accusing the governor of giving “credence to conspiracy theorists by ordering the Texas State Guard to monitor U.S. military operations.”

Meanwhile, Chuck Norris, a.k.a. “Walker, Texas Ranger,” is backing up the governor.

Writing on the conservative website WorldNetDaily, he said: “Concerned Texans and Americans are in no way calling into question our brave and courageous men and women in uniform. They are merely following orders. What’s under question are those who are pulling the strings at the top of Jade Helm 15 back in Washington. The U.S. government says, ‘It’s just a training exercise.’ But I’m not sure the term ‘just’ has any reference to reality when the government uses it.” 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


Comment by Besimi on May 8, 2015 at 8:48pm

Rnn-Release of the Declaration of Sovereign Intent "DSI"

We will deliver the "DSI" , here and now! The Declaration of Sovereign Intent c.2010, will be read; and including the "Proclamation of Claim and Interest" c.2012, as filed. You will hear the testimony from the man who actually delivered notice.


NOTE:  The "Declaration of Sovereign Intent" and "Proclamation of Claim and Interest" will be available to view at the end of Thursday's RNN broadcast.

The Republic News Network is a broadcast of the Republic for the United States. The purpose of the RNN is to reach out to the American People with our message of hope, that the American Republic has been restored. Thursday evenings each week we engage experts in business, industry, military, law enforcement, faith, intelligence and other patriotic Americans in an effort to inform the American People of important current events and at the same time educate our guest and listeners about the restored American Republic.

RNN Schedule: Live on Thursday Evenings 9pm EDT/6pmPDT

Check the Republic website often for General Information and Updates to keep you informed about the interim government restoring operations under the Constitution for the United States of America.

Opinions stated by various contributors to the RNN are not to be considered as endorsed by officers and members of the Republic for the United States of America. Listeners are urged to use their own discernment to draw their own conclusions.


Comment by Besimi on May 8, 2015 at 8:31pm

European Breakthrough Conferences Report

The European series of conferences began with the conference in Konstanz, Germany. You can read the report from that conference here:
And read the fairly accurate notes from the conference here:
The second conference took place near Eastbourne in UK. During that weekend, there was a very important transit of Venus near the Pleiades cluster:
The energy of that transit triggered a strong infusion of Goddess energies from the Galactic Center and a very demanding purification of outdated patriarchal archetypes. Apparently the energies were too much for the organizer of the conference and to a few of with him associated people and they displayed some very disgusting behavior that is still in the process of being purified. Regardless of that, they did not manage to disturb the conference significantly and the event was still very successful.
You can read brief notes from the conference here:
The third conference took place in Naples in Italy. Naples is located near a triangle of very strong Goddess vortexes and was a strong center of Isiac positive secret societies since the Roman times. 
We had a very balanced and beautiful group of dedicated people and the conference was concluded in balance, love an joy. As a consequence of this conference, the Naples Goddess vortexes triangle was activated and the Naples city energy vortex is being healed,  transforming this key city into a point of Light inside the planetary network of Light.
It is interesting to note that there is a vast network of underground tunnels under Naples:
They even grow food in those tunnels, as you can see on this photo I took:
The tunnel system under Naples is part of a main tunnel »highway« that goes from Malta to the Vatican city. According to a local insider I met in Naples, a jumproom was built inside an underground military base close to Naples. This base was part of the Italian secret space program.
You might have noticed that I have not posted any significant intel in the last few weeks. This is because we are in a very delicate period where any release of significant intel could hinder the operations of the Light forces taking place behind the scenes. Soon I will be able to release more.
Let me just say that Jade Helm military exercise will give the Positive Military much needed real life simulation intel for the time of the Event. The cabal tries to spin that military exercise and disseminates fear based scenarios as part of their psychological warfare. I will calm some fears by stressing that the Light forces have said very clearly that the martial law in the US will NOT be introduced under any circumstances. They have also strongly suggested that everyone remains calm and does not engage in any conflicts the Cabal might try to engineer. 
Before more intel about the planetary and exoplanetary situation is released, you can refresh your memory with this video:
Balance your energy field with this resonant frequencies music:
Or even experience healing benefits of the Tachyon chamber:
French speaking people will be happy to know that the Contact with Agartha book is now available in French:
The Breakthrough is near!

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