Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Presence: The Next Initiation
By Archangel Michael
Through Natalie Glasson

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

It is an abundant blessing to be in connection with you, to observe within your being an essence, a truth and knowingness. This energy we label presence, it is your presence, it is the Creator present within your being. This energy of presence, the Creator present within your being is active, in action and motion. It is your gift that you can give to others.

You have an inner presence that is all knowing, that is divine and sacred. When you radiate this inner presence, you shower others in blessings and gifts. It is like the most healing, the most uplifting, the most truthful expression of your being. When you share this energy, truthfully and openly, others will respond to....+

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