Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Do Not Wait Until you are Ready
Via Gloria Wendroff

God said to me:

I choose everyone, beloveds. It is true that I call many, but it is not true that few are chosen. All are chosen. It is you who has to hear. I call you every minute. I tap you on your shoulder. I wave My hand in front of you. I put out a general call, and those who hear come.

When you appear, it is not like an audition. Do you imagine I turn anyone away? From all those who appear before Me, I choose all. Every candidate. It is you who has to choose yourself. I choose all. I choose everyone. I choose you. It is you who imposes conditions, qualifications and such. I choose the common man. I already chose you.

What does it mean to appear before Me? It is to volunteer. You volunteer your services. The contract is written in your heart. I have already signed and given it to you. Now it is for you to....+

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