Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Prepare for change

Prepare for change

Leadership PFC Family
I wanted to remind you all that in the universe and on the material realms as there is constant change yet underneath there always remains the constant foundation of Truth and the Creators Love. The presence of God is a living word that exists immanent in all form and yet transcendent to all form.
With this understanding it is time to announce some changes to the PFC council round-table. Jeff the leader of the Financial Team has recently gotten married and after a year of wonderful service and support has decided to contribute to loving change away from PFC. He still loves Cobra the PFC mission and his input will be missed.  John Blanpeid the Co Chair of the Technology Group is stepping down for personal reasons and is hoping to contribute his talents again in the future to PFC. Perhaps in the renaissance group as he is an accomplished musician. We will miss him as well and thank him for his efforts. Hope Moore or Hope Girl as you know her remains on the council as a Technology Group Leader. However her QEG work is very time consuming so we are looking for a person who is willing to join the PFC round-table as a co chair of the technology group.  This position will require weekly conference call availability on Wednesdays every week at 11am-12pm PST. We also ask that they contribute twice a month to this newsletter by writing and article to the PFC membership. We further ask that this candidate be ready to learn how to make a post on Wordpress and keep their Technology group's page active with new information. We also ask that they monitor comments to their posts only.The PFC council board is not one to just sit on! We ask that those who would like to join the PFC council be active ready willing and able to dedicate and volunteer their time. We also require actions to make this site better with information to be shared with the world now and in the future.  We will prefer someone who has been to a cobra conference but this is not a requirement. If you have the time the desire to be actively involved w would love to hear form you. Please e-mail me via I will submit your offers to the council and we can get to know each other.  Jacky has resigned from Renaissance and has been replaced by Raissa our New Chair leader who has attended several Cobra conferences .She is breathing new life into the Renaissance group!  Dov who is an accomplished musician joins Raissa and between them we are expecting great things from Renaissance . Alexandra Meadors has resigned from council and is very busy with her own work. Also we have added a new chair member you may know as Smaly Seven ? He has created many of the Cobra videos and he will be lending all of his amazing talents to the council for special video projects. All council members will be able to share his expertise to reach more people.  We have come full circle now and it has been a year since the Cobra New Society Conference and many wonderful people have contributed to the vision Cobra had. We thank those who have served and moved on and we welcome the new members with open hearts.
For our beloved Eduardo Our dear Eduardo my co chair and right hand man is currently undergoing another bout of lung related illness and we ask you all send your prayers to him for permanent healing of his condition. Please take a moment right now and say aloud "Eduardo you are healed with love!" Thank you. Eduardo has been the lead chair our Event support Group. He is now joined by New Age Biscuit as he prefers to remain anonymous. He is becoming very active in PFC affairs and distinguishing himself as a rubber meets the road contributor who produces results. We at PFC have now created a viable infrastructure to engage the world's populace in action and to create networks of informational exchange. We have many informational interactive websites. Thanks to you all we also numerous Facebook pages and spin off websites created to disseminating our message of hope and peace.  A woman named Laurie who will be transcribing MY monthly Cobras interviews has her own site:  The second is by Therese Zumi Summer who attended the New society conference in Laguna / Irvine is doing a nice job with  VERITAS GALACTIC SWEDENhttp://www.veritasgalacticsweden.net The Event 2 page with Short Planetary History & First Contact The Event update from May 2013 + details from several interviews Galactic Family 1 Galactic Family 2 Ascension page with details of the Strong Emotional reactions that the Event will bring: The Bigger Picture pages with approx. 16 articles to cover many different aspects of the changes taking place on our planet. As promised, you will see within days and be able to view 3 new pages on PFC. The first is to be called "PFC's World Wide Facebook Network" In the beginning these will have links to all PFC and Cobra information related Facebook Pages only. We amend this in the future to add other Facebook pages as we move forward and my time permits or someone else will volunteer to put things on PFC. The second page that will soon be up is to be called "Change in Action" This page will contain real changes that you people are making at the grassroots level around the world. Anyone form around the world is asked to submit pictures, articles and reports. We want to hear about any actual actions they or even you personally are involved in.
We want to hear about marches against Monsanto, sit ins against Chem-trails, efforts to bring justice in the financial system, the building of community gardens, free food distribution services, and any other ideas that have translated into real service to the world. The sky is the limit; you may be a famous person or unknown, we don't care we want you to inspire us to hear about real actions that are creating change in a positive way for our world. Please do share on this page as well. This will be the positive news channel for our site.  We wont talk about the criminals are doing on this page. We will be a pedestal for good ideas to support others in any multiple positive ways you can all imagine.   "The 3rd Page" This will contain important documents that will provide an intelligent background and framework to what has been going on  page that will be created will be an "Important Documents in the world throughout history". We hope these will explain and explore the underlying causes of the current Matrix, which mankind has allowed, distracting us from the Truth of love. We will accept your submission ideas to go on this page after it is up. Victory to the Light Warm Regards  Rob PotterLeadership Family
Greetings, Hello and Good Day!
Raissa and Dov are here at your service. Love, Peace, and Brotherhood / Sisterhood! We are building momentum! Look for the real change that is happening on the planet. Be part of the solution. Listen to your heart. Let yourself be uplifted . Be ready to celebrate. Make friends everywhere you go, create networks. Abundance is here! It is done ! We are in it together! Learn to walk in the light of your own awareness. So Be It! Jesus said : 'If you want to be like me, I`ll help you, if you want to be different, I`ll wait until you change your mind" We can do what He has done - we can do our spiritual work as service. Always go to your inner knowing, otherwise you`d be drawn to the controversy. Listen to the voice of God within you. Ride the waves of energy! You are Love incarnate!
I was fortunate to perform for the opening program for the Space Symposium in Colorado Springs this past week, and although there was little talk about extra terrestrial life, I was involved in talk about the Space Station becoming a cultural platform for music that reaches across borders and unites the spirit. Wouldn't it be the sign of a new Renaissance if concerts could be held in space, and music could be broadcast to all nations with the goal of moving our consciousness into the future and secure the dream of peace and harmony on earth? Let`s keep this vision in our minds and hearts,  and  it will happen! So Be It! It Is Done.
Love is the essence of life!We belong to you! Raissa & Dov
Prepare For Change, 2170 Gulf Shore Blvd. N., Naples, FL 34102, USA

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