Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Pineal Detoxification and Star Beings

This is an example of what you can see with the Pineal Gland fully open

The Pineal Gland is the seat of spiritual consciousness and is a gateway to other dimensions and levels of reality. It is an antenna for multi-dimensional spiritual communication from a wide range of intelligent Beings existing throughout the Universe.

Pineal Gland Detoxification facilitates the awakening of dormant multi-dimensional consciousness in humans. It is a vital step on the road to healing if we wish to perceive the other dimensions that surround us and travel there with the astral body. Various toxins widespread within humanity prevent our spiritual third eye from functioning effectively.

The Pineal Gland is the seat of spiritual consciousness in humankind. In recent times it has become dormant because of toxic chemicals and substances in our everyday lives.

Calcification of the Pineal Gland occurs through the effects of various toxins; notably fluoride, chlorine and mercury. Fluoride is a highly toxic industrial waste product, which in its undiluted form can burn holes in concrete. It is added to tap water under the guise of preventing tooth decay and this lie is understood when one looks at the effects of volcanic ash (containing high levels of fluoride) on animals. Skeletal degradation and dental erosion is commonplace. Fluoride is also a neurological toxin and its intake can cause confusion, mental fogginess and deterioration of the neural pathways. It renders one submissive, as one loses one’s clarity and mental acuity to the power of fluoride toxicity. In that state of confusion, it is then very easy for other people or institutions with dubious agendas to control the individual, as they will not have the will-power to resist or even the clarity to realize they are being controlled. Fluoride also hides in toothpastes and dental flosses. It is important to realize that a healthy diet free from refined sugars and high in alkalizing foods creates the optimum conditions for dental health – rendering fluoridation totally unnecessary. Fluoride is challenging to remove from tap water and this toxin can also enter the skin through shower water. Hence for those serious about spiritual awakening it is crucial to avoid drinking tap water and ingesting fluoride through the use of conventional dental products.

Mercury toxicity is another issue that impedes Pineal Awakening. This extremely toxic substance can be found in amalgam dental fillings and medical vaccinations. Mercury also causes Pineal calcification and has adverse effects on neurological health. The density of mercury causes issues with the awakening of our light bodies. Those that remove mercury from their bodies can experience a deep bodily healing, a profound lightness of vibration and the gateways to the angelic realms open up to reveal the colorful, radiant and loving beauty within.

As we progress on the journey of Pineal Awakening, we will begin to perceive other spiritual phenomena, perhaps we will see orbs or glowing lights, or if we are very blessed we may also be able to perceive very loving angelic presences in our energy field.

We can also come to see the inner light that shines within all forms and ultimately come to recognize it as a reflection of our own inner light. With the Pineal Gland open we can begin to recognize and embody the vibration of inner luminosity.

Inner luminosity is the core vibration of our own being and can be perceived as rainbow or golden energy that streams through our consciousness. In time, we recognize this as our true nature and thus it becomes grounded into our being. We still exist within the body, but we know the body is a physical vehicle and not our deepest nature. It is this inner luminosity that exists beyond time and space, is immortal, is all knowing and knows no fear. When we recognize that we are this Light, we can draw more of it in from the higher dimensions, this light heals us, opens up our being to love and appreciation for all that is – and raises the vibration of our being to allow regular conscious astral travel into other dimensions.

Anyone with a fully functioning Pineal Gland will be able to develop visionary abilities, travel to other dimensions, activate their Merkabah Vehicle, meet higher-dimensional beings, time travel, dream in amazing ways and accomplish all kinds of other spiritual feats as described inKeys to Immortality and in the video below:-

You Tube Video – Travelling into other Dimensions

Pineal Gland Detoxification and Pineal Decalcification facilitates the awakening of dormant multi-dimensional consciousness in humans. It is a vital step on the road to healing if we wish to perceive the other dimensions that surround us and travel there with the astral body.

A calcified Pineal Gland is akin to a piece of stone as opposed to a functioning and living organ capable of functioning as a spiritual transmitter for higher-dimensional communication. Decalcification will happen naturally given the right conditions – although it can be assisted further with proper nutrition.

1. Avoid Tap Water. Tap Water is a major life destroying poison and should be treated as such. Calcification of the Pineal Gland occurs through the effects of fluoride – which is a highly toxic industrial waste product, which in its undiluted form can burn holes in concrete. It is added to tap water under the guise of preventing tooth decay and this lie is understood when one looks at the effects of volcanic ash (containing high levels of fluoride) on animals. Skeletal degradation and dental erosion is commonplace. Fluoride is also a neurological toxin and its intake can cause confusion, mental fogginess and deterioration of the neural pathways. It renders one submissive, as one loses one’s clarity and mental acuity to the power of fluoride toxicity.

Fluoride is also highly carcinogenic (cancer-causing).

Fluoride - A Life Destroying Toxin

In that state of confusion, it is then very easy for other people or institutions with dubious agendas to control the individual, as they will not have the will-power to resist or even the clarity to realize they are being controlled. Fluoride also hides in toothpastes and dental flosses. It is important to realize that a healthy diet free from refined sugars and high in alkalizing foods creates the optimum conditions for dental health – rendering fluoridation totally unnecessary. Fluoride is challenging to remove from tap water and this toxin can also enter the skin through shower water making filtration absolutely necessary. It is also crucial to avoid drinking tap water and ingesting fluoride through the use of conventional dental products.

Ingesting microscopic amounts of tap water can dampen ones spiritual faculties for days at a time!

Naturally you want to be drinking from spring water. Be sure to check the pH of the water with a pH testing kit – anything under 6 is far too acidic. Between 6.5 – 7.0 is perfect. Be aware that some bottled water can have a pH as low as 5. Drinking such acidic water is devastating to long term health.

Plastic bottles are also extremely toxic, especially when the plastic is not clear or the bottle is left in the sun.

I use Nalgene bottles for hiking and other outdoor use.

2. Remove the mercury fillings from one’s teeth safely by going to an established mercury-free dentist. They must use a cut and section approach to removal, use a dental dam and use a special ventilator during the procedure. Hot drilling of mercury fillings can do more harm than good. Any ordinary dentist will have no hesitation to ‘hot drill’ the mercury and poison you further with the releasing of large amounts of mercury vapors (which are also released in hot weather and every time you drink hot fluids).

Standard mercury fillings. These are highly toxic.

If you filling looks metallic – it is mercury and highly toxic. Do the full mercury detoxing protocols and nourish the body with super-foods as outlined in my Pineal Detoxing E-Book. Mercury from amalgam fillings leaches into the body, poisoning the Pineal Gland and putting a serious dampener on one’s ability to travel multi-dimensionally.

Mercury is also found in almost all vaccinations in the form of methyl-mercury (Thimersal) which binds to the brain and is then very difficult to detox (albeit not impossible). Be aware that taking medical vaccinations can cause irreparable damage to you or your child.

Anyone with mercury toxicity may want to consider juicing fresh cilantro daily.


3.Avoid Chlorine. Ch

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