Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Patricia Cota-Robles: I AM Ascending into My I Am Presence – A Special Solstice Ascension Activation

Patricia Cota-Robles: I AM Ascending into My I Am Presence – A Special Solstice Ascension Activation

Patricia Cota-RoblesStephen: This is a very powerful activation that Patricia Cota-Robles posted as part of her most recent update – which Andrew originally posted here. But Patricia re-sent this part of it this week and I felt it may very likely be something you may wish to do during this weekend’s powerful June Solstice – which occurs at the following times around the world on Saturday, June 21 (which is already today for many): 8.51pm (Saturday, June 21) Sydney, 6.51pm Beijing, 4.21pm Mumbai,  1.51pm Baghdad, 12.51pm Johannesburg, 11.51am London, 6.51am New York, 3.51am Vancouver and 12.51am Honolulu.

By Patricia Cota-Robles – June 14, 2014 –

The following is a very powerful Activity of Light that the Company of Heaven has given to us at this time.

It is specifically designed to help Humanity take full advantage of this awesome opportunity. It is stated in the first person, so we will each experience this powerful Ascension process individually, but KNOW that simultaneously we are invoking this Light on behalf of ALL of our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Mother Earth.

This is a Gift from On High that will build in momentum as we invoke this Activity of Light NOW and THROUGHOUT THE REST OF THIS MIRACULOUS YEAR.

I AM Ascending Into My I AM Presence

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As this wondrous Ascension in the Light occurs within me it occurs through every person on Earth, in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

I AM sitting comfortably in my chair with my arms and legs uncrossed and my spine is as straight as possible. I breathe in deeply and instantly I AM relaxed and peaceful. I empty my mind of all of the thoughts of the day and I KNOW, “I AM That I AM.”

I gently go within to the Divinity of my Heart and focus my attention on my Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame. Within the full embrace of my Threefold Flame, I realize that I have transcended the old Earth and crossed the threshold into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of the New Earth. I have truly entered a New Day filled with the full-gathered momentum of Heaven on Earth.

Victory is mine! Victory is mine! Victory is mine!

With this inner knowing, I realize that I have the awesome responsibility of BECOMING the full manifestation of my I AM Presence while I AM embodied on the New Earth. This literally means Transfiguring my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of my I AM Presence.

This Divine Alchemy is occurring within me now at an atomic, cellular level. Every electron, every atom, every subatomic particle and wave of my bodies and all the spaces in between the atoms and molecules of my bodies are being filled with multifaceted 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light.

My I AM Presence is now able to take full dominion of my Earthly Bodies. As this occurs, my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories, and beliefs reflect the Transfiguring Divine Love, Infinite Abundance, Eternal Peace, Bliss, Harmony, and Oneness of my Father-Mother God. My physical reality is transformed, and I now experience at every level the infinite physical perfection of the New Earth.

My I AM Presence claims full authority within my Earthly Bodies. I stand forth now as a complete God Being pulsating within the glorious multicolored, multidimensional radiance of my I AM Presence.

My feet are planted firmly on the New Earth, and simultaneously I AM One with all of the Ascended Realms of Infinite Perfection. I AM a God Being of resplendent Light, now realizing the fullness of that Light on every level of my Being. As I AM lifted up, all Life is lifted up with me. Therefore, I know that within my I AM Presence, I AM now ALL of Humanity standing forth and realizing that we are God Beings­—Sons and Daughters of God—on every realm associated with the New Earth.

Within my I AM Presence, I AM the Ascension Flame and I AM the full Divine Momentum of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity blazing in, through, and around every particle and wave of Life. I AM liberating every physical and chemical interaction within the Earthly Bodies of ALL Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Mother Earth. The Ascension Flame is raising all of the energy bonds between atoms and within atoms into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of God’s Infinite Perfection.

I KNOW and ACCEPT that contained within this flowing electronic pattern of Light is everything necessary to Transfigure the entire physical realm into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. This unfathomable Light contains everything necessary to set straight the orbit, spin, and electronic charge of every cell, atom, and electron of Life on the old Earth. I feel all energy bonds within the atomic realm now Ascending in vibration toward the frequency of infinite physical perfection. Every cell of Life is now blazing with the full perfection of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light.

Within my I AM Presence, I AM the Ascension Flame and the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity blazing through every interaction within Humanity and all of the energy bonds therein—this includes the relationships of all people, organizations, races, religions, and nations—liberating these interactions into the harmony of a Higher Order of Being, expanding the Sphere of Humanity’s I AM Presence on Earth.

Within the Peace of the Great Solar Quiet, I AM aware of this Higher Reality. I AM now clearly receiving the Divine Promptings, Ideas, and Concepts of my I AM Presence. Daily and hourly, through the Gift of the Ascension Flame, I AM experiencing the Higher Reality of the New Earth within my heart and mind.

I AM now a living, Light-filled Temple of Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, God’s Infinite Abundance, Peace, Harmony, Balance, Happiness, and Abounding Joy. I AM my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of I AM Consciousness now made manifest on the New Earth.  And so it is.

I return my consciousness to the room. I become aware of my body, and I allow these Divine Energies to be assimilated into my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. I breathe deeply and gently as I absorb the bliss of this moment. (pause)

I AM Grateful, I AM Grateful, I AM Eternally Grateful.

Beloved Father-Mother God—All That Is—I AM.

Patricia Cota-Robles, New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose  a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization www.eraofpeace,org

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Comment by Besimi on June 23, 2014 at 12:08am

A Man Found A Dead Fox In The Street On His Way To Work.

A Man Found A Dead Fox In The Street On His Way To Work.

When He Returned On The Way Home, He Could Not Believe What He Saw Friday, June 20, 2014 A man was biking to work one day when by the side of the road he noticed a poor fox that lay dying. Here is his account of what transpired: “This morning on my bike ride into town I came upon this fox that had just been hit by a car. His eyes were slowly opening and closing, he was shaking out of control and his heart was beating out of his chest. All I wanted to do was help him but I quickly realized there was nothing I could do so I sat down next to him and gave him the warmth and company that I think I would appreciate if I was in that situation. His eyes closed for good, the shaking was down to a minimum and as I rubbed his little head to comfort him, I literally watched his last heart beat. RIP little guy the world will miss you.” But then...8 hours later...the man returned and the incredible happened.

The fox was still alive! Somehow the fox had found the strength to keep going, and so the man scooped him up to take him to the closest veterinary hospital. There the fox is recovering and the rest of his story remains to be told! Share this animal's unbelievable story of perseverance and love!

Views: 33

Comment by Besimi on June 23, 2014 at 12:07am

SOLSTICE: Review and Preview  by  Christopher Rudy

Solstice Celebration  Review and Preview
Archived with infographics and videos at:
Highlights of the First Half of 2014     Preview of Global Holistic Healing
by Christopher Rudy   MetaPhysician 
June 21, 2014
  We're half way through the natural quarters of 2014,  and if the 1st half is indication of where we're going,      we'll see more signs of global healing in the 2nd half. 
   For highlights of the 1st half of 2014, see 'The Fuller Challenge Series' at: 
"The true seeker of knowledge naturally strives for truth, and is not content with common opinion,  but soars with undimmed and unwearied passion  until one grasps the essential nature of things." ~ Plato
For a preview of portents for the 2nd half of 2014... Celebrate Truth for Global Holistic Healing: 
Part I - The 2014 Global Shift in our Quantum Reality
Part II - Adapting to Stress in a Toxic World
The truth may be far different than you expected,   and yet far better than you ever hoped for.
Happy Solstice!  Shift Happens:)
~ Christopher
PS:  Solstice Sale Ends On Sunday:        50% off on case lots of 12 SPX.     - Ordering at:   - E-mail:
"Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination  nor both together make genius.  Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius." ~ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Views: 20

Comment by Besimi on June 23, 2014 at 12:04am

A short update on the Solstice energies ~ Aisha North 06.21.2014

Here we are again, at one of those power nodes that serves to enlighten you all even further. For as you continue to move across the firmament as passengers on this blue sphere that goes by the name of Planet Earth, you also pass through regions of heightened energetic presence at certain intervals, and one of them occurs today. For today you will mark the occasion of the Solstice, when the length of the day or the length of the night – according to where you reside on this celestial sphere – will mark its high point.

This day marks another high point in your calendar, but also in your energetic cycle, for this day is unlike any others, and as such, you will all be given a reason to take some time to mark the occasion. Again, the date defined in your calendars is not the important one, but what is important, is the opportunity this celestial placement gives us to initiate another collective experience of connectedness. For all across your little globe of light, people are taking the opportunity to sit down and connect, both to that ever present grid of light that is already encompassing this, your home amongst the stars, but also to their own core, the one that will be singing to a new tune as of today.

For as the seasons change on this planet, so too will you be changing within, and as this day comes to an end, you will all in some way find that new vibration within you that signals the change of your season. For no matter where you reside, the amount of light that will be coming down will continue to increase, so even if your days will start to shorten you will not lack for light in the time ahead, far from it. For this deluge of benevolent rays that have announced their arrival for quite some time now will continue to approach your atmosphere, and as you have already noticed, they will make their presence known even ahead of their time of arrival. For the forerunners of this front have already made themselves known to you, and as you sit down to connect with this Solstice alignment you will hear them calling to you, and so too will you hear yourself responding to these heavenly messengers from that very center of your being, that place within that will always be the first to celebrate the good news.

And as you sit down to listen to that heavenly choir that will resonate all the way through you, take some time to thank yourself for allowing this to happen. For you are the one who gave yourself the permission to once again become ONE with All, and you are the one who invited the light back in again after walking for such a long time in the valley of shadows, and now, you can rejoice with the Sun as she once again gives you another reason to do so. For you will be receiving her celestial blessings yet again, and not only that, you will also be receiving gifts that originates from even deeper into space, a place you once knew well, but had perhaps forgotten even existed.

So again we say give thanks for all that you are and for everything that you have accomplished, for it is by no means a mean feat. For you are all indeed glowing examples of the light coming into being once more on this beautiful blue planet. For you are not only the harbingers of dawn, you are also the very light in itself, back to walk on this land once again after eons of absence. So sing a song of praise, for yourself and for every single glorious soul that have made this possible. For you are many, and your numbers will continue to grow exponentially now that the level of enlightenment has jumped another notch as you can attest to if you allow yourself to tune into this new vibration within, the vibration that comes on the day that you call the Solstice, but we choose to call Epiphany.


Views: 30

Comment by Besimi on June 22, 2014 at 4:43pm

This is one of those kind of things we need to keep reminding ourselves of. Imagine a group of people they called hippies 36 years ago, who were in better touch with the Spirit of Aquarius then most people today and we are living in it now. They used a mind technique called LSD that enabled them to connect with the future experience of mankind.

We are severely suppress by the deceit and betrayal of our trust, by those who we believed cared about our Lives, our Children, our Country, our Rights, or Air, our Water. our Economy, Our Freedom, Our Future, etc. We have been conditioned to believe the lies they tell us are truth. Because the media they control tells us that is the truth. They say they lie to us for our own good.


If you are aware you realize we are living in a very important time in history. It looks like evil has a plan to destroy everything. Many of us know that can't be true because we feel something ready good ahead. So good it is beyond our sensory perception. It doesn't appear that way, even talk now of World War 3. People of the world know we need help and it is coming from within. The Age of Aquarius will encompass new values. Those values are love, brotherhood, unity and integrity.

There are those who don't believe this. It does nothing to stop the Light that is coming. Time will reveal the truth to all.

December 21st was the Winter Solstice. The Sun on this Solstice was perfectly aligned with the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy. What is astonishing is how precisely the Mayan calendar was able to pinpoint this alignment of the planets. Every year on the Winter Solstice, our Sun has a Declination of -23.5 degrees, and a Right Ascension of 18 hours. What makes this alignment special is how it occurs relative to very distant stars. This alignment is going to be right along the plane of the entire galaxy at the Galactic Equator. This precession of the equinoxes goes in a complete circle and HAPPENS ONLY ONCE EVERY 26,000 YEARS. In other words, the Winter Solstice moves 360 degrees every 26,000 years, or 0.01 degrees each year.

The word Aquarius is derived from the Latin word aqua, meaning water. Aquarius is however, the water bearer, and the symbol of the sign, which is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac, is a man carrying in his right hand a pitcher of water.

Jesus referred to the beginning of the Aquarian Age in these words: "And then the man who bears the pitcher will walk forth across an arc of heaven; the sign and signet of the Son of Man will stand forth in the eastern sky. The wise will then lift up their heads and know that the redemption of the earth is near."

Harmony and understanding Sympathy and trust abounding No more falsehoods or derisions Golden living dreams of visions Mystic crystal revelation And the mind's true liberation

Please Share


I am a dreamer, I know I'm not the only one, I hope someday you will join me and the world will live as one. John Lennon - Imagine:

This is one of those kind of things we need to keep reminding ourselves of. Imagine a group of people they called hippies 36 years ago, who were in better touch with the Spirit of Aquarius then most people today and we are living in it now. They used a mind technique called LSD that enabled them to connect with the future experience of mankind. We are severely suppress by the deceit and betrayal of our trust, by those who we believed cared about our Lives, our Children, our Country, our Rights, or Air, our Water. our Economy, Our Freedom, Our Future, etc. We have been conditioned to believe the lies they tell us are truth. Because the media they control tells us that is the truth. They say they lie to us for our own good. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON DECEMBER 21, 2012 IT WAS PRESENTED TO US AS THE END OF THE MAYAN CALENDAR. GETTING US TO LOOK TO THE DAY OF POSSIBLE DOOM. THE TRUTH IS, IT WAS THE BEGINNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS. IMAGINE IF EVERYONE WAS AWARE AND FULLY EMBRACING THE TRUTH. If you are aware you realize we are living in a very important time in history. It looks like evil has a plan to destroy everything. Many of us know that can't be true because we feel something ready good ahead. So good it is beyond our sensory perception. It doesn't appear that way, even talk now of World War 3. People of the world know we need help and it is coming from within. The Age of Aquarius will encompass new values. Those values are love, brotherhood, unity and integrity. There are those who don't believe this. It does nothing to stop the Light that is coming. Time will reveal the truth to all. December 21st was the Winter Solstice. The Sun on this Solstice was perfectly aligned with the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy. What is astonishing is how precisely the Mayan calendar was able to pinpoint this alignment of the planets. Every year on the Winter Solstice, our Sun has a Declination of -23.5 degrees, and a Right Ascension of 18 hours. What makes this alignment special is how it occurs relative to very distant stars. This alignment is going to be right along the plane of the entire galaxy at the Galactic Equator. This precession of the equinoxes goes in a complete circle and HAPPENS ONLY ONCE EVERY 26,000 YEARS. In other words, the Winter Solstice moves 360 degrees every 26,000 years, or 0.01 degrees each year. The word Aquarius is derived from the Latin word aqua, meaning water. Aquarius is however, the water bearer, and the symbol of the sign, which is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac, is a man carrying in his right hand a pitcher of water. Jesus referred to the beginning of the Aquarian Age in these words: "And then the man who bears the pitcher will walk forth across an arc of heaven; the sign and signet of the Son of Man will stand forth in the eastern sky. The wise will then lift up their heads and know that the redemption of the earth is near." Harmony and understanding Sympathy and trust abounding No more falsehoods or derisions Golden living dreams of visions Mystic crystal revelation And the mind's true liberation Please Share Aquarius: <a href= I am a dreamer, I know I'm not the only one, I hope someday you will join me and the world will live as one. John Lennon - Imagine:" width="296" height="394" /> 

Views: 15

Comment by Besimi on June 22, 2014 at 4:17pm

150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time?

Views: 23

Comment by Besimi on June 22, 2014 at 4:01pm

President Petro Poroshenko

The theater of the absurd continues unabated in Ukraine. The latest act has the chocolate king Western-approved Poroshenko claiming to soon start a unilateral truce. But there is one catch. He wants to keep the Kiev forces with their guns pointed at the breakaway new republics, while demanding they disarm, civilians leave the combat areas, and the army cut off a 2000-mile border with Russia.

Color me suspicious but I think the new president has been told to stall for time, pretend he wants to negotiate while the army builds up for a blitzkrieg strike at the right time. So we checked with our on the ground sources, and we find that the armament plants under Kiev’s control are working full steam to get anything that will shoot, finished or refurbished as fast as possible.

We were told the Kharkov Tractor plant is upgrading a large number of tanks, and in Odessa they are quickly repairing previously unserviceable aircraft. This is not something that a bankrupt country can easily do. Outside money, parts and manpower are on the ground contributing to this.

But why? For what is all this needed… a truce? It certainly is not needed to defend against an attack from East Ukraine who has its hands full with defense.

Poroshenko had said right after the election that the retaking of Crimea would be his top priority. It surprised me that he would make such an aggressive statement right off the bat…unless the plan was to continue an eternal conflict with Russia for some reason. Who would benefit from that?

Taking Crimea of course would mean a war with Russia, one that Kiev can certainly not pay for. So who would? And who would pay for all the damage to Ukraine in such a war where the Russian army would chop the Ukrainian army to pieces? Frankly, I don’t think the troops would commit suicide at the behest of the Kiev coup-meisters.

We have seen solid signs that the Kiev King is following a jointly-designed Western plan, seeing how the West is paying for it all. The puppet is now playing his roll and following his cue cards. The gas talks have gone nowhere as Kiev has stuck to its creative role of demanding to set the price for the gas it wants to buy with the threat of non-payment of past debts or blocking European shipments for its own use to create more supply and pricing disruption. Again, the EU and the West are up to their eyeballs in backing Kiev’s hardball tactics that could never be sustained without their backing.

As expected Russia has cut off its unpaid for the gas pipeline supplies, and Kiev had charged this as political extortion of the EU. We went through this with Poland once before, which seems forgotten now. Moscow has told its European customers that they will push more gas through the other pipelines to make up for any gas pilfering by Kiev. So much for the claim that Russia blackmails its customers. Moscow is taking the diplomatic high road in every instance, while the West takes the low.

The Russians are heavily invested in the East Ukraine industrial sector and a major buyer of its products. If the IMF ever wants to see its Ukraine loans paid back, the bankrupting of a lot of these companies, or Russia resourcing its former Ukraine imports elsewhere due to even a short war would torpedo those loans. So these major risks are being taken because there is something bigger that the West wants that it is willing to take that risk.

The IMF chief said early on that the loan rollovers to Ukraine would have to be “carefully managed”, as a default would not only threatened the EU banking system, but the world’s. This statement was ignored by corporate media despite its being such a shocking statement. Who waived them off doing any post analysis of that threat? Is not the collapse of the world banking system a rather important story?

Is Russia being set up as a scapegoat for a possible financial collapse of Europe’s banking house of cards? We hear about some mega fraud cases being brought against some large banks for huge sums. But the recovery of those funds would actually help the books. More of this huge fraud money is being hunted now due to the huge recovery reward fees that are paid. And a lot of high level retired Intel people are involved in this, as they have the sources to know how it was done and where the money was stashed.

Is the West trying to take the wind out of the sails of Russia’s energy infrastructure by creating major unproductive economic drains on its economy, like war? Our bankster leadership showed us what talent they have by the two trillion whizzed away on the US dumb wars and more from the financial looting at home. I am getting the Western banksters would like Russian to join in with us…being buried under in hopeless debt.

We are in a replay of pre-WWI, where a number of provocations are in play, any one of which could blow up and have consequences worse than anything the airhead manipulators and schemers could have imagined, just like what happened back then.

Veterans Today has been running a series of articles on nuclear proliferation, where top American officials ran a trade in the early outdated US nuclear weapons pits that went to Israel to be re-machined into weapons they needed, especially after the Dimona accident that rendered it useless, producing only low grade material. Some of those weapons were re-marketed and got into the hands of some very nasty people, who have been using them for blackmail.

I mention this because more than a few parties are in a position to do a nuclear false flag attack if they feel there was a desired need to get something they wanted, or to stop something from being done to them. Forget about nuclear launched weapons. The false flag weapons are already disbursed in too many cities to mention, done before the technology to tracking any nukes moving on the surface was not as good as it is now.

This has the Intel community on pins and needles. After 911, aerial sweeps at helicopter level of every square inch of NY City were made with the biggest ping coming from the Israeli embassy there. Since then all incoming diplomatic pouches are scanned for nuclear signatures. The public was of course told nothing of this.

Could Ukraine be the perfect place for such an event? Yulia Tymoshenko said on the phone she would like to nuke all the Russians and East Ukraine, and then do the Russians proper. Did that threat come out of nowhere? As the former president, was she aware of some of these proliferation problems that the public was never told about so as not to scare them?

Our governments had failed miserably to protect us from such a Jericho threat. On the contrary, some were involved in it. And then you see we poured two trillion into the phony al-Qaeda wars, and pushed for a war with Iran based again on a phony nuclear threat, while the real one was never discussed. Who could benefit from that?

Frankly, when I see countries doing really stupid things with huge downside risks and no visible upside, I begin to get very concerned. Corporate media has completely ignored our VT series, nothing really unusual there, but we did get some notice of a different kind.

A national security letter was put on one of the sources. That is not done for make-believe things. So they validated the series by doing that, something they should have thought of beforehand.

So the showdown continues. The East Ukrainian miners marched and pledged today that if Kiev does not stop its military attacks on the region, they will put down their shovels and pick up their guns to defend their homes and families. They view the situation with no confusion.

The idiot Poroshenko actually said, and I am not kidding, that he is waiting a few more days to get the Russian border locked down before declaring a ceasefire. He has about 90% of the 2000 miles of border yet to do… in a few days.

You see why I used the word idiot. You just can’t make this stuff up. Poroshenko is just another one of these totally incompetent leaders who do not get where they are by accident. Someone wanted an idiot in the Ukraine presidency, and it looks like they got one. He and his backers are a major threat to international security.


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