The mark of our world, the blue print weaved from our home world energy can be seen within us...
Looking at one's hands being an example... Identifying those features that are a composite of the elements which formed at the axis within the continuum in alignment with our world... I speak not of the "time" that we were on our home world, as time is a psycho-metric grid, implemented by our consciousness... It simply is not a reality, but by our own making... A concretion of our psychic energy, forming into an impermeable substance, based solely upon perception... At such a place as the "timeless", which is the fluid sea within the continuum, we are eternally at one, in one interval... All existence within "time" which we know as experiences are the flowing surreal; even what we classify as matter, the seemingly imperial substance that we "exist" within, and make observation of, becoming "time" and "place" in memory, are of the lower emanations, "solidified" ethers of energy relative to our consciousness...
These marks within our physical semblance are seen and noticed only by one's psychic "lens", that which can properly interpret what is seen in reference to itself...
When we notice something, a "signature" within another being's appearance, we are knowing of OURSELVES what we see; our life force which we share in common with our cosmic "ancestry"... Our great ancestral seed from which our lives have stemmed into the cosmos...
What our true form is would be apparent if it were not for the "current" place we are within in the conscious stream, being irradiated by the surrounding vibrations and waves, causing transmutation... Our form is Relative to the psychic interval that we are experiencing "currently"...
A strange way to think about this is like play-dough... One lump, baring impression, if even subtly, of the hand that holds it...
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