The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
By Katherine Frisk on July 2, 2017
First published International Reporter, 2 July 2017
Has anyone seen this article: ‘Unprecedented’ Amount of Child Porn Discovered in the Vatican,“or even remembers the events of 2014? Here are a few extracts:
“…the Vatican reports of Wesolowski not only possessing more than 100,000 images and videos of children being forced into sex acts but also of him sexually abusing multiple children in Poland and the Dominican Republic …” he “…had been placed under “protective” house arrest, but mysteriously died before the case even reached a “courtroom”. “
“There were more than 160 videos of teenaged boys being forced to masturbate for the camera and perform sex acts on one another.In addition, the boys were raped and forced to perform sex acts on adults, as well.Wesolowski was tedious and protective of his child porn collection, filing more than 86,000 images into categories in locked folders.”
“…According to the Guardian, beyond the child pornography cases, Vatican authorities are battling an array of crimes including drug trafficking and money laundering.”
More recently we had this report: : Vatican’s Finance Chief, Cardinal Pell, Charged With Multiple Sex A...
“The Vatican’s finance chief, Australia’s highest ranking Roman Catholic and one of Pope Francis’ most senior advisors, Cardinal George Pell, has been charged with multiple sex offenses by Australian police in the latest blow to the Vatican’s attempts to put decades of child sex abuse scandals behind it. “Cardinal Pell is facing multiple charges in respect of historic sexual offenses,” Victoria state police deputy commissioner Shane Patton said, following a police investigation that followed the same processes and procedures applied in other sex abuse cases.”
““Cardinal Pell is facing multiple charges in respect of historic sexual offenses,” Victoria state police deputy commissioner Shane Patton said, following a police investigation that followed the same processes and procedures applied in other sex abuse cases. Cardinal Pell has been summoned to appear in court in Melbourne on July 18 to face the charges, which relate to complaints made by more than one person, according to the FT. To attend the hearing the 76-year-old would have to return to Australia from Rome, where he has been tasked by the Pope with cleaning up the Vatican’s finances.”
Neither of these men are low ranking officials. Both were given sanctuary within the Vatican where the laws in other countries cannot touch them or extradite them. Both served in the church for many years and cannot be regarded as some “new anomaly,” while Cardinal Pell is the right hand man to the pope. Neither were nor are arbitrary figures. They did not just suddenly appear from nowhere. There is a very long history behind sexual abuse within the church, money laundering and criminal activity.
Wesolowski and Cardinal Pell belong to an established order that goes back 2,000 years and can trace it’s origins to pre-Christian times.
The title of the pope, Pontifix Maximus, is not a Christian title for any Bishop or man of God, it is the title of the Roman Emperor, ruler of the known world, and in the last 1,000 years has been further sanctioned by the three papal bulls which give the pope the authority, contrary to Christian teachings, to own the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls. And yes, they are deadly serious about this whether you want to believe it or not!
Nothing that we see today within the Vatican is any different to the Roman Legion under the Emperors 2,000 years ago. Christians are being persecuted in North Africa, Syria, Iraq and Eastern Ukraine, in many cases crucified whilst the pope remains silent. Women are sold on sex slave markets and children are being sexually abused world-wide while the Vatican Bank is the most corrupt bank on the planet. The hidden hand behind the BIS, IMF and World Bank. The Vatican is at the forefront of promoting a one world bank and a one world currency. If they can control the money flow, they will control, in fact already do control large parts of the world’s economy including the Federal Reserve Bank.
Add to this their vested interests in the NSA ( a modern version of the confessional,) geo-engineering, weather modification and weather warfare, and they have pretty much got all three papal bulls signed, sealed and delivered.
There is a solution to this insanity
The western world and all three monotheistic religions need to wake up to the fact that they have been subjected to the biggest lie ever told to humanity. Below is a very brief synopsis. I have included a list of references for further study at the end of this article.
Jesus did not live as a celibate priest surrounded by priceless artworks and in control of the richest bank in the world. He did not sexually abuse children and he was not a sodomite as was Wesolowski and as is Cardinal Pell, the popes right hand man who claims to be Christ’s representative on earth. The Vatican is not a “poor church,” it is a church that ensures that the majority of the world’s population remains poor and subject to their authority. They also have a tight grip on all knowledge, hidden away in the Vatican library.
I am still looking for documents, and I know that they exist…that will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the north near Nazareth, not the south in Judea. That he was from the Joseph tribes not the tribe of Judah, that he represented the Northern Kingdom of Israel not the southern kingdom of Judea and was descended from Joshua the first judge of Israel, not a king of the “Jews.” A false accusation for which he was flogged, mocked and then crucified in an unjust mistrial. Arrested without charge, detained without charge, judged without a defense or witnesses to speak on his behalf , tortured and then condemned to death.
Many ancient texts and documents were destroyed when the Great Library of Alexandria was burnt down in the 4th century along with the subsequent book burnings that have continued throughout the centuries up until today. But somewhere hidden away, the truth is waiting for us to find it. And that truth will finally set us all free.
One of these truths is that Jesus survived the cross. It takes a long time for any crucified person to die without their legs being broken. Sometimes up to five days. They did not break Jesus’s legs. He was given a herbal anaesthetic held to his mouth that gave him the appearance of being dead. A dead body does not bleed, the moment the heart stops beating the blood congeals.
John tells us that he was not dead. When the soldier stabbed him in the side he still bled. He was taken down from the cross within a short space of three hours then taken to the tomb where his wounds were tended to and healed with aloes and myrrh administered by Mary Magdalene. She was in a state of shock when she returned on the third day only to find the tomb empty. Like Jonah, he emerged from the tomb alive, and as the closing Chapter of John tells us, left Judea and went back to Galilee where he made fun of a very shocked Peter who had lied and betrayed him three times.
Jesus went on to live a long life in Kashmir with a wife and many children. His children live on today in many countries around the world. Many people are unaware of the source of their own genealogy. Jesus “went up to heaven,” through Damascus along the Silk Road. Kashmir was known as the “roof of heaven.” Although some authors are of the belief that he sailed down to the south of India with Thomas who established a Christian community there, and then traveled north to join other tribes of Israel who had been living in the area since the time of the Assyrian invasion of the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 700 B.C. It is these, and many other scattered tribes of Israel around the known world that the first Bishop of the Apostolic Christian church in Jerusalem referred to in James the Righteous 1.
“James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting….”
Jesus also taught with Buddhist monks in India and Kashmir and contributed to the development of Mahāyāna Buddhism in the 1st century A.D. Records of this association are kept in Buddhist monasteries.
Contrary to what the Zionists would have the world believe, the ten tribes were never lost, they were in Palestine in the 1st century A.D. and in many other regions around the world, including in Ethiopia, southern Africa, Egypt, Greece, France, Ireland, Wales and England.
Contrary to Rome’s “Theology of failure,” Jesus did not fail in his mission.
If anything he succeeded far beyond what the Judaic Levite Priests of the Temple in Jerusalem, the Herod Kings and the Pontifix Maximus could ever have imagined. What kind of “psychology” does this statement promote and indoctrinate into the minds of their followers?
“…And when he was dying on Calvary, he did not have a consolation of a success story for his lifelong mission; rather, he died with the broken heart of a total human failure!”
Jesus did not die.
He was a success story and he fooled his persecutors and escaped death. His lifelong mission did not end nailed to the cross but in Kashmir. His heart was not broken, far from it, it beat with the rhythm of life for many, many more years to come! He was anything but a human failure.
John on the other hand, an eyewitness, who I would trust more than the Jesuit John Navone, after Jesus mocked Peter for being jealous of the “beloved disciple” who would look after him in his old age, wrote:
“And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written…”
Regarding the role of women in the early church
Early Christianity was not a cannibalistic rite, eating the flesh and drinking the blood of a human being or being “soaked” in the blood of a sacrificial victim, as was practiced in Geheena, Pergamum– the seat of Satan, in Bohemian Grove or as a fashion statement popular in Washington D.C. practised by people like James Alephantis.
A faint trail of Mary Magdalene has been left behind in the Nag Hammadi texts, Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper, the Cathars and the legends that have remained in the Languedoc in the south of France that she was a disciple in her own right and that like Jesus, she taught, healed the sick and blessed the bread and the wine at communion meals.
The Last Supper was a communion meal that had originated with Melchizedek who blessed the bread and the wine and blessed Abram. As a result Abraham was converted and no longer worshiped a “god” who demanded human sacrifice at Mount Moriah in Jerusalem at Geheena in the valley of the dead.
This custom lived on in the Hebrew Sabbath meal at sunset, where the mother of the house blesses the bread and the wine at the end of a sacred seventh day cycle of creation. Jesus himself was a priest after the order of Melchizedek, as was Mary Magdalene.
The mother of the house, Mary the mother of Jesus and later Mary Magdalene are symbols of the feminine face of God in Genesis 1. The Ohim to the El, who creates all human beings in their image within the sacred seven days, not outside of it. Jesus is a symbol of the El in the beginning (Alpha) and the Great Judge, his namesake Joshua in Revelation (Omega) the end.
This is not the demi-god of an earthly “paradise” plagarized from the potter god Khnum on Elephantine Island in Genesis 2.
The demi-god of Genesis 2 is a delusional and primitive concept where a male god makes a man out of clay on a potter’s wheel and a woman from his rib outside of the sacred seven days of creation. The whole text promotes an egotistical misogynist fantasy and is a racist and sexist ideology, adopted by Zionists, Rome and Islamic extremists.
The two different stories of creation represent two completely different spiritual, social, economic and political ideologies. By melding them together and expecting readers to believe in both, monotheistic religions have become religions of cognitive dissonance, with emphasis in the last 1500 years being placed on the latter as opposed to the former story. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all interspersed with tears of contradiction interlaced in between original texts.
The female face of God is Wisdom speaking in Proverbs 8, her verses are found in the Wisdom of Solomon and in early Christianity she represented the Holy Spirit, not the male Holy Ghost as the church in Rome later indoctrinated their followers. Chapter 9:
“And wisdom was with thee: which knoweth thy works, and was present when thou madest the world, and knew what was acceptable in thy sight, and right in thy commandments….. O send her out of thy holy heavens, and from the throne of thy glory, that being present she may labour with me, that I may know what is pleasing unto thee…And thy counsel who hath known, except thou give wisdom, and send thy Holy Spirit from above? … For so the ways of them which lived on the earth were reformed, and men were taught the things that are pleasing unto thee, and were saved through wisdom.”
In Revelation 21 she is the Bride, the New Jerusalem greeted by her husband, the Judge of all the nations. The city is founded on the number 12. The 12 constellations, 12 months of the year, 12 hours of the day, 12 hours of the night, the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 disciples. The city has 12 doors set in four equal sided walls. She is a Tabernacle for the law, the Judge and embraces all peoples of the earth. There is no temple inside this city, any blood sacrifice or any “chosen race.”
This is this city that the Knights Templar dedicated themselves to rebuild, the master masons who built many churches in Ethiopia and across Europe based on the ground-plan laid out in Revelation. The woman they worshiped was Sophia, Wisdom, the bride of God, the Holy Spirit, also known as Theotokos. She was the inspiration for the troubadours, the romance cycles and the search for the Holy Grail. She is not a sterile virgin, nor is she Eve in Genesis 2. She is the womb of all creation.
The Templars were protectors and defenders of the Cathars who only carried the Gospel of John.
The perfectii, the Parfait priesthood included women in equal standing who blessed the bread and the wine. As did Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. They preached, healed the sick and gave holy communion to their followers.
Like the Cathars who were burnt at the stake by the Roman Church under the orders of the Pontifex Maximus at Montsegur in the Languedoc, so the Templars were also persecuted and disbanded in 1312.
Like the 12 tribes of Israel who were gathered by Joshua and then scattered after the Assyrian invasion, and the 12 disciples who were gathered by Jesus and then scattered across the known world, so they were gathered together as an order and then boarded their ships in Marseilles and scattered to the four corners of the earth.
The Templars are the real Freemasons, the builders of the New Jerusalem with their set squares and compasses. Not the Knights of Malta. The Teutonic Knights. The Illuminati or the P2 lodge of the Black Nobility. Or many of the aberrant forms of Freemasonry that we see today infiltrated and controlled by the Jesuits and in turn the Vatican.
The former Templar system is based on a mutipolar concept of a Federation of independent states and Apostolic governance joined together under common law in accordance with the Covenant, “there is no king but thee God.” It is a gold backed monetary system where all lines of credit are based on real commodities. Over and above normal bank charges for services, compounding usury interest rates are not charged.
The latter breaks the Covenant ( 1 Samuel 8) in a unipolar structure controlled by a monopolistic hierarchy where those at the top of the pyramid have sovereign immunity and cannot be subjected to any criminal prosecution. In other words, the King, a bank ( now deemed to be a person and therefore too big to fail) or the Pope, are infallible and can do no wrong. They are not subject to the Ten Commandments or the Covenant. It is a fiat backed monetary system where lines of credit are not backed by real commodities and where compounding usury interest rates are charged over and above bank charges for services rendered. A debt based system of enslavement. As were the Babylonian Jewish Venetian bankers that funded the sacking of the Haggia Sophia, the church of Holy Wisdom in Constantinople in the 13th century by the Teutonic Knights under the instructions of the pope. A seemingly independent and privately funded mercenary army which gave the Vatican plausible deniability, much as the USA can claim plausible deniability and distance itself from CIA operatives who have supported and fought alongside ISIL terrorists in Iraq and Syria today.
The former is in line with Genesis 1 where we all are made in the image of God and are sovereign with equal rights under the law and a Constitution. The later is in line with Genesis 2 where there is one law for a select group of “chosen” people and the large majority of humanity, often referred to as Goyim, cattle or more recently, the “deplorables,” are subject to a different set of laws. Some sectors of society get away with genocide and murder, others are imprisoned for life and used as slave labour for the smallest of infractions.
The True Church
If we do not teach real Christianity, this all boys paedophile club that has bent Christianity completely out of shape and indoctrinated millions with a false narrative will continue to promote an aberrant lifestyle that runs counter to the natural order all of humanity.
Humanity was created to function on a stable block of the family unit, with a male and female at the forefront as it was in the beginning, where their children are made in their image and as it will be at the end.
This is not a free for all LGBT society that does not know if it is Artha or Martha. The LGBT sector of society comprises less the 5 % of the world’s population, is a minority group and the exception as opposed to being the norm, contrary to the propaganda that people have been subjected to in recent years.
When you have a “church,” for lack of a better word, that professes to lead the world and dictate spiritual norms, that is in and of itself based on sterility, unipolar homosexuality and advocates Genesis 2 and original sin, this runs counter to God’s creation, Genesis 1, the bride and the bridegroom, Revelation 21 and the fundamental building blocks of life itself. It is not surprising then that they abuse and molest all her children. Or as Wisdom says in Proverbs 8:
“Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways.
Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.
Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.
For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD.
But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.”
Jeremiah 32: “For this city hath been to me as a provocation of mine anger and of my fury from the day that they built it even unto this day; that I should remove it from before my face… And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. …”
Caiaphas, Herod and Pilate
Unless we are able to return to the source, and I do believe that within the Vatican library, and elsewhere in the world, eyewitness accounts that predate 100 A.D. and are within the time frame between 30 and 60 A.D. do exist, the biggest “fake news” lie never exposed will continue brainwash societies into a cognitive dissonant belief system that has and will warp our spiritual, social, economic and political structures well into the future.
It is for this reason that the Jews, the Vatican and the Muslim Brotherhood have embarked in the 20th and 21st century on wars across the Middle East, destroying ancient heritage sites with future plans to go into Eurasia. One of their prime targets being Buddhist communities and book burning of their many ancient documents that testify to the life of Jesus in Kashmir.
It is not only resources, such as oil and gas that have motivated the carnage since George Bush Senior announced the New World Order in 1990, the most recent being the last six years in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Donbass, it is the very foundations of monotheism, Israel, Christianity and Islam that are literally at the stake here.
As I have kept repeating ad nauseam, we always go back to the seeds of this destruction. Caiaphas, Pilate and Herod, the three anti-Christ stooges in Jerusalem. As it was in the beginning so it is in the end. Over a 2,000 year period the seeds of this diabolism have spawned into a world now sown with death and destruction. A death cult of human sacrifice, even to the point where this has become fashionable in certain circles with such “artistic” expressions as “Spirit Cooking,” human sacrifice and cannibalism.
They have taken a communion meal of bread and wine and convoluted it to a whole new level of depravity.
Today it takes the form of Zionism – the Canaanite tribes of Judah and their Khazar eastern European converts. The military industrial complex in which the Vatican holds a major shareholding along with their foot soldiers the Jesuits and intelligence agencies such as the CIA. The Gulf State Canaanite monarchies and their ISIL armies. All three hiding behind Al-Qaeda and what has become to be known as Islamic State. That the CIA and Mossad have filled the ranks of these murderers, has been a very well-kept and dark secret. Their goal?
To reclaim Jerusalem in a One World Government with a collusion between the Levite Caiaphas, the high priest of blood sacrifice and debt based money lending Temple. The Roman Legion of the Emperor, the Pontifix Maxiumus. And The Canaanite Judaic Herod Kings of the Gulf states.
The anti-Christ in well on its way to achieving their goals. Damascus is now laid to waste and Armageddon threatens on the Golan Heights.
Jerusalem is not the city of peace as we have been brainwashed into believing.
It was a Canaanite city named after the Jebusites who worshiped the planet Venus, also known as Esther/ Ishtar in Babylon and Lucifer in Rome, called Shalim. Jebu-Shalim has been mistranslated as Jerusalem.
Noah did not curse Ham, or the sons of Ham. He cursed Canaan, the father of the Semitic Canaanite tribes.
The city is situated in Geheena, the Valley of the Dead where they sacrificed children to Moloch.
It is the location where Abram was instructed to sacrifice his own son on an altar by a demi-god daemon of the earth.
Jebu-Shalim later became the capital city of Judea, the descendants of the Canaanite Tamar who married Judah and the Canaanite Moabite Ruth who had married Boaz, the ancestors of David.
In the 1st century A.D. it was ruled by the Canaanite Edomite Herod Kings who had married into the Leivte Babylonian priesthood. Today Zionists bow and pray at what remains of the wall of Herod’s palace.
This is not the city of Joshua who crossed the river Jordan, defeated the Jebusites, founded Israel and installed the Tabernacle at Shiloh in the hill country of Ephraim, blessed as the firstborn of the Lord.
This is not the city of his namesake Jesus, baptised in the river Jordan who gathered around him 12 disciples and representative of the 12 tribes who travelled throughout the Northern kingdom of Israel, called Gallilee, gave the Sermon on the Mount and taught his followers to love their neighbour as themselves.
Jebu-Shalim is the city of human sacrifice, the sodomites, the money lenders of the temple and the seat of Lucifer.
John 8: 44
““Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.””
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Greater Israel and the Tale of Two Temples
Armageddon And The Temple – Katherine Frisk
Govt of India Documentry on Jesus in Kashmir
Third Secret of Fatima Revelations and the truth about the Knights Templar
Knights Templar, Knights Hospitallers, and Teutonic Knights
The Saint Thomas Christians in India from 52 to 1687 AD
Damascus The Anti Christ And Armageddon
Purim – Esther as Concubine and the Acolyte of Ishtar
Source: veteranstoday
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