Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

On Sex and Shame
By Tunia through A. S.

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much.

More and more Pleiadians are making a habit out of closely checking up on the Earthling collective and really deeply feeling into the energies, not just occasionally but approximately every day.

We’re already working to help liberate you, in all the ways that don’t take away your free will and are not counterproductive. Watching Earthlings has made my own son enlist to become a Pleiadian soldier, which as his mother makes me terribly worried, but I can certainly understand where he is coming from.

We love you deeply and we hate seeing you in so much pain. And it really doesn’t seem fair that we’re living in so much luxury and happiness up here, while many of our Earthling brothers and sisters are in so much pain down there.

And yes, a few Pleiadians feel shame, because our ancestors made certain choices that are part of the reason why Earth is so dark right now. Hakann’s message “history of humanity” discusses that.

Shame is not always a bad emotion. In some cases, it pushes people to fix the mess they made, such as in our case.
+ at

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