Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Love Added to Anything Will Change the Molecular Content of the Experience Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Love Added to Anything Will Change the Molecular Content of the Experience
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

So many are still hanging on for dear life to what was and what should have been. Let’s face it dear ones the tide lines have shifted and you can no longer sunbathe upon the shores of the past. You are the wizards and handmaidens of the light. You alone hold the magic of ever changing possibility. The outcome of all action is immeasurable and cannot be counted upon.

In these times of change many have lost sight of the shoreline and thrash about drowning in a tidal pool of fear. When the winds of change blow you can ride them soaring to new heights or allow them to blow you away like a tumbleweed. You now come to a place of struggle or release. The struggle tightens the grip; the release relaxes what binds us. We have been struggling walking against the winds far too long, we have forgotten that we can change direction in flight, and let the aft winds support us. That which has been against us now supports us.
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