Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

New Year’s Prime Waver Explosion :) of the Great Central Sun Alcyone

New Year’s Prime Waver Explosion :) of the Great Central Sun Alcyone

by GEORGI STANKOV posted on 

In the last several days there were numerous reports on the Internet that the sun has dramatically changed its form and outer appearance:, etc.

There are many wild speculations as to what the cause may be and some of you have asked me what my opinion is on this phenomenon. We know though that our sun is simply a portal for the Great Central Sun Alcyone in the Pleiades, from where all Source energy for the Ascension process comes from. This has been the case since the PAT opened the stargate 11.11.11 more than three years ago and enhanced the last most intensive phase in the ascension process of Gaia and humanity.

At New Year’s night Anthony sent Carla the following message, which he has spontaneously received. She asked him for permission to publish it on this website and here it is:

My Dearest Sisters,

The most happy and healthy and prosperous of years to you to us and to the World. I was just texting with Julian when I got this message from HER, the Great Central Sun Alcyone:

The energies of the Great Central Sun are here and hitting the Planet they are the tide of transition that is coming, a wave of huge proportions.
She, the female energy of The Pleiades, is bringing this about. She is now making the cosmic movements that will unset the PTB and make them the PTW.

Her greatest task at this moment is the complete turning on of the Prime wavers who are small in number less than a 1000 and the movement of the 33000 that are the 1st wavers. (under the word “turning on” Anthony most probably means our transfiguration as the PAT is the “prime wavers”; Note, George)”

We are to do little to nothing over the next 7 days other than to bring ourselves into a state of grace within and to hold our selves to what we know as truth. No magic, no running to save anything or anyone, no nothing energetically other than possibly uniting our selves together. Come into your own source energies and remain there until the 7th.

All will be made clear!


I checked this message this morning and it very much resonates with what I get from my HS. We are now in the most crucial phase of ascension when this uppermost mother planet is flooded with a tsunami of Source energy from the Great Central Sun Alcyone in preparation for the final ID split of the old 3D matrix and concomitant shift of this timeline to the new 4D worlds. Simultaneously, this will be the time of our ascension.

As you all must sense the energies have been exorbitant in the last days and they are continuing to spiral with the beginning of the new year 2015 – the most auspicious year in the history of mankind, when ascension will take place. You will not experience this whole year in this reality, there should not be any doubt about it. The only question is when we shall ascned, but it feels very close to me.

Since two weeks I get constantly impulses from my HS to prepare for my mission to introduce the new Theory of the Universal Law to this humanity. As already mentioned, I have no idea whether it will be on this timeline before the big events will commence or after Ascension. But the creation of this scenario is happening now and the green flame of healing, truth and science is now flooding this timeline in an all-permeating manner and prepares it for this paradigm shift.

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Comment by Besimi on January 4, 2015 at 11:29pm

NASA Announces ZERO GRAVITY Tomorrow
Dr. Angela Barnett
January 4, 2015 9:47 Pacific Standard Time there will be a Standing Wave Pattern of Zero Gravity. What is a Standing Wave Pattern? It is a shift in Frequencies, a shift in Versions of Reality, a shift into a Brand New Time and Place.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto would be on the same side of the sun, within an arc 95° wide.
In my new book, 12DNA-Music of the Spheres-Cosmic Twins Diary and the Keys to the Universe, I explain the Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions that have been transmitting the actual Consciousness of these Planets into the Earth's Biosphere. This was the preparation for this coming moment when we will be in Attunement with all of these Waves of Consciousness during one moment. My book also explains in great detail how the 90 degree shift places us into a new Harmonic Universe. The arc represents that shift in addition to the symbolism and reality that the Arc of the Covenant begin returned to Earth is being completed.
Just as I recorded the Frequencies of the COLLECTION of the Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions on the ULTIMATE DNA ARCHETYPE, and recorded them separately at the moment that each one of these historical events occurred between 2000-2012 and then the Earth's attunement into these frequencies in 2014 in all of the albums released last year, this will be one of those moments when I will be recording the Frequencies of this STANDING WAVE PATTERN of UNIVERSAL Historical Records.
I will be floating around in my recording studio tomorrow morning recording this moment of Levitation so that we can begin floating around while we listen to my new album that will be called LEVITATION.
Yes, most people will just be seeing this as an opportunity for a little bit of levitation experience. If that is what you would most enjoy at that moment of time and for many more moments to come I recommend practicing the journey and the method provided in the Eternal Life Water Set. It will still require this understanding and practice of how we actually bring our Plasma Body into activation and ride inside of the Plasma Body in order to Levitate.
This moment in time will provide an example of how this shift in time and space helps to align us with the Aurora Field of energy that contains our Plasma Body. So, in fact, we do rise into that Plasma Body for a few moments. However, we can learn to do this continuously or whenever we want to just through using our Consciousness as this Method explains.
According to British astronomer Patrick Moore, at exactly 9:47 PST AM on January 4th, Pluto will pass directly behind Jupiter, in relation to Earth. This rare alignment will mean that the combined gravitational force of the two planets would exert a stronger tidal pull, temporarily counteracting the Earth’s own gravity and making people virtually weightless. Moore calls this the Jovian-Plutonian Gravitational Effect.
Moore told scientists that they could experience the phenomenon by jumping in the air at the precise moment the alignment occurred. If they do so, he promised, they would experience a strange floating sensation.
Astronomers have long been aware that there would be an alignment of the planets on that date, when Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto would be on the same side of the sun, within an arc 95° wide. But now they are guaranteeing the occurrence as the gravitational effect of the other planets on the Earth’s crust is maximum even at their closest approach.
The more we see this reality of a new time and space with a NEW STANDING WAVE PATTERN OF NO GRAVITY the more the atmosphere appears to become a very thin Veil that we just walk into to find another reality and another. This shifting actually takes place through the doors of the Universal Merkaba that we are always riding within. 
We have been practicing using the Merkaba to lift us up into higher harmonic universes. We have practiced bringing in the same frequencies required for this exact moment in history each time we do the Lift Off Meditation that connects us in frequencies into the 14th dimension as we arc through the Veil of Time from the 8th dimensional Sun into the 14th Dimension of Heliotalic Frequencies that LIFTS US like a moment of No Gravity.
We have been practicing these methods of Levitation in the meditations and journeys in the Complete Ascension Process Kit and in the Manifestation Merkaba Set. The Lift Off Meditation is also in my new book, 12DNA-Music of the Spheres-the Cosmic Twins Diary and the Keys to the Universe. and come to my website for all of the answers you will ever need.

Dr. Angela Barnett
all messages are channeled from the Entity called
2014 was the year of re-inventing ourselves. It was a confusing year because there were many old realities presented to us about all of the other versions that we had created of ourselves through the things that we have done or said or experienced.
We were given the opportunity to be faced by all of those old realities and to choose to eliminate them from our lives forever.
This was most easily done by using the Frequencies of the Sun to Transmute the old ERRORs that we wanted removed. Each time an old idea came to the surface we were to melt in into the Frequencies of the Sun. 
An easy way to do this is to Visualize the Sun at a 23 degree angle to the forehead and then draw a light from that Sun into the Forhead and then into the Mid Brain.
The Frequencies of the Sun are 8th dimensional and the frequencies in the Mid Brain, Stem Cell, Thymus areas are 5th dimensional. These areas only become fifth dimensional through our Consciousness turning them on. When the 8th and 5th are placed together they create a photon. The photon is the light energy that can actually dissolve old ideas and create new ideas.
The reason that these old ideas were surfacing to be completed and melted away into the Sun's Frequencies is because the 12 subharmonics of our 5th DNA strand were initiating. Each time a subharmonic DNA strand is initiating there are these Seals that are Melting. When the Seal melts there are all of the old Cellular Memories that come out of them. Those old cellular memories are the Problems that arise to be Melted by the Sun.
However, we must use the Sun's Frequencies and bring them into the Mid Brain and the Crystal Hearth where the 5th Dimensional Frequencies can work together with the 8th to create the photon.
Of course there are many who were not creating New Versions in 2014 because they were not activating their DNA. At some point in time between 2017 those people must complete their DNA activation of the 5DNA or they will remain in the OLD VERSION of reality until they die.
So, here we are in 2015 with this brand new version of ourselves.
I was shown this reality in a dream that told me that if I did not complete my new book 12DNA Music of the Spheres in 2014, that I would disappear. That meant that the new version of me would never exist.
When we choose to walk into this new version of ourselves, everything becomes very fluid, very flexible, bendable. Reality seems to start shifting around our very needs and desires because we become the creator of the movie that we live in.
If we don't like the Version of Reality that we are in we simply shift out of that Version into a different Version of Reality.
The more we see this reality, the more the atmosphere appears to become a very thin Veil that we just walk into to find another reality and another. This shifting actually takes place through the doors of the Universal Merkaba that we are always riding within. It looks like a big crystal dome room where there are these Triangles of different colors. Each time we raise our frequencies to a higher dimension a different color door opens and we walk through it. We can actually touch the doors and each one has a HUE of light that beams. We can touch the door and walk through it.

Comment by Besimi on January 4, 2015 at 11:28pm

Urgent Energy Update: Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness by GEORGI STANKOV posted on JANUARY 3, 2015

by Georgi Stankov, January 3, 2015

Today Anthony informed us one more time that we should expect a huge energetic peak this Sunday, January 4, 2015. He refers to the following information from NASA which I shall publish below. What struck me immediately is that I read in Gabriel’s message “2015 The Year of Discovery” today the following statement:

You have been experiencing accelerated energies since mid 2012. You entered into this rapid moving energy with the first of the Uranus/Pluto squares that your astrologers have been speaking of. This has been a series of astrological events that have been completely transformative in their nature. We liken these energies to being in whitewater rapids. You, in mid 2012, entered into the beginning of the rapids and started accelerating. Once you made it past that pivotal alignment of December 21, 2012, the acceleration was profound.

You have been in these rapids since then…. Dear Ones, you are almost out of the rapids, and we want you to think about what that means. When you reach the end of a series of rapids the stream widens, and the flow evens out. It still moves very quickly but in a smoother, more enjoyable way… So, we would say that because you are coming out of the end of this period of profound and radical change, that you will find 2015 to be The Year of Discovery. It will be all about learning what all of this means, now that you are landing in this brand new land, in a very different energetic space, yourself. This is exciting and momentous for you.”

Please observe that this rapid ascension period started with a Plato alignment. I remember this time very well as I had a more than 6 weeks severe broncho-pneumonitis due to huge ascension wave from the Source as can be read on this website and many of you were also hardly hit at that time. Now we have a similar huge shift and another alignment with Pluto. I am not good at astronomy and astrology, but this coincidence struck me immediately and I wanted to share it with you.

Obviously we have now exited the section of the ascension stream with the dangerous rapids and now flow more fluently to higher frequency levels. Rick, whom we recently met in White Rock, has just written to me his take on the current very fluent energetic situation:

Hi George,

As we know, we are constantly Ascending and what I got last night, came as a surprise, hence why I informed you quickly, and perhaps to see if Carla was getting anything similar.
After I sent this email to you last night, I asked some questions and received some more insight into what was transpiring. Here is a summary.
I was told we were going into a “gradual” shift to a higher timeline starting within 24 hours from last night and continuing for the next month. I was told, because of some unforeseen circumstance, that we will be not continuing on this timeline and will be gradually transported to another timeline during the next month. I asked if it was alright to share this information with you, andf was given a definite yes. The sensitives will feel and know the shift is happening, but the not awakened destined to come along, will come along, but again be oblivious to what is actually happening at this time. Whereas more are rapidly awakening, it is affecting future events at a rapid pace and is causing distortions in future timelines. I was also told that we are to not fully disclose yet, who we truly are, that there are still other events to happen in order. I was also told that detoxing of the human vessel is important for many as we transcend and will effect this morphing of the shift.

 I am told to stay where I am presently at for several more days and to not affect certain smaller timelines by interactions with others in more populated areas. FYI, I am presently at a lake in the mountains where I have been cleansing negativity from this node. Two small incredible vortexes of energy, being represented as impressive funnels of wind have appeared here so far as a result, at calm wind conditions. As part of my purpose, I am told to wait these next several days, for something to happen, before I move from here? 
This is what I got, and as most times, not let known more, until after the fact, when the realization assures and confirms the prior action. I do not know if this plays a part with you and Carla, other than I was told it was alright to share with you. I will be interested in seeing if Carla got anything similar.
Thank You
Love and Light, Rick”

Both Carla and I resonate very strongly with Rick’s assessment and feel that we are now approaching the point of no return, where huge transformations should be expected. Carla sees with her third eye a massive energetic wall in the Universe coming towards this earth that will engulf us in the next few days. This is what Carla just wrote to me:

Dear Georgi,

I fully resonate with Rick’s information here.  I have felt us cutting away or leaving timelines over the past several weeks, just to hit a plateau about a week ago, in preparation for a major upward expansion, coming over the next few days, I am unsure when this will happen, but it’s coming up fast.  This all coincides with Anthony’s information, that the alignment on the 4th of January will be the new “re-set” which is the word that I have heard for a few days.  I am getting that we are best to withdraw as much as possible from any interaction, with anything, and this is maybe why Rick has been guided to avoid densely populated areas as well.

Interesting times!


We hope to get more information on this phenomenon in the next few days, but we always get such information after the actual energetic process is accomplished and the results are known. And we are not there yet. But probably after Sunday we shall be more clever. And here is the astronomic report from NASA which Anthony sent to us in confirmation that there will be a huge energetic shift on Sunday in conjunction with this rare planetary alignment of Pluto.


NASA Report

Strange natural occurrences are happening in the world today. But nothing more magnificent than the one you will experience on January 4, 2015.

According to British astronomer Patrick Moore, at exactly 9:47 PST AM on January 4th, Pluto will pass directly behind Jupiter, in relation to Earth. This rare alignment will mean that the combined gravitational force of the two planets would exert a stronger tidal pull, temporarily counteracting the Earth’s own gravity and making people virtually weightless. Moore calls this the Jovian-Plutonian Gravitational Effect.

Moore told scientists that they could experience the phenomenon by jumping in the air at the precise moment the alignment occurred. If they do so, he promised, they would experience a strange floating sensation.

Astronomers have long been aware that there would be an alignment of the planets on that date, when Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto would be on the same side of the sun, within an arc 95° wide. But now they are guaranteeing the occurrence as the gravitational effect of the other planets on the Earth’s crust is maximum even at their closest approach.

But don’t get too excited. If you think you’ll be able to float around your house, you’re wrong. But, if you jump in the air at 9:47 AM PST, on January 4, 2015, it should take you about 3 seconds to land back on your feet instead of the usual 0.2 seconds.

So, mark this date on your calendar and share it with your friends! Zero gravity day is just around the corner!

Comment by Besimi on January 3, 2015 at 2:37am

Star enchantments have been unveiled


gaia_energy1Star enchantments have been unveiled.

Flustering winds are calming.

Presence of night-watchers are no linger hidden from the Higher Levels.

Transmittance of essential energies is fluid, and such are received in clarity.

Gaia manipulations are finished.

Awaiting final instructions.


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