Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

New Moon Energies: Christed Light and Codes of Divinity by Anrita Melchizedek

New Moon Energies: Christed Light and Codes of Divinity
by Anrita Melchizedek

Beloved hearts,

The portals and gateways of New Earth are greatly accelerating in this Now, as we deepen into, and embody the next level of our Christed Light, amplified through the New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23rd.

After the intensity of the Eclipse season, we breathe more gently and align ever deeper into the One Heart of All That Is. We honor that the immense shifting and shedding amplified through the Eclipse Gateways have been predominantly focused on releasing all the old identities that we “hold onto to” and from our human aspect/ego consciousness, believe and imagine ourselves to be. For it is only in becoming Nothing, and letting go of every belief, judgment, pattern and program brought into being through the “identity” and “labeling” of our roles as to who we perceive ourselves to be, do we become All and Everything. This is a process of letting go, i...
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