Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A Time of Energetic Cleansing Message from The Collective Through Caroline Oceana Ryan

A Time of Energetic Cleansing
Message from The Collective
Through Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you again today.

We have spoken before on the issue of how, in this time of great Rebirth on your planet, there is also great tumult.

We empathize that each of you would prefer to see only the good in life, to rejoice in that whenever you can, and to realize that higher Love, real Peace, and joyful fulfillment are the only true experiences in life.

That even that which appears confusing, negative, contrary to your higher vision, and damaging to you or others — yes, even that holds some blessings yet uncovered.

A blessing can be found at the heart of every matter, if you will persist in creating room in your expectations for that to come forward.

Yet we know fully that each of you is a powerful empath, capable of intuitively sensing a great deal of what is occurring or that others are feeling and experiencing, including at times, the energetic vibrations of people and events thousands of miles from where you are now...
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