Now, we’re not going to be standing out on some silly street corner shaking signs for the news media. We’re not going to be starting revolts, turning over and burning cars and doing those type of things. That’s very, very Old Energy, dualistic. It causes more conflict and drama. We’re gong to be rebels in the fact that we’re going to be creators. We’re going to be experimenters and scientists of New Energy. We’re going to integrate it into our life. We’re going to use it. We’re not just going to talk about it, we’re going to use it. And one of the important things as we go forward here is for all of Shaumbra to share their experiences with each other.
Now, your staff, the ones who serve you on an everyday basis, understand the technology that will enable that. There’ll be new technology coming in to work with you on that. But one of the important things is not to remain such an island by yourself; you’re not going to want to be, in many cases.
Oh, yes you will need time alone. It is required. It’s one of the requirements here for moving forward. You notice, particularly recently, when you didn’t take the time alone, when you intuitively knew you should have it, that things really started piling up? Things started going bad on you, you started getting into that very worn down energy. You’re going to need time by yourself, and I’m going to ask you to take it. But there will also be a time to share your experiences with New Energy with other Shaumbra.
They, for the most part – for the most part – they understand what you’re going through. They’re going through it also. We are very much individuals, but very much staying connected as a group. There is tremendous work that we do at night together. This last six weeks, in particular, if you didn’t notice it, we were doing some very intense rewiring, reprogramming, redirecting in the other realms. It’s not so much about your sleep pattern itself, but what we were doing in our time away. We went away from the Shaumbra Service Center, we went away from all of these other things, we spent time by ourselves. And in a way of speaking you could say that we rewired – Cauldre, Linda, each one of you.
We’re setting up a new way of handling potentials, and as we get into our work together, I do want you to share – share on the message board, share with some of the other technologies, which we’ll talk about, which your staff will come out with – but it’s going to be important for you to see what other Shaumbra are going through, hear about their experiences. And it’s not always that you’re going to have what you would term ‘success’ with every foray into New Energy that you go into. But success is an Old Energy mindset. There is no success or failure when it comes down to it; it’s just about experience and about how when you went through your experience.
Communicate with each other about your individual experiences, particularly as we get into these Shouds over this next year or so. We’re going to be going through some very specific homework, discussions, learnings together. As I said you are truly the scientist, the pioneers, the developers, integrators of New Energy. We’re going to go through it together.
In case any of you want to know, “Will this change my life?” Absolutely. Absolutely. Most of you have gone through the major reorganizations in your life, some of the difficult and challenging things with your jobs and family and your health. That was part of the last ten years. The last ten years you went through a lot of processing. I would have to say that many of you were very self-absorbed in these past ten years. It was wonderful, because it got you into a lot of stuck energy about yourself.
You’re not going to become self-absorbed going forward. You’re going to become yourself, come to embrace the self-God, you’ll come to embrace the self-social – the part of you that integrates with other humans on Earth – and you’ll become self-universal – part of you that connects with all of the dimensional energies. But not self-absorbed. We’re beyond that. We’re beyond processing
Tobias allowed the processing. Perhaps he felt it was needed. Perhaps it was. He allowed you to get into your issues. He allowed a lot of tears. He allowed a lot of talk. We’re going to go beyond that.
Not that there is not a caring from I, Adamus, or any of the others, but because it can actually work against you at a point. You’ll see this as you move beyond some of the self-absorption. You’ll see how initially it has a benefit when you take a look inside, when you work on your issues of releasing, but it’s very tricky, because it wants more. You want more of that. You want more processing. It feels good. It is energy feeding. You want more because it validates the victim energy. You want more of it because it’s your excuse, morning, noon and night, for not doing something. It has a way of being like cement, holding you in place, and it becomes a wonderful excuse for not facing the inevitable.
You are God also. You’re a creator. You created this universe, this Earth, your lifetimes. You got away from being a creator. Partly it was programmed out of you, or I should say you allowed it to be programmed out, partly because you got into some of the patterns of mundane, normal, routine living. It’s very seductive. It pulls you in, it holds you in. It takes everything to get out of that. But on the other hand, the more you try to punch your way out and fight your way out and struggle your way out, it holds you back even more.
So what happens is we let go. We release. We go beyond. That, perhaps, is more frightening and more difficult than punching your way out, using brute force to get out of normality to become all that you are.
So Shaumbra let’s take a deep breath as we go into the New Energy Mystery Schools.
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