Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

We’re going to explore the free nature of Spirit while we’re here on Earth. Now, it’s one thing that’s going to be quite different about, as we move forward, versus the old Mystery Schools. In the old Mystery Schools we were looking to open up some doors to the inside – doors that have been shut down since the times of Atlantis. We were looking to take a peek inside of ourselves, into our spirituality and into our mystics. But generally we did it in a sequestered location – we were off in secret – and generally, we did it by transcending or going outside of our human condition.

It allowed each of you to open doors, and as you opened some of these doors to the inside, you were overwhelmed by some of the demons that were stored in there. Many of you had traumatic experiences in the Mystery Schools of the old, facing your demons, facing your darkness, facing what you would say would be your old karma, things you had done.

And there were some beautiful things that were done. You finally got some of the doors open. You finally understood that there is the mystical side of yourself, that you’re far, far more than just a human being. You’re not trying to climb some ladder, trying to earn your way back to the grace of God. You began to understand there’s more to living on Earth than just going through the routines of each and every day.

So there was this great benefit of the work that we did together in the Mystery Schools. It’s going to be a bit different now because we’re going to continue to open some of these inner doors. We’re going to do it, not by opening chakras, by opening energy portals within yourself, and, dear God, not opening energy portals around the rest of the world. Leave that to the spiritual amateurs. (laughter) We going to be, indeed … I love to get you going. (Adamus chuckles)

By the way I had to have several long talks with Cauldre and with Linda beforehand. Yes, I’m going to push some of the comfort levels. Obviously, I’m going to push their comfort levels. Oh, I have a few requests I’m going to bring out in a little bit that definitely will – for Cauldre, not for Linda.

Now dear Shaumbra, this is a new time on Earth and one of the most exciting ever. You can see it in the world all around you. We’re going to explore what it’s like to bring in New Energy, to go beyond the mind, to be divine and mystical and still be in the human form. Now, this isn’t going to be any Jesus Christ type of thing where you’re going to walk on water. Some of you have that type of archetypical energy built into you. You want to be like Christ. You want to impress friends, neighbors, relatives and disciples. (laughter) But, look where it got Yeshua! (more laughter) Not such a good thing.

So our objective here isn’t to go out and impress others, but in an odd way, yes it is, because they’re going to see in you something very different. They already are, but they’re going to go beyond just the ridicule and the skepticism that they currently have. (laughter) Well, you see, actually, they understand that you’re transforming. You’re different. They don’t like that. Humanity doesn’t like that. Humans … humans, individually and then collectively, like everything to move at about the same pace and the same pattern. Humans love routine. Humans love limitations. Humans don’t like to see another get very far ahead – just enough to get eaten first, (laughter) but not so far ahead that they’re going to transcend every one else.

And the human mind, the human condition is very programmed, very, very programmed. Programming, as you know, goes back to the Atlantean times and it continues right now. We’re going to go beyond that, and we’re going to go beyond what is obvious. You see, right now on the Earth there is this overlay or belief system not to be a creator. Humans, governments, companies do not like creators. Perhaps once in a while they use the word, but actually they don’t. They like followers and conformists. We, dear Shaumbra, are going to be rebels.

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