Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

New Cobra interview June 2022 Posted July 11, 2022

New Cobra interview June 2022
Posted July 11, 2022

Hello Cobra,

TY for accepting our invitation for another interview

It’s been 6 years already since our first one


Q. On 26 November 1977 in parts of southern England, during the ASHTAR Galactic Command Southern Television broadcast interruption and disarming warning to Earth population, was the galactic confederation aware of the EARTH’s negative exotic tech?

A. They were aware of some of it but not all of it.

Q. Galactic Confederation and RM members are able to telepathically <read> the surface (and not only) beings THOUGHTS, yet HOW cosmos at large was unable to detect ahead of time the creation and complex spread of the massive negative tech, throughout millions of years?

A. OK, first, the Resistance Movement is not able to telepathically read the surface population thoughts. The Galactic Confederation can do that, but when darkness was created millions of years ago, there was a very, very drastic negative situation in which the dark forces threatened the whole universe with dark technology and they demanded that the Source does not give intel about that technology to the Ascended Beings, to the Galactic Confederation, so the Galactic Confederation was aware that something’s wrong, but they didn’t have all the details. The details have all been released within the last few years, because we are coming to the end of the cycle and all of that needs to be cleared...+

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