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Macron Ordered to RESIGN as French President Faces Urgent Probe After ‘Betraying France’ By Maria Ortega

Macron Ordered to RESIGN as French President Faces Urgent Probe After ‘Betraying France’
By Maria Ortega

The French President backed the development of Uber in France singing a deal when he was economy minister between 2014 to 2016. The findings, leaked after an investigation based on 124,000 confidential internal Uber documents, prompted calls for Mr Macron to resign.

Les Patriotes leader Florian Philippot said: “Macron must resign! He betrays France, its companies, the State, justice, the people! Out!”

He added: “If after the #UberFiles the oppositions don’t vote ‘no confidence’ today, I don’t know what they need!

“Be responsible and vote it! Put the Macronie down!”

Echoing his comments, National Rally MEP Jordan Bardella said: “It was common knowledge, the #UberFiles demonstrate it once again.

“Despite the permanent ‘at the same time’, Emmanuel Macron’s career has a consistency, a common thread: to serve private interests, often foreign, before national interests.”

Left MEP Manon Aubry also blasted the French leader.

She said: “Revelations on a secret deal between Macron and Uber...+
Macron Ordered to RESIGN as French President Faces Urgent Probe After

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