Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

So NASA tries to debunk 2012

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Comment by Vaddix on October 26, 2009 at 2:52am
sorry marina, I misread your name. I just want something exciting to happen. I'm soooooo bored.
Comment by simpleman on October 21, 2009 at 6:43pm
Thats it, "trust in yourself". Well said, jose v and thankyou for pointing that out.
Comment by Vaddix on October 21, 2009 at 6:38pm
maria. i dont know what will happen on 2012. Whatever it is good or bad i just hope it happens.
Comment by jose v on October 21, 2009 at 3:25am
St.Germain :For those of you who are waiting for 2012, you're going to miss the fun. You're going to miss the party, because it is happening right now. It started – the true deep changes started – a year ago. Oh, they've been building up for a long time, but the real shift in consciousness from Old Energy vibrations to New Energy expansion started a year ago, and look what has transpired since then. If you're waiting for 2012 for some grand change, you will have missed the whole thing.

Over the next four years in particular you're going to see some very difficult things, challenging things. You're going to see an old consciousness on Earth unravel, come apart. And yes, there will be those who panic. There will be those who are in fear, and there will be many, many who resort to stealing, whether it is stealing money, whether it is stealing other people's energy and consciousness, whether it is stealing their property. You're going to see a lot of this taking place.

The next four years are going to be a time for you to be in balance, to bring up within yourself everything that you've learned, everything that you've gained in wisdom, everything that you already know within yourself. The next four years are going to be a time to stop hiding and stop pretending that you're a victim, stop pretending that you're waiting for something else. Stop pretending that you have to learn more, you have to go through all of these rituals and ceremonies to become a New Energy human. You are it right here, right now, today. There is not one thing that you are missing other than the true trust in yourself.
Comment by simpleman on October 20, 2009 at 9:29pm
If you have Microsoft WorldWide Telescope, open it and look at Sky and then set Imagery to RASS: ROAST All Sky Survey (x-ray).
Look at the in the Northern hemisphere and then the Southern hemisphere.
You will see intense x-ray light in both places. It looks like a beam to me.
Zoom in on the dark spot in center of the northern x-ray light, then change back to Imagery - Digitized Sky Survey (Optical).
You will see the Cat's Eye Nebula
and check out NGC6552



Comment by tranceman on October 20, 2009 at 8:07pm
we all know that world will not end in 2012.. it is the beginning of the New Golden Age.

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